cth35 / tydom_python

Example of Python Code to manage Tydom (Delta Dore) devices - Need Tydom Gateway
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 5 forks source link

ajout des éléments de l'alarmes #4

Closed tonyb0t77 closed 4 years ago

tonyb0t77 commented 4 years ago

!/usr/bin/env python

import asyncio import websockets import http.client from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth import sys import logging from http.client import HTTPResponse from io import BytesIO import urllib3 import json import os import base64 import time from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler import ssl


mac = "000000000ABA" login = mac password = "MDP"

Local ip address or mediation.tydom.com for remote connexion

host = "mediation.tydom.com" #"" device_dict = dict()

Set Host, ssl context and prefix for remote or local connection

if host == "mediation.tydom.com": remote_mode = True ssl_context = None cmd_prefix = "\x02" else: remote_mode = False ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context() cmd_prefix = ""

class BytesIOSocket: def init(self, content): self.handle = BytesIO(content)

def makefile(self, mode):
    return self.handle

class HTTPRequest(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def init(self, request_text):

self.rfile = StringIO(request_text)

    self.raw_requestline = request_text
    self.error_code = self.error_message = None

def send_error(self, code, message):
    self.error_code = code
    self.error_message = message

def response_from_bytes(data): sock = BytesIOSocket(data) response = HTTPResponse(sock) response.begin() return urllib3.HTTPResponse.from_httplib(response)

def put_response_from_bytes(data): request = HTTPRequest(data) return request

Basic response parsing. Typically GET responses

def parse_response(bytes_str, type=None): try: response = response_from_bytes(bytes_str[len(cmd_prefix):]) data = response.data.decode("utf-8") if (data != ''): parsed = json.loads(data) if type == '/configs/file': for i in parsed["endpoints"]:

Get list of shutter

                if i["last_usage"] == 'shutter':
                    print('{} {}'.format(i["id_endpoint"],i["name"]))
                    device_dict[i["id_endpoint"]] = i["name"]
                    # TODO get other device type
                if i["last_usage"] == 'alarm':
                    print('{} {}'.format(i["id_endpoint"], i["name"]))
        elif type == '/devices/data':
            for i in parsed:
                if i["endpoints"][0]["error"] == 0:
                    for elem in i["endpoints"][0]["data"]:
                        # Get last known position (for shutter)
                        if elem["name"] == 'position':
                            # Get full name of this id
                            endpoint_id = i["endpoints"][0]["id"]
                            name_of_id = get_name_from_id(endpoint_id)
                            if len(name_of_id) != 0:
                                print_id = name_of_id
                                print_id = endpoint_id
                            print('{} : {}'.format(print_id,elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'alarmMode':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'alarmState':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'alarmSOS':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone1State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone2State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone3State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone4State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone5State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone6State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone7State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone8State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'gsmLevel':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'inactiveProduct':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zone1State':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'liveCheckRunning':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'networkDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'unitAutoProtect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'unitBatteryDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'unackedEvent':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'alarmTechnical':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'systAutoProtect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'sysBatteryDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'zsystSupervisionDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'systOpenIssue':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'systTechnicalDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'videoLinkDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'remoteSurveyDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))
                        if elem["name"] == 'simDefect':
                            print('{} : {} : {}'.format(
                            i["endpoints"][0]["id"], elem["name"], elem["value"]))

            # Default json dump
            print(json.dumps(parsed, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
except Exception as e:
    print('Cannot parse response')

PUT response DIRTY parsing

def parse_put_response(bytes_str):

TODO : Find a cooler way to parse nicely the PUT HTTP response

resp = bytes_str[len(cmd_prefix):].decode("utf-8")
fields = resp.split("\r\n")
fields = fields[6:]  # ignore the PUT / HTTP/1.1
end_parsing = False
i = 0
output = str()
while not end_parsing:
    field = fields[i]
    if len(field) == 0 or field == '0':
        end_parsing = True
        output += field
        i = i + 2
parsed = json.loads(output)
print(json.dumps(parsed, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))

Generate 16 bytes random key for Sec-WebSocket-Keyand convert it to base64

def generate_random_key(): return base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16))

Build the headers of Digest Authentication

def build_digest_headers(nonce): digestAuth = HTTPDigestAuth(login, password) chal = dict() chal["nonce"] = nonce[2].split('=', 1)[1].split('"')[1] chal["realm"] = "ServiceMedia" if remote_mode is True else "protected area" chal["qop"] = "auth" digestAuth._thread_local.chal = chal digestAuth._thread_local.last_nonce = nonce digestAuth._thread_local.nonce_count = 1 return digestAuth.build_digest_header('GET', "https://{}:443/mediation/client?mac={}&appli=1".format(host, mac))

Get pretty name for a device id

def get_name_from_id(id): name = "" if len(device_dict) != 0: name = device_dict[id] return(name)

