cthit / chalmers.it

A 2023/2024 rewrite of the main website of the Software Engineering (IT) student division at Chalmers
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As a user that's not involved in the division, I want to see old committees and current committees in the main page banner and current committees in each committes page banner, so that I can see both past and current people in committees #29

Open erikpersson0884 opened 4 months ago

erikpersson0884 commented 4 months ago


Currently a random image is displayed on the main page, some committees have older images from previous committees still saved, which makes them show on the main page. This is nice as i can see the people in the committees from previous years, however when i go to a committees page then a random image from that committe is displayed there.

Having only the image of the current committe on the committe would make it so that i can find out which people are currently active, while still being able to see the people from committees on the main page.

Definition of Done