ctm / mb2-doc

Mb2, poker software
7 stars 2 forks source link

stakes incorrect for level #496

Closed ctm closed 3 years ago

ctm commented 3 years ago

This was incorrect (way too low for the level):

Dealing #143599: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50

on the next hand, the right thing happened:

Dealing #143600: 12000 24000 (4000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 2500

For now I'm going to assume that this is easy to find and fix.

ctm commented 3 years ago

Here's everything from the table:

gerdog 🥃 has joined this table
deadhead has joined this table
kidZee has joined this table
AIYAH❗ has joined this table
🐭GamboMouse has joined this table
tegwin has joined this table

Dealing #143469: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1 B > gerdog 🥃     19950 50  [  ] [  ] Jd
2     deadhead     19950 50  [  ] [  ] 4d
3     kidZee       19950 50  [  ] [  ] 6c
4     AIYAH❗       19950 50  [  ] [  ] 2d
5     🐭GamboMouse  19950 50  [  ] [  ] 4c
6     tegwin       19950 50  [  ] [  ] 5d
               My cards are: [Ks] [5s] 4d
gerdog 🥃 asked for and gets 60 more seconds
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to raise the default amount
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 100
deadhead completes the 100 bring-in to 200
kidZee calls
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    19850[150] 
2   > deadhead     19750 250  [  ] [  ] 4d As
3     kidZee       19750 250  [  ] [  ] 6c 2s
4     AIYAH❗       19750 250  [  ] [  ] 2d 2c
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19950[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19950[ 50] 
                  My cards are: [Ks] [5s] 4d As
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 200
kidZee raises 200 to 400
AIYAH❗: I though PLH was win the button?
AIYAH❗ calls
It is 200 to you
deadhead: It is.  The way I implemented WTB sux.
deadhead raises 200 to 600
kidZee calls
AIYAH❗ folds
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    19850[150] 
2   > deadhead     19150 850  [  ] [  ] 4d As 3d
3     kidZee       19150 850  [  ] [  ] 6c 2s 6h
4    [AIYAH❗]      19350[650] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19950[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19950[ 50] 
                My cards are: [Ks] [5s] 4d As 3d
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
kidZee calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    19850[ 150] 
2   > deadhead     18750 1250  [  ] [  ] 4d As 3d 7c
3     kidZee       18750 1250  [  ] [  ] 6c 2s 6h 7h
4    [AIYAH❗]      19350[ 650] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19950[  50] 
6    [tegwin]      19950[  50] 
                 My cards are: [Ks] [5s] 4d As 3d 7c
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
kidZee calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    19850[ 150] 
2   > deadhead     18350 1650  [  ] [  ] 4d As 3d 7c [  ]
3     kidZee       18350 1650  [  ] [  ] 6c 2s 6h 7h [  ]
4    [AIYAH❗]      19350[ 650] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19950[  50] 
6    [tegwin]      19950[  50] 
                 My cards are: [Ks] [5s] 4d As 3d 7c [4h]
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
kidZee calls
deadhead  Ks 5s 4h   Face Seven (7 5 4 3 A) Ks 7c 5s 4d 4h 3d As
kidZee    Mucks
deadhead wins 5000

Dealing #143470: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1   > gerdog 🥃     19800 50  [  ] [  ] Kc
2 B   deadhead     22900 50  [  ] [  ] 6h
3     kidZee       17900 50  [  ] [  ] Jc
4     AIYAH❗       19300 50  [  ] [  ] 7h
5     🐭GamboMouse  19900 50  [  ] [  ] 8d
6     tegwin       19900 50  [  ] [  ] Jd
               My cards are: [Ad] [Js] 6h
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to raise the default amount
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 100
deadhead completes the 100 bring-in to 200
kidZee: 7-6
AIYAH❗: You won the button
kidZee folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
gerdog 🥃 folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    19700[150] 
2 B > deadhead     22700 250  [  ] [  ] 6h 4c
3    [kidZee]      17900[ 50] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      19300[ 50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19900[ 50] 
6     tegwin       19700 250  [  ] [  ] Jd Qs
                My cards are: [Ad] [Js] 6h 4c
It is 0 to you
deadhead: Oh, so I did...
deadhead bets 200
tegwin folds
Uncalled 200 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 800

Dealing #143472: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     19650 50  [  ] [  ] Ac
2 B   deadhead     23450 50  [  ] [  ] 3c
3     kidZee       17850 50  [  ] [  ] Td
4   > AIYAH❗       19250 50  [  ] [  ] Qs
5     🐭GamboMouse  19850 50  [  ] [  ] 8c
6     tegwin       19650 50  [  ] [  ] 5c
               My cards are: [6h] [Qh] 3c
gerdog 🥃: WTB here is only important on hand 8
AIYAH❗ completes the 100 bring-in to 200
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
kidZee: why's that?
AIYAH❗: because the next game is PLH
gerdog 🥃: they first buttom for plo
deadhead raises 200 to 400
kidZee folds
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    19650[ 50] 
2 B > deadhead     23050 450  [  ] [  ] 3c Tc
3    [kidZee]      17850[ 50] 
4     AIYAH❗       18850 450  [  ] [  ] Qs 5h
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19850[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19650[ 50] 
                  My cards are: [6h] [Qh] 3c Tc
It is 0 to you
kidZee: ah
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ bets 200
It is 200 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    19650[ 50] 
2 B > deadhead     22850 650  [  ] [  ] 3c Tc 4s
3    [kidZee]      17850[ 50] 
4     AIYAH❗       18650 650  [  ] [  ] Qs 5h 8d
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19850[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19650[ 50] 
                  My cards are: [6h] [Qh] 3c Tc 4s
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ bets 400
It is 400 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    19650[  50] 
2 B > deadhead     22450 1050  [  ] [  ] 3c Tc 4s 7s
3    [kidZee]      17850[  50] 
4     AIYAH❗       18250 1050  [  ] [  ] Qs 5h 8d 5d
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19850[  50] 
6    [tegwin]      19650[  50] 
                   My cards are: [6h] [Qh] 3c Tc 4s 7s
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    19650[  50] 
2 B > deadhead     22450 1050  [  ] [  ] 3c Tc 4s 7s [  ]
3    [kidZee]      17850[  50] 
4     AIYAH❗       18250 1050  [  ] [  ] Qs 5h 8d 5d [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19850[  50] 
6    [tegwin]      19650[  50] 
                   My cards are: [6h] [Qh] 3c Tc 4s 7s [3h]
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ checks
deadhead  6h Qh 3h   Face Ten (T 7 6 4 3)  Qh Tc 7s 6h 4s 3c 3h
AIYAH❗    3s 2s 9s   Face Nine (9 8 5 3 2) Qs 9s 8d 5d 5h 3s 2s
AIYAH❗   wins 2300

Dealing #143473: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     19600 50  [  ] [  ] Ts
2     deadhead     22400 50  [  ] [  ] 5d
3   > kidZee       17800 50  [  ] [  ] Qd
4 B   AIYAH❗       20500 50  [  ] [  ] 9d
5     🐭GamboMouse  19800 50  [  ] [  ] 5c
6     tegwin       19600 50  [  ] [  ] 2c
               My cards are: [9s] [3h] 5d
kidZee brings-in for 100
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse completes the 100 bring-in to 200
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
kidZee folds
Uncalled 100 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 500

🐭GamboMouse: squeak
Dealing #143474: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     19550 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
2     deadhead     22350 50  [  ] [  ] Jc
3   > kidZee       17650 50  [  ] [  ] Jd
4     AIYAH❗       20450 50  [  ] [  ] 7d
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  20150 50  [  ] [  ] 2s
6     tegwin       19550 50  [  ] [  ] Td
               My cards are: [6h] [5s] Jc
kidZee brings-in for 100
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
It is 100 to you
deadhead completes the 100 bring-in to 200
kidZee calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
gerdog 🥃 calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     19350 250  [  ] [  ] Ah 2d
2     deadhead     22150 250  [  ] [  ] Jc 4h
3     kidZee       17450 250  [  ] [  ] Jd 8h
4    [AIYAH❗]      20450[ 50] 
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  19950 250  [  ] [  ] 2s As
6    [tegwin]      19550[ 50] 
                   My cards are: [6h] [5s] Jc 4h
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to bet the default amount
gerdog 🥃 checks
deadhead bets 200
kidZee folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     19150 450  [  ] [  ] Ah 2d Qc
2   > deadhead     21950 450  [  ] [  ] Jc 4h 2c
3    [kidZee]      17450[250] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      20450[ 50] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 19950[250] 
6    [tegwin]      19550[ 50] 
                My cards are: [6h] [5s] Jc 4h 2c
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     18750 850  [  ] [  ] Ah 2d Qc 9d
2   > deadhead     21550 850  [  ] [  ] Jc 4h 2c Ts
3    [kidZee]      17450[250] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      20450[ 50] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 19950[250] 
6    [tegwin]      19550[ 50] 
                My cards are: [6h] [5s] Jc 4h 2c Ts
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     18350 1250  [  ] [  ] Ah 2d Qc 9d [  ]
2   > deadhead     21150 1250  [  ] [  ] Jc 4h 2c Ts [  ]
3    [kidZee]      17450[ 250] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      20450[  50] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 19950[ 250] 
6    [tegwin]      19550[  50] 
                 My cards are: [6h] [5s] Jc 4h 2c Ts [7h]
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
gerdog 🥃 calls
deadhead     6h 5s 7h   Face Seven (7 6 5 4 2) Jc Ts 7h 6h 5s 4h 2c
gerdog 🥃     Mucks
deadhead    wins 3900