Send Generic GET message

async def send_message(websocket, msg): str = cmd_prefix + "GET " + msg +" HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\nTransac-Id: 0\r\n\r\n" a_bytes = bytes(str, "ascii") await websocket.send(a_bytes) return await websocket.recv()




Get some information on Tydom

async def get_info(websocket): msg_type = '/info' parse_response(await send_message(websocket, msg_type), msg_type)

Get the moments (programs)

async def get_moments(websocket): msg_type = '/moments/file' parse_response(await send_message(websocket, msg_type), msg_type)

Get the scenarios

async def get_scenarios(websocket): msg_type = '/scenarios/file' parse_response(await send_message(websocket, msg_type), msg_type)

Get a ping (pong should be returned)

async def get_ping(websocket): msg_type = 'ping' parse_response(await send_message(websocket, msg_type), msg_type)

Get all devices metadata

async def get_devices_meta(websocket): msg_type = '/devices/meta' parse_response(await send_message(websocket, msg_type), msg_type)

Get all devices data

async def get_devices_data(websocket): msg_type = '/devices/data' parse_response(await send_message(websocket, msg_type), msg_type)

List the device to get the endpoint id

async def get_configs_file(websocket): msg_type = '/configs/file' parse_response(await send_message(websocket, msg_type), msg_type)

Give order (name + value) to endpoint

async def put_devices_data(websocket, endpoint_id, name, value):

For shutter, value is the percentage of closing

body="[{\"name\":\"" + name + "\",\"value\":\""+ value + "\"}]"
# endpoint_id is the endpoint = the device (shutter in this case) to open.
str_request = cmd_prefix + "PUT /devices/{}/endpoints/{}/data HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: ".format(str(endpoint_id),str(endpoint_id))+str(len(body))+"\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\nTransac-Id: 0\r\n\r\n"+body+"\r\n\r\n"
a_bytes = bytes(str_request, "ascii")
await websocket.send(a_bytes)
name = await websocket.recv()
name = await websocket.recv()

Run scenario

async def put_scenarios(websocket, scenario_id): body=""

scenario_id is the id of scenario got from the get_scenarios command

str_request = cmd_prefix + "PUT /scenarios/{} HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: ".format(str(scenario_id))+str(len(body))+"\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\nTransac-Id: 0\r\n\r\n"+body+"\r\n\r\n"
a_bytes = bytes(str_request, "ascii")
await websocket.send(a_bytes)
name = await websocket.recv()

Give order to endpoint

async def get_device_data(websocket, id):

10 here is the endpoint = the device (shutter in this case) to open.

str_request = cmd_prefix + "GET /devices/{}/endpoints/{}/data HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\nTransac-Id: 0\r\n\r\n".format(str(id),str(id))
a_bytes = bytes(str_request, "ascii")
await websocket.send(a_bytes)
name = await websocket.recv()

Main async task

@asyncio.coroutine async def main_task(): logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) httpHeaders = {"Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Host": host + ":443", "Accept": "/", "Sec-WebSocket-Key": generate_random_key(), "Sec-WebSocket-Version": "13" } http.client.HTTPSConnection.debuglevel = 1 http.client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

Create HTTPS connection on tydom server

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host, 443, context=ssl_context)
# Get first handshake
conn.request("GET", "/mediation/client?mac={}&appli=1".format(mac), None, httpHeaders)
res = conn.getresponse()
# Get authentication
nonce = res.headers["WWW-Authenticate"].split(',', 3)
# read response
# Close HTTPS Connection

# Build websocket headers
websocketHeaders = {'Authorization': build_digest_headers(nonce)}

if ssl_context is not None:
    websocket_ssl_context = ssl_context
    websocket_ssl_context = True # Verify certificate

async with websockets.client.connect('wss://{}:443/mediation/client?mac={}&appli=1'.format(host, mac),
                                     extra_headers=websocketHeaders, ssl=websocket_ssl_context) as websocket:

    # Get informations (not very useful)
    #await get_info(websocket)

    # Get all moments stored on Tydom
    #await get_moments(websocket)

    # Get scenarios ids
    #await get_scenarios(websocket)

    # Run scenario with scn id returned in previous command
    #await put_scenarios(websocket, 15)

    #await get_configs_file(websocket)
    #await get_devices_meta(websocket)

    # Get data of all device
    await get_devices_data(websocket)

    # Get data of a specific device
    #await get_device_data(websocket, 9)

    # Set a shutter position to 10%
    #await put_devices_data(websocket, 9, "position", "10.0")
    # TODO : Wait hardcoded for now to put response from websocket server


cth35 commented 4 years ago

I've merged the code. Tell me if it's working (I don't have alarm)

tonyb0t77 commented 4 years ago

yes !!! it's working!! good job

cth35 commented 4 years ago

cool ! thank you