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Twitter announces #4

Open kyprizel opened 9 years ago

kyprizel commented 9 years ago

Should we announce events to CTFtime twitter? I think it'll be too annoying. Am I wrong?

psifertex commented 9 years ago

Some folks might want it, I guess? Easy enough to make a new Twitter account for that express purpose to not clutter up the existing one though. Probably low priority since the existing feeds and Google calendar are there.

kyprizel commented 9 years ago

Agree - need to run separate account.

gynvael commented 9 years ago

Actually I wouldn't mind announcing events on CTFTime's twitter. My personal opinion is that that would be exactly what the account should be used for (it's directly aligned with what CTFTime.org is about), apart from other information of course.

computerality commented 9 years ago

In addition to a ctftime announcement twitter, having a bot in #pwning and other popular ctf irc channels would be nice.

psifertex commented 9 years ago

@computerality that sounds like something that someone else could easily write given the API and RSS feed...

zachriggle commented 9 years ago

I think having a T-X hours announcement / reminder for every CTF would be useful as well. I know when all the big ones are, I don't always remember that small ones are happening.

bl4de commented 9 years ago

I think CTF announcements should appear on CTFTime Twitter stream. Also, it would be nice if other information appears as well (eg. CTF scoreboard for each event when available, new writeups and so on). I fully agree with @gynvael in his opinion that this is exactly what some teams/players expect from CTFTime Twitter account. Anyway, ctftime.org is a great idea and I appreciate your efforts to cumulate all CTF information in one place as well as provide global ranking of CTFs and teams. Any additional activity on Twitter stream will be just a nice and handy addition to ctftime.org site.

koczkatamas commented 9 years ago

I would include the new CTFs, reminder before the CTF, scoreboard changes, but NOT the writeups.

bl4de commented 9 years ago

@koczkatamas Looks great, thanks :+1:

koczkatamas commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I am not an admin, I meant I suggest including ... :)