Dealing #143476: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     17900 50  [  ] [  ] 5d
2 B   deadhead     24600 50  [  ] [  ] 2c
3     kidZee       17400 50  [  ] [  ] 6d
4     AIYAH❗       20400 50  [  ] [  ] 2d
5     🐭GamboMouse  19900 50  [  ] [  ] Td
6   > tegwin       19500 50  [  ] [  ] Qc
               My cards are: [9d] [9c] 2c
tegwin brings-in for 100
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
kidZee completes the 100 bring-in to 200
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[ 50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    24600[ 50] 
3   > kidZee       17200 250  [  ] [  ] 6d Qd
4     AIYAH❗       20200 250  [  ] [  ] 2d Ks
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19900[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19400[150] 
kidZee bets 200
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[ 50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    24600[ 50] 
3   > kidZee       17000 450  [  ] [  ] 6d Qd Ts
4     AIYAH❗       20000 450  [  ] [  ] 2d Ks 5s
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19900[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19400[150] 
gerdog 🥃: 7th street should be banned if i dont win
kidZee bets 400
AIYAH❗ raises 400 to 800
kidZee calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[  50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    24600[  50] 
3   > kidZee       16200 1250  [  ] [  ] 6d Qd Ts 5h
4     AIYAH❗       19200 1250  [  ] [  ] 2d Ks 5s 3s
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19900[  50] 
6    [tegwin]      19400[ 150] 
kidZee checks
AIYAH❗ bets 400
kidZee calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[  50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    24600[  50] 
3   > kidZee       15800 1650  [  ] [  ] 6d Qd Ts 5h [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       18800 1650  [  ] [  ] 2d Ks 5s 3s [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19900[  50] 
6    [tegwin]      19400[ 150] 
kidZee checks
AIYAH❗ bets 400
kidZee calls
AIYAH❗    6c Ac 4s   Face Five (5 4 3 2 A) Ks 6c 5s 4s 3s 2d Ac
kidZee    Mucks
AIYAH❗   wins 4400

kidZee: f m
Dealing #143478: 300 600 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 75
1     gerdog 🥃     17825 75  [  ] [  ] 5s
2     deadhead     24525 75  [  ] [  ] 9d
3   > kidZee       15325 75  [  ] [  ] Js
4 B   AIYAH❗       22725 75  [  ] [  ] 2h
5     🐭GamboMouse  19825 75  [  ] [  ] Ac
6     tegwin       19325 75  [  ] [  ] 6d
               My cards are: [Qd] [Qs] 9d
kidZee brings-in for 100
AIYAH❗: just did
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse: heh
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
kidZee: sure glad I signed up for this at the last minute
gerdog 🥃 calls
deadhead folds
1     gerdog 🥃     17725 175  [  ] [  ] 5s Ks
2    [deadhead]    24525[ 75] 
3     kidZee       15225 175  [  ] [  ] Js 6c
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      22725[ 75] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19825[ 75] 
6   > tegwin       19225 175  [  ] [  ] 6d 5d
tegwin bets 300
gerdog 🥃 calls
kidZee folds
1     gerdog 🥃     17425 475  [  ] [  ] 5s Ks 2s
2    [deadhead]    24525[ 75] 
3    [kidZee]      15225[175] 
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      22725[ 75] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19825[ 75] 
6   > tegwin       18925 475  [  ] [  ] 6d 5d 7c
tegwin bets 600
🐭GamboMouse: at least that was in an early round
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     16825 1075  [  ] [  ] 5s Ks 2s Th
2    [deadhead]    24525[  75] 
3    [kidZee]      15225[ 175] 
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      22725[  75] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19825[  75] 
6   > tegwin       18325 1075  [  ] [  ] 6d 5d 7c 8h
tegwin bets 600
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     16225 1675  [  ] [  ] 5s Ks 2s Th [  ]
2    [deadhead]    24525[  75] 
3    [kidZee]      15225[ 175] 
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      22725[  75] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19825[  75] 
6   > tegwin       17725 1675  [  ] [  ] 6d 5d 7c 8h [  ]
tegwin checks
gerdog 🥃 checks
tegwin       Ah Qc 6h   Face Eight (8 7 6 5 A) Qc 8h 7c 6d 6h 5d Ah
gerdog 🥃     Mucks
tegwin      wins 3750

Dealing #143480: 300 600 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 75
1     gerdog 🥃     16150 75  [  ] [  ] 6s
2     deadhead     24450 75  [  ] [  ] 6d
3   > kidZee       15150 75  [  ] [  ] Kh
4     AIYAH❗       22650 75  [  ] [  ] 8s
5     🐭GamboMouse  19750 75  [  ] [  ] 5d
6 B   tegwin       21400 75  [  ] [  ] Js
               My cards are: [As] [4s] 6d
kidZee brings-in for 100
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse completes the 100 bring-in to 300
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
kidZee folds
Uncalled 200 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 650

Dealing #143481: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 100
gerdog 🥃 blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     15950 200  [  ] [  ]
2   > deadhead     24450   0  [  ] [  ]
3     kidZee       15050   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       22650   0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  20300   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21300 100  [  ] [  ]
                My cards are: [8s] [Kh]
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
kidZee folds
gerdog 🥃: i think amazon just dropped off a case of vasoline
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
kidZee: no kidding
gerdog 🥃 raises 300 to 500
AIYAH❗ calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     15650 500  [  ] [  ]
2    [deadhead]    24450[  0] 
3    [kidZee]      15050[  0] 
4     AIYAH❗       22150 500  [  ] [  ]
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 20300[  0] 
6    [tegwin]      21300[100] 
Board: 4d Jd 8d
gerdog 🥃 bets 550
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 550 returned to gerdog 🥃
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 1100

Dealing #143482: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

deadhead blinds 100
kidZee blinds 200
1 B   gerdog 🥃     16750   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     24350 100  [  ] [  ]
3     kidZee       14850 200  [  ] [  ]
4   > AIYAH❗       22150   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  20300   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21300   0  [  ] [  ]
                My cards are: [3h] [2c]
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
AIYAH❗ raises 500 to 700
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
kidZee folds
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    16750[  0] 
2    [deadhead]    24350[100] 
3    [kidZee]      14850[200] 
4   > AIYAH❗       21450 700  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  19600 700  [  ] [  ]
6    [tegwin]      21300[  0] 
Board: 3c 7h 3d
AIYAH❗ bets 850
🐭GamboMouse folds
Uncalled 850 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 1700

Dealing #143484: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

🐭GamboMouse blinds 100
tegwin blinds 200
1   > gerdog 🥃     16750   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     24350   0  [  ] [  ]
3     kidZee       14850   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       23150   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  19500 100  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21100 200  [  ] [  ]
                My cards are: [4s] [Kd]
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
kidZee calls
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin raises 600 to 800
kidZee calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16750[  0] 
2    [deadhead]    24350[  0] 
3     kidZee       14050 800  [  ] [  ]
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      23150[  0] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[200] 
6   > tegwin       20500 800  [  ] [  ]
Board: 2d Qc 6s
tegwin bets 900
kidZee calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16750[   0] 
2    [deadhead]    24350[   0] 
3     kidZee       13150 1700  [  ] [  ]
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      23150[   0] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[ 200] 
6   > tegwin       19600 1700  [  ] [  ]
Board: 2d Qc 6s Ad
tegwin bets 1800
kidZee folds
Uncalled 1800 returned to tegwin
tegwin  Does Not Show
tegwin wins 3600

