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Connecting Preprints to Peer-reviewed Articles on Wikidata | Biopragmatics #46

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Connecting Preprints to Peer-reviewed Articles on Wikidata | Biopragmatics

After the BioCypher preprint went up on the arXiv, I checked in on the missing co-author items list on the Scholia page that reflects my Wikidata entry. In addition to the several co-authors of the BioCypher manuscript that I don’t know personally, I was curious to see which other papers of mine did not have fully complete co-author annotations. This post has a few SPARQL queries that I used to look into this as well as a few ongoing questions I have about the relationship between distinct entries for preprints and published articles.


egonw commented 1 year ago

Try using this SPARQL and copy/paste the output at v2 QuickStatements (the first line should be "qid,P156", the header line:

SELECT ?qid ?P156
  VALUES ?author { wd:Q20895241 }
  ?preprint wdt:P31 wd:Q580922 ;
    wdt:P50 ?author ;
    rdfs:label ?preprintLabel .
  ?article wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 ;
    wdt:P50 ?author ;
    rdfs:label ?label .
  OPTIONAL { ?preprint wdt:P577 ?preprintDate }
  OPTIONAL { ?article wdt:P577 ?articleDate }
  MINUS { ?preprint wdt:P156 ?followedBy }
  FILTER (LCASE(?preprintLabel) = LCASE(?label))
  FILTER (?preprint != ?article)
  FILTER (LANG(?preprintLabel) = "en")
  FILTER (LANG(?label) = "en")
  BIND (CONCAT(SUBSTR(str(?preprint),32),",") AS ?qid)
  BIND (SUBSTR(str(?preprint),32) AS ?P156)
ORDER BY DESC(?articleDate)