A web camera is set up to point to the coffee pot in Hubben. A website (coffee.chalmers.it) shows the stream from the webcam (important that it is video only).
We need it because ...
Students should not have to get up to go check if there is coffee. It should also be very easy to implement.
It is also very much in the IT spirit, and quite studentikost.
Could we not just weigh the coffee pot and from that estimate how much coffee is in the pot? Should be much easier to implement and makes a lot more sense in my opinion.
A web camera is set up to point to the coffee pot in Hubben. A website (coffee.chalmers.it) shows the stream from the webcam (important that it is video only).
We need it because ...
Students should not have to get up to go check if there is coffee. It should also be very easy to implement.
It is also very much in the IT spirit, and quite studentikost.
Ideas for additional features
I promise that