Dealing #143485: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 100
deadhead blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     16650 100  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     24150 200  [  ] [  ]
3   > kidZee       13150   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       23150   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  19400   0  [  ] [  ]
6 B   tegwin       23200   0  [  ] [  ]
                My cards are: [4c] [8h]
kidZee raises 200 to 400
AIYAH❗ raises 200 to 600
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 400 to you
deadhead folds
kidZee calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[100] 
2    [deadhead]    24150[200] 
3   > kidZee       12550 600  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       22550 600  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[  0] 
6 B  [tegwin]      23200[  0] 
Board: Qc 7s Jh
kidZee bets 200
AIYAH❗ raises 950 to 1150
kidZee raises 3800 to 4950
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[ 100] 
2    [deadhead]    24150[ 200] 
3   > kidZee       7600 5550  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       17600 5550  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[   0] 
6 B  [tegwin]      23200[   0] 
Board: Qc 7s Jh 7c
kidZee bets 7600 and is all-in
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[  100] 
2    [deadhead]    24150[  200] 
3     kidZee       0 13150  Th Jd
4     AIYAH❗       10000 13150  Ah Qd
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[    0] 
6 B  [tegwin]      23200[    0] 
Board: Qc 7s Jh 7c
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[  100] 
2    [deadhead]    24150[  200] 
3     kidZee       0 13150  Th Jd
4     AIYAH❗       10000 13150  Ah Qd
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[    0] 
6 B  [tegwin]      23200[    0] 
Board: Qc 7s Jh 7c Ac
kidZee      Th Jd     Two Pair (Jacks and Sevens) Jd Jh 7c 7s Ac
AIYAH❗      Ah Qd     Two Pair (Aces and Queens)  Ac Ah Qd Qc Jh
AIYAH❗   wins 26600

kidZee was busted by AIYAH❗ in 13th place
gerdog 🥃: gg
kidZee: well, that was fun
tegwin: gg
🐭GamboMouse: gg
deadhead: gg
Dealing #143487: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

🐭GamboMouse blinds 100
tegwin blinds 200
1   > gerdog 🥃     16650   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     24150   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       36600   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  19300 100  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       23000 200  [  ] [  ]
                My cards are: [2s] [8d]
gerdog 🥃: did you at least get breakfasr?
AIYAH❗: ask the floor for a comp
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
🐭GamboMouse: cab fare?
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse raises 400 to 600
tegwin calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[  0] 
2    [deadhead]    24150[  0] 
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      36600[  0] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  18800 600  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       22600 600  [  ] [  ]
Board: Qd Kh 3c
🐭GamboMouse bets 600
tegwin folds
Uncalled 600 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 1200

tombayz⏺️ has come from Table 2199
Dealing #143489: 200 400 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 200
tombayz⏺️ blinds 400
1   > gerdog 🥃     16650   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     24150   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       36600   0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  20000   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       22400 200  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    19925 400  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [3h] [4d]
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ raises 400 to 800
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[  0] 
2    [deadhead]    24150[  0] 
4     AIYAH❗       35800 800  [  ] [  ]
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 20000[  0] 
6    [tegwin]      22400[200] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    19525 800  [  ] [  ]
Board: 5c 3d Jh
tombayz⏺️ checks
AIYAH❗ bets 749
tombayz⏺️ folds
Uncalled 749 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 1800

Dealing #143490: 200 400 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

🐭GamboMouse blinds 200
tegwin blinds 400
1     gerdog 🥃     16650   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     24150   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       37600   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  19800 200  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       22000 400  [  ] [  ]
7   > tombayz⏺️    19525   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [Kd] [Kh]
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
It is 400 to you
deadhead raises 400 to 800
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     15850 800  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     23350 800  [  ] [  ]
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      37600[  0] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19800[200] 
6    [tegwin]      22000[400] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19525[  0] 
Board: 6s 6d Js
                My cards are: [Kd] [Kh]
gerdog 🥃 checks
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 2200
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 2200 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 2200

Dealing #143491: 200 400 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

AIYAH❗ blinds 200
🐭GamboMouse blinds 400
1     gerdog 🥃     15850   0  [  ] [  ]
2 B   deadhead     25550   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       37400 200  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  19400 400  [  ] [  ]
6   > tegwin       22000   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    19525   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [8c] [Qd]
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ raises 1000 to 1400
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 1400 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
Uncalled 1000 returned to tombayz⏺️
tombayz⏺️      Does Not Show
tombayz⏺️     wins 1000

Dealing #143493: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     15800 50  [  ] [  ] 3c
2     deadhead     25500 50  [  ] [  ] 5s
4     AIYAH❗       37350 50  [  ] [  ] 4h
5     🐭GamboMouse  19350 50  [  ] [  ] Kc
6     tegwin       21950 50  [  ] [  ] 4c
7 B > tombayz⏺️    20075 50  [  ] [  ] Kh
                   My cards are: [7d] [2c] 5s
tombayz⏺️ brings-in for 100
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 100 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse completes the 100 bring-in to 200
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    15800[ 50] 
2    [deadhead]    25500[ 50] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      37350[ 50] 
5     🐭GamboMouse  19150 250  [  ] [  ] Kc 6d
6   > tegwin       21750 250  [  ] [  ] 4c 7s
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   19975[150] 
tegwin bets 200
🐭GamboMouse folds
Uncalled 200 returned to tegwin
tegwin  Does Not Show
tegwin wins 800

Dealing #143495: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     15750 50  [  ] [  ] 8d
2     deadhead     25450 50  [  ] [  ] Ac
4     AIYAH❗       37300 50  [  ] [  ] 7d
5     🐭GamboMouse  19100 50  [  ] [  ] Ts
6 B   tegwin       22500 50  [  ] [  ] 9h
7   > tombayz⏺️    19925 50  [  ] [  ] Jh
                   My cards are: [5d] [3c] Ac
tombayz⏺️ brings-in for 100
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 calls
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
1     gerdog 🥃     15650 150  [  ] [  ] 8d 7h
2    [deadhead]    25450[ 50] 
4   > AIYAH❗       37200 150  [  ] [  ] 7d 3h
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19100[ 50] 
6 B  [tegwin]      22500[ 50] 
7     tombayz⏺️    19825 150  [  ] [  ] Jh 4h
AIYAH❗ bets 200
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     15450 350  [  ] [  ] 8d 7h 5h
2    [deadhead]    25450[ 50] 
4     AIYAH❗       37000 350  [  ] [  ] 7d 3h 3d
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19100[ 50] 
6 B  [tegwin]      22500[ 50] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19825[150] 
gerdog 🥃 bets 400
AIYAH❗ calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     15050 750  [  ] [  ] 8d 7h 5h Tc
2    [deadhead]    25450[ 50] 
4     AIYAH❗       36600 750  [  ] [  ] 7d 3h 3d 7s
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19100[ 50] 
6 B  [tegwin]      22500[ 50] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19825[150] 
gerdog 🥃 bets 400
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 400 returned to gerdog 🥃
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 1800

Dealing #143496: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1 B > gerdog 🥃     16800 50  [  ] [  ] Qh
2     deadhead     25400 50  [  ] [  ] 7h
4     AIYAH❗       36550 50  [  ] [  ] 2c
5     🐭GamboMouse  19050 50  [  ] [  ] 2s
6     tegwin       22450 50  [  ] [  ] 5c
7     tombayz⏺️    19775 50  [  ] [  ] 8d
                   My cards are: [7d] [Ks] 7h
AIYAH❗: booooo
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 100
It is 100 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse completes the 100 bring-in to 200
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 100 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 500

Dealing #143498: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     16650 50  [  ] [  ] 3s
2   > deadhead     25350 50  [  ] [  ] 8s
4     AIYAH❗       36500 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  19400 50  [  ] [  ] 2d
6     tegwin       22400 50  [  ] [  ] 6d
7     tombayz⏺️    19725 50  [  ] [  ] 5c
                   My cards are: [Kh] [7d] 8s
It's your 100 bring-in (or complete to 200)
deadhead brings-in for 100
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[ 50] 
2     deadhead     25250 150  [  ] [  ] 8s 6s
4     AIYAH❗       36400 150  [  ] [  ] Ah Kd
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[ 50] 
6   > tegwin       22300 150  [  ] [  ] 6d 8c
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19725[ 50] 
                My cards are: [Kh] [7d] 8s 6s
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call any action
tegwin checks
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16650[ 50] 
2   > deadhead     25250 150  [  ] [  ] 8s 6s 2c
4     AIYAH❗       36400 150  [  ] [  ] Ah Kd Qs
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 19400[ 50] 
6     tegwin       22300 150  [  ] [  ] 6d 8c Qh
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19725[ 50] 
                My cards are: [Kh] [7d] 8s 6s 2c
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
AIYAH❗ folds
tegwin folds
Uncalled 400 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 600

Dealing #143500: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     16600 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
2 B   deadhead     25800 50  [  ] [  ] 8s
4     AIYAH❗       36350 50  [  ] [  ] 7d
5     🐭GamboMouse  19350 50  [  ] [  ] 7s
6     tegwin       22250 50  [  ] [  ] 4d
7   > tombayz⏺️    19675 50  [  ] [  ] Jc
                   My cards are: [9s] [2d] 8s
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
tombayz⏺️ brings-in for 100
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin completes the 100 bring-in to 200
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16600[ 50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    25800[ 50] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      36350[ 50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19350[ 50] 
6   > tegwin       22050 250  [  ] [  ] 4d 3h
7     tombayz⏺️    19475 250  [  ] [  ] Jc 3d
tegwin bets 200
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16600[ 50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    25800[ 50] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      36350[ 50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19350[ 50] 
6   > tegwin       21850 450  [  ] [  ] 4d 3h Ad
7     tombayz⏺️    19275 450  [  ] [  ] Jc 3d 2h
tegwin bets 400
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16600[ 50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    25800[ 50] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      36350[ 50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19350[ 50] 
6   > tegwin       21450 850  [  ] [  ] 4d 3h Ad 6c
7     tombayz⏺️    18875 850  [  ] [  ] Jc 3d 2h 8c
tegwin bets 400
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16600[  50] 
2 B  [deadhead]    25800[  50] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      36350[  50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19350[  50] 
6   > tegwin       21050 1250  [  ] [  ] 4d 3h Ad 6c [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    18475 1250  [  ] [  ] Jc 3d 2h 8c [  ]
tegwin checks
tombayz⏺️ checks
tegwin         6d Qs Kd   Face Queen (Q 6 4 3 A) Kd Qs 6c 6d 4d 3h Ad
tombayz⏺️ 7c 9c Qc Face Nine (9 8 7 3 2) Qc Jc 9c 8c 7c 3d 2h
tombayz⏺️     wins 2700

Dealing #143502: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     16550 50  [  ] [  ] Ad
2   > deadhead     25750 50  [  ] [  ] Kc
4     AIYAH❗       36300 50  [  ] [  ] 8s
5     🐭GamboMouse  19300 50  [  ] [  ] 6s
6     tegwin       21000 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
7 B   tombayz⏺️    21125 50  [  ] [  ] 9c
                   My cards are: [8d] [5c] Kc
It's your 100 bring-in (or complete to 200)
deadhead completes the 100 bring-in to 200
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     16350 250  [  ] [  ] Ad Tc
2     deadhead     25550 250  [  ] [  ] Kc Jh
4   > AIYAH❗       36100 250  [  ] [  ] 8s 7c
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19300[ 50] 
6     tegwin       20800 250  [  ] [  ] Ah Ks
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   21125[ 50] 
                My cards are: [8d] [5c] Kc Jh
AIYAH❗ bets 200
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
tegwin calls
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16350[250] 
2    [deadhead]    25550[250] 
4   > AIYAH❗       35900 450  [  ] [  ] 8s 7c Ts
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19300[ 50] 
6     tegwin       20600 450  [  ] [  ] Ah Ks Kd
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   21125[ 50] 
AIYAH❗ bets 400
tegwin calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16350[250] 
2    [deadhead]    25550[250] 
4   > AIYAH❗       35500 850  [  ] [  ] 8s 7c Ts 5h
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19300[ 50] 
6     tegwin       20200 850  [  ] [  ] Ah Ks Kd 8c
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   21125[ 50] 
AIYAH❗ bets 400
tegwin calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16350[ 250] 
2    [deadhead]    25550[ 250] 
4   > AIYAH❗       35100 1250  [  ] [  ] 8s 7c Ts 5h [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 19300[  50] 
6     tegwin       19800 1250  [  ] [  ] Ah Ks Kd 8c [  ]
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   21125[  50] 
AIYAH❗ bets 400
tegwin calls
AIYAH❗    Qh 2d 9h   Face Nine (9 8 7 5 2) Qh Ts 9h 8s 7c 5h 2d
tegwin    5d 6h 9s   Face Nine (9 8 6 5 A) Kd Ks 9s 8c 6h 5d Ah
tegwin   wins 3900

Dealing #143504: 600 1200 (200) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 150
1     gerdog 🥃     16200 150  [  ] [  ] Tc
2     deadhead     25400 150  [  ] [  ] 9c
4     AIYAH❗       34550 150  [  ] [  ] 5s
5     🐭GamboMouse  19150 150  [  ] [  ] 4h
6 B   tegwin       23150 150  [  ] [  ] 9d
7   > tombayz⏺️    20975 150  [  ] [  ] Qd
                    My cards are: [Jd] [2d] 9c
tombayz⏺️ brings-in for 200
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
deadhead calls
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse completes the 200 bring-in to 600
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
It is 400 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16200[150] 
2     deadhead     24800 750  [  ] [  ] 9c Qs
4    [AIYAH❗]      34550[150] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  18550 750  [  ] [  ] 4h Ac
6 B  [tegwin]      23150[150] 
7     tombayz⏺️    20375 750  [  ] [  ] Qd 5d
                    My cards are: [Jd] [2d] 9c Qs
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
🐭GamboMouse bets 600
tombayz⏺️ calls
deadhead folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16200[ 150] 
2    [deadhead]    24800[ 750] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      34550[ 150] 
5     🐭GamboMouse  17950 1350  [  ] [  ] 4h Ac Ks
6 B  [tegwin]      23150[ 150] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    19775 1350  [  ] [  ] Qd 5d 6h
tombayz⏺️ checks
🐭GamboMouse bets 1200
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16200[ 150] 
2    [deadhead]    24800[ 750] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      34550[ 150] 
5     🐭GamboMouse  16750 2550  [  ] [  ] 4h Ac Ks 2s
6 B  [tegwin]      23150[ 150] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    18575 2550  [  ] [  ] Qd 5d 6h 8s
tombayz⏺️ checks
🐭GamboMouse bets 1200
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    16200[ 150] 
2    [deadhead]    24800[ 750] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      34550[ 150] 
5     🐭GamboMouse  15550 3750  [  ] [  ] 4h Ac Ks 2s [  ]
6 B  [tegwin]      23150[ 150] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    17375 3750  [  ] [  ] Qd 5d 6h 8s [  ]
tombayz⏺️ checks
🐭GamboMouse bets 1200
tombayz⏺️ calls
🐭GamboMouse 7c 3h 3d Face Seven (7 4 3 2 A) Ks 7c 4h 3d 3h 2s Ac
tombayz⏺️        Mucks
🐭GamboMouse    wins 11100

Dealing #143506: 600 1200 (200) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 150
1     gerdog 🥃     16050 150  [  ] [  ] 5d
2     deadhead     24650 150  [  ] [  ] 6h
4     AIYAH❗       34400 150  [  ] [  ] 8d
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  25300 150  [  ] [  ] 7d
6   > tegwin       23000 150  [  ] [  ] Jc
7     tombayz⏺️    16025 150  [  ] [  ] 6c
                    My cards are: [4s] [3h] 6h
tegwin brings-in for 200
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
1   > gerdog 🥃     15850 350  [  ] [  ] 5d Ah
2    [deadhead]    24650[150] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      34400[150] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 25300[150] 
6     tegwin       22800 350  [  ] [  ] Jc 2d
7    [tombayz⏺️]   16025[150] 
gerdog 🥃 bets 600
tegwin calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     15250 950  [  ] [  ] 5d Ah 9c
2    [deadhead]    24650[150] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      34400[150] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 25300[150] 
6     tegwin       22200 950  [  ] [  ] Jc 2d Jh
7    [tombayz⏺️]   16025[150] 
gerdog 🥃 bets 1200
tegwin folds
Uncalled 1200 returned to gerdog 🥃
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 2500

Dealing #143508: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

deadhead blinds 100
AIYAH❗ blinds 200
1 B   gerdog 🥃     17750   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     24550 100  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       34200 200  [  ] [  ]
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  25300   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       22200   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    16025   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [9h] [9d]
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 100 to you
You did not raise.  You wanted to raise 400 but the minimum is 600
You did not raise.  You wanted to raise 400 but the minimum is 600
deadhead asked for and gets 60 more seconds
deadhead: WTF deadhead?
deadhead asked for and gets 60 more seconds
You did not raise.  You wanted to raise 400 but the minimum is 600
AIYAH❗: did you break something else?
deadhead raises 600 to 800
AIYAH❗ calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    17750[  0] 
2   > deadhead     23850 800  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       33600 800  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 25300[  0] 
6    [tegwin]      22200[  0] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   16025[  0] 
Board: Qd Ad 8s
                  My cards are: [9h] [9d]
It is 0 to you
gerdog 🥃: heh 
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ checks
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    17750[  0] 
2   > deadhead     23850 800  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       33600 800  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 25300[  0] 
6    [tegwin]      22200[  0] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   16025[  0] 
Board: Qd Ad 8s 5h
                  My cards are: [9h] [9d]
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ bets 800
It is 800 to you
deadhead folds
Uncalled 800 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 1600

Dealing #143510: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

🐭GamboMouse blinds 100
tegwin blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     17750   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     23850   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       35200   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  25200 100  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       22000 200  [  ] [  ]
7   > tombayz⏺️    16025   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [5d] [8s]
tombayz⏺️ folds
deadhead: The raise pot button didn't work
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
deadhead: so I used Jam to raise pot
deadhead: I will report the bug when I get a chance
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗: huh. raise pot has been working for me. maybe it's a blind vs blind problem?
gerdog 🥃: the bug should show up soon now
AIYAH❗ raises 250 to 450
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
Uncalled 250 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 500

Dealing #143512: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

🐭GamboMouse blinds 100
tegwin blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     17750   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     23850   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       35500   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  25100 100  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21800 200  [  ] [  ]
7   > tombayz⏺️    16025   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [4h] [Js]
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse raises 400 to 600
tegwin folds
Uncalled 400 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 400

Dealing #143513: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 100
tombayz⏺️ blinds 200
1   > gerdog 🥃     17750   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     23850   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       35500   0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  25400   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21700 100  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    15825 200  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [2d] [4h]
🐭GamboMouse: Raise pot worked
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 raises 250 to 450
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
1     gerdog 🥃     17300 450  [  ] [  ]
2    [deadhead]    23850[  0] 
4     AIYAH❗       35050 450  [  ] [  ]
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 25400[  0] 
6    [tegwin]      21700[100] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    15575 450  [  ] [  ]
Board: Jc Jh 5d
tombayz⏺️ checks
gerdog 🥃: raise 1/2 pot worked
deadhead: Yeah, it's blind related
gerdog 🥃 bets 1450
AIYAH❗ asked for and gets 60 more seconds
AIYAH❗ folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
Uncalled 1450 returned to gerdog 🥃
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 1450

Dealing #143515: 400 800 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

deadhead blinds 400
AIYAH❗ blinds 800
1 B   gerdog 🥃     18750   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     23450 400  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       34250 800  [  ] [  ]
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  25400   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21700   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    15575   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [5c] [Qd]
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ raises 2000 to 2800
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 2000 returned to tombayz⏺️
tombayz⏺️      Does Not Show
tombayz⏺️     wins 2000

Dealing #143516: 400 800 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 400
deadhead blinds 800
1     gerdog 🥃     18350 400  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     22650 800  [  ] [  ]
4   > AIYAH❗       34250   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  25400   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21700   0  [  ] [  ]
7 B   tombayz⏺️    16775   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [2h] [2s]
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ raises 2000 to 2800
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 2000 to you
deadhead folds
Uncalled 2000 returned to tombayz⏺️
tombayz⏺️      Does Not Show
tombayz⏺️     wins 2000

Dealing #143518: 400 800 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 400
deadhead blinds 800
1     gerdog 🥃     17950 400  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     21850 800  [  ] [  ]
4   > AIYAH❗       34250   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  25400   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       21700   0  [  ] [  ]
7 B   tombayz⏺️    17975   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [As] [Qh]
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin raises 1000 to 1800
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 1000 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17950[ 400] 
2   > deadhead     20850 1800  [  ] [  ]
4    [AIYAH❗]      34250[   0] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 25400[   0] 
6     tegwin       19900 1800  [  ] [  ]
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   17975[   0] 
Board: 2d 6h Ac
                 My cards are: [As] [Qh]
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 4000
tegwin folds
Uncalled 4000 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 4000

Dealing #143520: 400 800 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

AIYAH❗ blinds 400
🐭GamboMouse blinds 800
1     gerdog 🥃     17950   0  [  ] [  ]
2 B   deadhead     24850   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       33850 400  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  24600 800  [  ] [  ]
6   > tegwin       19900   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    17975   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [8s] [6s]
tegwin folds
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
tombayz⏺️ raises 2000 to 2800
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
Uncalled 2000 returned to tombayz⏺️
tombayz⏺️      Does Not Show
tombayz⏺️     wins 2000

Dealing #143521: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     17900 50  [  ] [  ] Td
2     deadhead     24800 50  [  ] [  ] 2h
4   > AIYAH❗       33800 50  [  ] [  ] Kd
5     🐭GamboMouse  24550 50  [  ] [  ] 7c
6     tegwin       19850 50  [  ] [  ] 9d
7 B   tombayz⏺️    19125 50  [  ] [  ] Th
                   My cards are: [3d] [Jh] 2h
AIYAH❗ brings-in for 100
🐭GamboMouse completes the 100 bring-in to 200
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
deadhead raises 200 to 400
AIYAH❗ raises 200 to 600
🐭GamboMouse calls
It is 200 to you
deadhead raises 200 to 800
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[ 50] 
2     deadhead     24000 850  [  ] [  ] 2h 2c
4     AIYAH❗       33000 850  [  ] [  ] Kd Ts
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  23750 850  [  ] [  ] 7c Qs
6    [tegwin]      19850[ 50] 
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   19125[ 50] 
                   My cards are: [3d] [Jh] 2h 2c
🐭GamboMouse checks
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ bets 200
🐭GamboMouse calls
It is 200 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[  50] 
2     deadhead     23800 1050  [  ] [  ] 2h 2c 2d
4     AIYAH❗       32800 1050  [  ] [  ] Kd Ts Ks
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  23550 1050  [  ] [  ] 7c Qs 7s
6    [tegwin]      19850[  50] 
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   19125[  50] 
                    My cards are: [3d] [Jh] 2h 2c 2d
🐭GamboMouse bets 400
It is 400 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[  50] 
2    [deadhead]    23800[1050] 
4   > AIYAH❗       32400 1450  [  ] [  ] Kd Ts Ks Js
5     🐭GamboMouse  23150 1450  [  ] [  ] 7c Qs 7s 7h
6    [tegwin]      19850[  50] 
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   19125[  50] 
AIYAH❗ checks
deadhead: h!
🐭GamboMouse checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17900[  50] 
2    [deadhead]    23800[1050] 
4   > AIYAH❗       32400 1450  [  ] [  ] Kd Ts Ks Js [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  23150 1450  [  ] [  ] 7c Qs 7s 7h [  ]
6    [tegwin]      19850[  50] 
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   19125[  50] 
AIYAH❗: LOL these boards
AIYAH❗ checks
🐭GamboMouse checks
AIYAH❗ 6c 8h 7d Face Jack (J T 8 7 6) Kd Ks Js Ts 8h 7d 6c
🐭GamboMouse     Mucks
AIYAH❗         wins 4100

Dealing #143524: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     17850 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
2   > deadhead     23750 50  [  ] [  ] Js
4 B   AIYAH❗       36450 50  [  ] [  ] 3h
5     🐭GamboMouse  23100 50  [  ] [  ] 4d
6     tegwin       19800 50  [  ] [  ] 7s
7     tombayz⏺️    19075 50  [  ] [  ] 9s
                   My cards are: [9d] [6d] Js
It's your 100 bring-in (or complete to 200)
deadhead brings-in for 100
AIYAH❗ completes the 100 bring-in to 200
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 100 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17850[ 50] 
2     deadhead     23550 250  [  ] [  ] Js Th
4 B > AIYAH❗       36250 250  [  ] [  ] 3h 5d
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 23100[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19800[ 50] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19075[ 50] 
                  My cards are: [9d] [6d] Js Th
AIYAH❗ bets 200
It is 200 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    17850[ 50] 
2     deadhead     23350 450  [  ] [  ] Js Th As
4 B > AIYAH❗       36050 450  [  ] [  ] 3h 5d 6s
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 23100[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19800[ 50] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19075[ 50] 
                  My cards are: [9d] [6d] Js Th As
AIYAH❗ bets 400
It is 400 to you
deadhead folds
Uncalled 400 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 1100

Dealing #143525: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1   > gerdog 🥃     17800 50  [  ] [  ] Qd
2     deadhead     23300 50  [  ] [  ] 2s
4 B   AIYAH❗       37100 50  [  ] [  ] 9h
5     🐭GamboMouse  23050 50  [  ] [  ] 6c
6     tegwin       19750 50  [  ] [  ] 8d
7     tombayz⏺️    19025 50  [  ] [  ] Js
                   My cards are: [Qs] [5s] 2s
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 100
It is 100 to you
deadhead completes the 100 bring-in to 200
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     17600 250  [  ] [  ] Qd Ad
2   > deadhead     23100 250  [  ] [  ] 2s 3s
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      37100[ 50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 23050[ 50] 
6     tegwin       19550 250  [  ] [  ] 8d 9c
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19025[ 50] 
                My cards are: [Qs] [5s] 2s 3s
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 200
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     17400 450  [  ] [  ] Qd Ad Td
2   > deadhead     22900 450  [  ] [  ] 2s 3s Qc
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      37100[ 50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 23050[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19550[250] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19025[ 50] 
                My cards are: [Qs] [5s] 2s 3s Qc
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
gerdog 🥃 checks
1     gerdog 🥃     17400 450  [  ] [  ] Qd Ad Td Kd
2   > deadhead     22900 450  [  ] [  ] 2s 3s Qc 8c
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      37100[ 50] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 23050[ 50] 
6    [tegwin]      19550[250] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   19025[ 50] 
                My cards are: [Qs] [5s] 2s 3s Qc 8c
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 400
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 400 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 1300

Dealing #143527: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     17350 50  [  ] [  ] 2c
2 B   deadhead     24150 50  [  ] [  ] 3h
4     AIYAH❗       37050 50  [  ] [  ] 2d
5     🐭GamboMouse  23000 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
6   > tegwin       19500 50  [  ] [  ] Jh
7     tombayz⏺️    18975 50  [  ] [  ] 4c
                   My cards are: [Jc] [8c] 3h
tegwin brings-in for 100
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 completes the 100 bring-in to 200
It is 200 to you
deadhead calls
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin folds
1     gerdog 🥃     17150 250  [  ] [  ] 2c Js
2 B   deadhead     23950 250  [  ] [  ] 3h 7h
4    [AIYAH❗]      37050[ 50] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  22800 250  [  ] [  ] Ah 7s
6    [tegwin]      19400[150] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   18975[ 50] 
                   My cards are: [Jc] [8c] 3h 7h
🐭GamboMouse checks
gerdog 🥃 bets 200
It is 200 to you
deadhead calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
1     gerdog 🥃     16950 450  [  ] [  ] 2c Js 5h
2 B > deadhead     23750 450  [  ] [  ] 3h 7h 8h
4    [AIYAH❗]      37050[ 50] 
5     🐭GamboMouse  22600 450  [  ] [  ] Ah 7s 9s
6    [tegwin]      19400[150] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   18975[ 50] 
                   My cards are: [Jc] [8c] 3h 7h 8h
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
🐭GamboMouse checks
gerdog 🥃 bets 400
It is 400 to you
deadhead folds
🐭GamboMouse calls
1     gerdog 🥃     16550 850  [  ] [  ] 2c Js 5h Ts
2 B  [deadhead]    23750[450] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      37050[ 50] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  22200 850  [  ] [  ] Ah 7s 9s 3c
6    [tegwin]      19400[150] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   18975[ 50] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
gerdog 🥃 checks
1     gerdog 🥃     16550 850  [  ] [  ] 2c Js 5h Ts [  ]
2 B  [deadhead]    23750[450] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      37050[ 50] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  22200 850  [  ] [  ] Ah 7s 9s 3c [  ]
6    [tegwin]      19400[150] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   18975[ 50] 
🐭GamboMouse folds
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 2400

Dealing #143529: 1000 2000 (300) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 200
1 B   gerdog 🥃     18750 200  [  ] [  ] 9d
2     deadhead     23550 200  [  ] [  ] 4d
4     AIYAH❗       36850 200  [  ] [  ] 3d
5     🐭GamboMouse  22000 200  [  ] [  ] 8c
6     tegwin       19200 200  [  ] [  ] 2h
7   > tombayz⏺️    18775 200  [  ] [  ] Js
                    My cards are: [9h] [Ts] 4d
tombayz⏺️ brings-in for 300
🐭GamboMouse: Dumb game
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 300 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse completes the 300 bring-in to 1000
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ raises 1000 to 2000
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    18750[ 200] 
2    [deadhead]    23550[ 200] 
4     AIYAH❗       34850 2200  [  ] [  ] 3d Kc
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  20000 2200  [  ] [  ] 8c 9s
6     tegwin       17200 2200  [  ] [  ] 2h Ks
7     tombayz⏺️    16775 2200  [  ] [  ] Js Td
🐭GamboMouse bets 1000
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ calls
AIYAH❗ raises 1000 to 2000
🐭GamboMouse raises 1000 to 3000
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
AIYAH❗ calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    18750[ 200] 
2    [deadhead]    23550[ 200] 
4     AIYAH❗       31850 5200  [  ] [  ] 3d Kc Kd
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  17000 5200  [  ] [  ] 8c 9s Jh
6     tegwin       14200 5200  [  ] [  ] 2h Ks 8h
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15775[3200] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
tegwin bets 2000
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    18750[ 200] 
2    [deadhead]    23550[ 200] 
4     AIYAH❗       29850 7200  [  ] [  ] 3d Kc Kd 6h
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  15000 7200  [  ] [  ] 8c 9s Jh 2c
6     tegwin       12200 7200  [  ] [  ] 2h Ks 8h Qh
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15775[3200] 
🐭GamboMouse bets 2000
tegwin calls
AIYAH❗ calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    18750[ 200] 
2    [deadhead]    23550[ 200] 
4     AIYAH❗       27850 9200  [  ] [  ] 3d Kc Kd 6h [  ]
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  13000 9200  [  ] [  ] 8c 9s Jh 2c [  ]
6     tegwin       10200 9200  [  ] [  ] 2h Ks 8h Qh [  ]
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15775[3200] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
tegwin checks
AIYAH❗ bets 2000
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
AIYAH❗     7h Ac 5c   Face Seven (7 6 5 3 A) Kc Kd 7h 6h 5c 3d Ac
tegwin     Mucks
AIYAH❗   wins 35200

Dealing #143532: 1000 2000 (300) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 200
1   > gerdog 🥃     18550 200  [  ] [  ] Jh
2     deadhead     23350 200  [  ] [  ] 7d
4 B   AIYAH❗       60850 200  [  ] [  ] 5s
5     🐭GamboMouse  12800 200  [  ] [  ] 5c
6     tegwin       8000 200  [  ] [  ] Td
7     tombayz⏺️    15575 200  [  ] [  ] 3c
                    My cards are: [5d] [Ac] 7d
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 300
It is 300 to you
deadhead: Reported
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
1     gerdog 🥃     18250 500  [  ] [  ] Jh 7c
2    [deadhead]    23350[200] 
4 B > AIYAH❗       60550 500  [  ] [  ] 5s 2d
5     🐭GamboMouse  12500 500  [  ] [  ] 5c Qh
6    [tegwin]      8000[200] 
7     tombayz⏺️    15275 500  [  ] [  ] 3c Jd
AIYAH❗ bets 1000
🐭GamboMouse calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    18250[ 500] 
2    [deadhead]    23350[ 200] 
4 B > AIYAH❗       59550 1500  [  ] [  ] 5s 2d 4c
5     🐭GamboMouse  11500 1500  [  ] [  ] 5c Qh 9h
6    [tegwin]      8000[ 200] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15275[ 500] 
AIYAH❗ bets 2000
🐭GamboMouse folds
Uncalled 2000 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 4400

Dealing #143534: 1000 2000 (300) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 200
1     gerdog 🥃     18050 200  [  ] [  ] 4d
2     deadhead     23150 200  [  ] [  ] 7d
4 B > AIYAH❗       63750 200  [  ] [  ] Ks
5     🐭GamboMouse  11300 200  [  ] [  ] Qh
6     tegwin       7800 200  [  ] [  ] 9d
7     tombayz⏺️    15075 200  [  ] [  ] Qd
                    My cards are: [Js] [5d] 7d
AIYAH❗ brings-in for 300
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
It is 300 to you
deadhead completes the 300 bring-in to 1000
AIYAH❗ calls
gerdog 🥃 calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     17050 1200  [  ] [  ] 4d 7c
2     deadhead     22150 1200  [  ] [  ] 7d 4s
4 B   AIYAH❗       62750 1200  [  ] [  ] Ks 8c
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11300[ 200] 
6    [tegwin]      7800[ 200] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15075[ 200] 
                   My cards are: [Js] [5d] 7d 4s
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to bet the default amount
gerdog 🥃 bets 1000
You did not bet. It's 1000 to you
It is 1000 to you
deadhead calls
AIYAH❗ calls
1     gerdog 🥃     16050 2200  [  ] [  ] 4d 7c 7s
2   > deadhead     21150 2200  [  ] [  ] 7d 4s 3d
4 B   AIYAH❗       61750 2200  [  ] [  ] Ks 8c Qc
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11300[ 200] 
6    [tegwin]      7800[ 200] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15075[ 200] 
                   My cards are: [Js] [5d] 7d 4s 3d
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 2000
AIYAH❗ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     14050 4200  [  ] [  ] 4d 7c 7s 5h
2   > deadhead     19150 4200  [  ] [  ] 7d 4s 3d Qs
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      61750[2200] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11300[ 200] 
6    [tegwin]      7800[ 200] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15075[ 200] 
                 My cards are: [Js] [5d] 7d 4s 3d Qs
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 2000
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     12050 6200  [  ] [  ] 4d 7c 7s 5h [  ]
2   > deadhead     17150 6200  [  ] [  ] 7d 4s 3d Qs [  ]
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      61750[2200] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11300[ 200] 
6    [tegwin]      7800[ 200] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   15075[ 200] 
                 My cards are: [Js] [5d] 7d 4s 3d Qs [2c]
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 2000
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 2000 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 15200

Dealing #143535: 1200 2400 (400) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 200
1     gerdog 🥃     11850 200  [  ] [  ] 4d
2 B > deadhead     32150 200  [  ] [  ] Jh
4     AIYAH❗       61550 200  [  ] [  ] Ts
5     🐭GamboMouse  11100 200  [  ] [  ] 8d
6     tegwin       7600 200  [  ] [  ] 6s
7     tombayz⏺️    14875 200  [  ] [  ] Ad
                    My cards are: [5c] [4c] Jh
It's your 400 bring-in (or complete to 1200)
gerdog 🥃: fucking 2 pr
deadhead completes the 400 bring-in to 1200
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ calls
gerdog 🥃 folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    11850[ 200] 
2 B   deadhead     30950 1400  [  ] [  ] Jh Td
4    [AIYAH❗]      61550[ 200] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11100[ 200] 
6   > tegwin       6400 1400  [  ] [  ] 6s 3h
7     tombayz⏺️    13675 1400  [  ] [  ] Ad As
                     My cards are: [5c] [4c] Jh Td
tegwin bets 1200
tombayz⏺️ folds
It is 1200 to you
AIYAH❗: [reported]
AIYAH❗: lol
deadhead folds
Uncalled 1200 returned to tegwin
tegwin  Does Not Show
tegwin wins 4800

AIYAH❗: it needs both halves to linkify
Dealing #143537: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tombayz⏺️ blinds 100
gerdog 🥃 blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     11650 200  [  ] [  ]
2   > deadhead     30950   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       61550   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  11100   0  [  ] [  ]
6 B   tegwin       11200   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    13575 100  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [7s] [7c]
It is 200 to you
You did not raise.  You wanted to raise 500 but the minimum is 1200
deadhead raises 500 to 700
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    11650[200] 
2   > deadhead     30250 700  [  ] [  ]
4    [AIYAH❗]      61550[  0] 
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11100[  0] 
6 B   tegwin       10500 700  [  ] [  ]
7    [tombayz⏺️]   13575[100] 
Board: 3c 9c Kc
                My cards are: [7s] [7c]
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 850
tegwin folds
Uncalled 850 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 1700

Dealing #143539: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

AIYAH❗ blinds 100
🐭GamboMouse blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     11650   0  [  ] [  ]
2 B   deadhead     31950   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       61450 100  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  10900 200  [  ] [  ]
6   > tegwin       10500   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    13575   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [As] [7s]
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
deadhead raises 500 to 700
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    11650[  0] 
2 B   deadhead     31250 700  [  ] [  ]
4   > AIYAH❗       60850 700  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 10900[200] 
6    [tegwin]      10500[  0] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   13575[  0] 
Board: Qd 3c 2h
                  My cards are: [As] [7s]
AIYAH❗ checks
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    11650[  0] 
2 B   deadhead     31250 700  [  ] [  ]
4   > AIYAH❗       60850 700  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 10900[200] 
6    [tegwin]      10500[  0] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   13575[  0] 
Board: Qd 3c 2h 5c
                  My cards are: [As] [7s]
AIYAH❗ checks
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    11650[  0] 
2 B   deadhead     31250 700  [  ] [  ]
4   > AIYAH❗       60850 700  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 10900[200] 
6    [tegwin]      10500[  0] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   13575[  0] 
Board: Qd 3c 2h 5c 3s
                  My cards are: [As] [7s]
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to check
AIYAH❗ bets 814
You did not check. 814 is needed
It is 814 to you
deadhead folds
Uncalled 814 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 1600

Dealing #143542: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

🐭GamboMouse blinds 100
tegwin blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     11650   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     31250   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       62450   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  10800 100  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       10300 200  [  ] [  ]
7   > tombayz⏺️    13575   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [Kh] [8h]
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse: Blinds are 600-1200 at other table
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin checks
1     gerdog 🥃     11450 200  [  ] [  ]
2    [deadhead]    31250[  0] 
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      62450[  0] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  10700 200  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       10300 200  [  ] [  ]
7    [tombayz⏺️]   13575[  0] 
Board: Ah Kd Jh
🐭GamboMouse checks
AIYAH❗: are they on razz?
tegwin checks
🐭GamboMouse: Holdem
gerdog 🥃: i was noticing the too
gerdog 🥃 checks
1     gerdog 🥃     11450 200  [  ] [  ]
2    [deadhead]    31250[  0] 
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      62450[  0] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  10700 200  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       10300 200  [  ] [  ]
7    [tombayz⏺️]   13575[  0] 
Board: Ah Kd Jh Ad
AIYAH❗: cliff's table always gets additional play
🐭GamboMouse checks
tegwin checks
gerdog 🥃 bets 300
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
Uncalled 300 returned to gerdog 🥃
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 600

Dealing #143544: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

deadhead blinds 100
AIYAH❗ blinds 200
1 B   gerdog 🥃     12050   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     31150 100  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       62250 200  [  ] [  ]
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  10700   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       10300   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    13575   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [9h] [Qc]
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
Uncalled 100 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 200

Dealing #143545: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

🐭GamboMouse blinds 100
tegwin blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     12050   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     31150   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       62550   0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  10600 100  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       10100 200  [  ] [  ]
7   > tombayz⏺️    13575   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [Ad] [Th]
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 200 to you
deadhead raises 500 to 700
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12050[  0] 
2   > deadhead     30450 700  [  ] [  ]
4 B   AIYAH❗       61850 700  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 10600[100] 
6    [tegwin]      10100[200] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   13575[  0] 
Board: Td Qh Qc
                  My cards are: [Ad] [Th]
It is 0 to you
gerdog 🥃: cliff implemented the play longer command for his table
deadhead bets 1700
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 1700 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 1700

Dealing #143547: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

AIYAH❗ blinds 100
🐭GamboMouse blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     12050   0  [  ] [  ]
2 B   deadhead     32150   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       61750 100  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  10400 200  [  ] [  ]
6   > tegwin       10100   0  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    13575   0  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [As] [Jc]
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ raises 500 to 700
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 700 to you
deadhead calls
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12050[  0] 
2 B   deadhead     31450 700  [  ] [  ]
4    [AIYAH❗]      61750[100] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  9900 700  [  ] [  ]
6    [tegwin]      10100[  0] 
7     tombayz⏺️    12875 700  [  ] [  ]
Board: 7d Kc 9c
                    My cards are: [As] [Jc]
🐭GamboMouse checks
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
tombayz⏺️ checks
deadhead checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12050[  0] 
2 B   deadhead     31450 700  [  ] [  ]
4    [AIYAH❗]      61750[100] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  9900 700  [  ] [  ]
6    [tegwin]      10100[  0] 
7     tombayz⏺️    12875 700  [  ] [  ]
Board: 7d Kc 9c 4h
                    My cards are: [As] [Jc]
AIYAH❗: soon we will see if they stay at level 1 values for razz
🐭GamboMouse bets 2200
tombayz⏺️ folds
It is 2200 to you
deadhead folds
Uncalled 2200 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 2200

Dealing #143549: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 100
tombayz⏺️ blinds 200
1   > gerdog 🥃     12050   0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     31450   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       61750   0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  12100   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       10000 100  [  ] [  ]
7     tombayz⏺️    12675 200  [  ] [  ]
                    My cards are: [4s] [5h]
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃: they went to 50 anties for razz
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ raises 500 to 700
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12050[  0] 
2    [deadhead]    31450[  0] 
4     AIYAH❗       61050 700  [  ] [  ]
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 12100[  0] 
6    [tegwin]      10000[100] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    12175 700  [  ] [  ]
Board: Kc 4h Tc
tombayz⏺️ checks
🐭GamboMouse: yeah,looks like it
AIYAH❗ bets 814
tombayz⏺️ raises 3128 to 3942
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12050[   0] 
2    [deadhead]    31450[   0] 
4     AIYAH❗       57108 4642  [  ] [  ]
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 12100[   0] 
6    [tegwin]      10000[ 100] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    8233 4642  [  ] [  ]
Board: Kc 4h Tc 9c
tombayz⏺️ bets 4692
AIYAH❗ asked for and gets 60 more seconds
gerdog 🥃: now 300 anties
🐭GamboMouse: oh, their ante just went up to 300
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12050[   0] 
2    [deadhead]    31450[   0] 
4     AIYAH❗       52416 9334  [  ] [  ]
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 12100[   0] 
6    [tegwin]      10000[ 100] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    3541 9334  [  ] [  ]
Board: Kc 4h Tc 9c 6s
tombayz⏺️ bets 3541 and is all-in
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 3541 returned to tombayz⏺️
tombayz⏺️      Does Not Show
tombayz⏺️     wins 18768

Dealing #143551: 800 1500 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 800
deadhead blinds 1500
1     gerdog 🥃     11250  800  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     29950 1500  [  ] [  ]
4   > AIYAH❗       52416    0  [  ] [  ]
5     🐭GamboMouse  12100    0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       10000    0  [  ] [  ]
7 B   tombayz⏺️    22309    0  [  ] [  ]
                     My cards are: [4s] [5c]
AIYAH❗ raises 3800 to 5300
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
Uncalled 3800 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 3800

Dealing #143553: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     11200 50  [  ] [  ] 5d
2     deadhead     29900 50  [  ] [  ] Ts
4 B   AIYAH❗       54666 50  [  ] [  ] 3h
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  12050 50  [  ] [  ] Ks
6     tegwin       9950 50  [  ] [  ] 3s
7     tombayz⏺️    22259 50  [  ] [  ] 4d
                   My cards are: [7c] [Ah] Ts
🐭GamboMouse brings-in for 100
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ completes the 100 bring-in to 200
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 calls
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ raises 200 to 400
🐭GamboMouse folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     10800 450  [  ] [  ] 5d Tc
2    [deadhead]    29900[ 50] 
4 B   AIYAH❗       54266 450  [  ] [  ] 3h 9h
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11950[150] 
6    [tegwin]      9950[ 50] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    21859 450  [  ] [  ] 4d 5c
tombayz⏺️ bets 200
gerdog 🥃 folds
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    10800[450] 
2    [deadhead]    29900[ 50] 
4 B   AIYAH❗       54066 650  [  ] [  ] 3h 9h Js
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 11950[150] 
6    [tegwin]      9950[ 50] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    21659 650  [  ] [  ] 4d 5c Ad
tombayz⏺️ bets 400
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 400 returned to tombayz⏺️
tombayz⏺️      Does Not Show
tombayz⏺️     wins 2000

Dealing #143555: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1   > gerdog 🥃     10750 50  [  ] [  ] Qs
2     deadhead     29850 50  [  ] [  ] Qc
4     AIYAH❗       54016 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
5     🐭GamboMouse  11900 50  [  ] [  ] 2c
6     tegwin       9900 50  [  ] [  ] 7c
7 B   tombayz⏺️    23609 50  [  ] [  ] Qh
                   My cards are: [Jd] [2d] Qc
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 100
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ completes the 100 bring-in to 200
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ raises 200 to 400
gerdog 🥃 folds
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    10650[150] 
2    [deadhead]    29850[ 50] 
4     AIYAH❗       53616 450  [  ] [  ] Ah Kc
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  11500 450  [  ] [  ] 2c Jc
6    [tegwin]      9900[ 50] 
7 B   tombayz⏺️    23209 450  [  ] [  ] Qh Ks
🐭GamboMouse bets 200
tombayz⏺️ calls
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    10650[150] 
2    [deadhead]    29850[ 50] 
4     AIYAH❗       53416 650  [  ] [  ] Ah Kc 5c
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  11300 650  [  ] [  ] 2c Jc As
6    [tegwin]      9900[ 50] 
7 B   tombayz⏺️    23009 650  [  ] [  ] Qh Ks Js
🐭GamboMouse bets 400
tombayz⏺️ folds
AIYAH❗ calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    10650[ 150] 
2    [deadhead]    29850[  50] 
4     AIYAH❗       53016 1050  [  ] [  ] Ah Kc 5c 3s
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  10900 1050  [  ] [  ] 2c Jc As 4h
6    [tegwin]      9900[  50] 
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   23009[ 650] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
AIYAH❗ checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    10650[ 150] 
2    [deadhead]    29850[  50] 
4     AIYAH❗       53016 1050  [  ] [  ] Ah Kc 5c 3s [  ]
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  10900 1050  [  ] [  ] 2c Jc As 4h [  ]
6    [tegwin]      9900[  50] 
7 B  [tombayz⏺️]   23009[ 650] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
AIYAH❗ checks
🐭GamboMouse 4d Qd 8c Face Jack (J 8 4 2 A) Qd Jc 8c 4d 4h 2c As
AIYAH❗          Mucks
🐭GamboMouse    wins 3000

Dealing #143557: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1     gerdog 🥃     10600 50  [  ] [  ] 8d
2     deadhead     29800 50  [  ] [  ] 8s
4   > AIYAH❗       52966 50  [  ] [  ] Kc
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  13850 50  [  ] [  ] 2d
6     tegwin       9850 50  [  ] [  ] Jh
7     tombayz⏺️    22959 50  [  ] [  ] 4s
                   My cards are: [6c] [Kh] 8s
AIYAH❗ completes the 100 bring-in to 200
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃: maybe round counter getting reset?
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to raise the default amount
gerdog 🥃 calls
deadhead raises 200 to 400
AIYAH❗: this table only?
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     10200 450  [  ] [  ] 8d Js
2     deadhead     29400 450  [  ] [  ] 8s 6h
4     AIYAH❗       52566 450  [  ] [  ] Kc 7d
5 B > 🐭GamboMouse  13450 450  [  ] [  ] 2d 3s
6    [tegwin]      9850[ 50] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   22959[ 50] 
                   My cards are: [6c] [Kh] 8s 6h
🐭GamboMouse bets 200
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃: maybe we "special"?
gerdog 🥃 calls
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ calls
1     gerdog 🥃     10000 650  [  ] [  ] 8d Js 3h
2    [deadhead]    29400[450] 
4     AIYAH❗       52366 650  [  ] [  ] Kc 7d Th
5 B > 🐭GamboMouse  13250 650  [  ] [  ] 2d 3s Jd
6    [tegwin]      9850[ 50] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   22959[ 50] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
gerdog 🥃 bets 400
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     9600 1050  [  ] [  ] 8d Js 3h Qd
2    [deadhead]    29400[ 450] 
4     AIYAH❗       51966 1050  [  ] [  ] Kc 7d Th Ks
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  12850 1050  [  ] [  ] 2d 3s Jd 3d
6    [tegwin]      9850[  50] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   22959[  50] 
gerdog 🥃 bets 400
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
Uncalled 400 returned to gerdog 🥃
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 3700

AIYAH❗: hmm i may have been too hasty
Dealing #143559: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
1 B   gerdog 🥃     13250 50  [  ] [  ] As
2     deadhead     29350 50  [  ] [  ] 4d
4     AIYAH❗       51916 50  [  ] [  ] Js
5     🐭GamboMouse  12800 50  [  ] [  ] 3c
6   > tegwin       9800 50  [  ] [  ] Qh
7     tombayz⏺️    22909 50  [  ] [  ] 3h
                   My cards are: [Jh] [7c] 4d
tegwin brings-in for 100
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 completes the 100 bring-in to 200
It is 200 to you
deadhead calls
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
tegwin folds
1 B   gerdog 🥃     13050 250  [  ] [  ] As Tc
2     deadhead     29150 250  [  ] [  ] 4d Kd
4     AIYAH❗       51716 250  [  ] [  ] Js Ad
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  12600 250  [  ] [  ] 3c 2s
6    [tegwin]      9700[150] 
7    [tombayz⏺️]   22909[ 50] 
                   My cards are: [Jh] [7c] 4d Kd
🐭GamboMouse checks
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
gerdog 🥃 checks
deadhead checks
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
AIYAH❗ bets 200
🐭GamboMouse folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
deadhead folds
Uncalled 200 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 1200

Dealing #143560: 2000 4000 (500) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 400
1   > gerdog 🥃     12650 400  [  ] [  ] Qd
2     deadhead     28750 400  [  ] [  ] 8s
4 B   AIYAH❗       52516 400  [  ] [  ] Tc
5     🐭GamboMouse  12200 400  [  ] [  ] Ac
6     tegwin       9300 400  [  ] [  ] 5d
7     tombayz⏺️    22509 400  [  ] [  ] 7c
                    My cards are: [Qs] [2s] 8s
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 500
It is 500 to you
deadhead calls
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse completes the 500 bring-in to 2000
tegwin folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
gerdog 🥃: there's the jump
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 1500 to you
deadhead calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12150[ 900] 
2     deadhead     26750 2400  [  ] [  ] 8s Qc
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      52516[ 400] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  10200 2400  [  ] [  ] Ac 3s
6    [tegwin]      9300[ 400] 
7     tombayz⏺️    20509 2400  [  ] [  ] 7c 2d
                     My cards are: [Qs] [2s] 8s Qc
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
🐭GamboMouse checks
AIYAH❗: whoa
tombayz⏺️ checks
deadhead checks
1    [gerdog 🥃]    12150[ 900] 
2     deadhead     26750 2400  [  ] [  ] 8s Qc 6s
4 B  [AIYAH❗]      52516[ 400] 
5     🐭GamboMouse  10200 2400  [  ] [  ] Ac 3s Jc
6    [tegwin]      9300[ 400] 
7   > tombayz⏺️    20509 2400  [  ] [  ] 7c 2d 5s
                     My cards are: [Qs] [2s] 8s Qc 6s
When it's your turn to act, you'll try to call 0
tombayz⏺️ bets 4000
deadhead folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
Uncalled 4000 returned to tombayz⏺️
tombayz⏺️      Does Not Show
tombayz⏺️     wins 8900

gerdog 🥃: still not at other table level
tombayz⏺️ was sent to Table 2199
Dealing #143562: 2000 4000 (500) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 400
1     gerdog 🥃     11750 400  [  ] [  ] 2c
2     deadhead     26350 400  [  ] [  ] 7c
4     AIYAH❗       52116 400  [  ] [  ] 5c
5     🐭GamboMouse  9800 400  [  ] [  ] Td
6   > tegwin       8900 400  [  ] [  ] Th
               My cards are: [Qh] [5d] 7c
tegwin brings-in for 500
gerdog 🥃 calls
It is 500 to you
deadhead completes the 500 bring-in to 2000
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗: new round popped it up?
gerdog 🥃 calls
1     gerdog 🥃     9750 2400  [  ] [  ] 2c Kc
2   > deadhead     24350 2400  [  ] [  ] 7c Qd
4     AIYAH❗       50116 2400  [  ] [  ] 5c Kd
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 9800[ 400] 
6    [tegwin]      8400[ 900] 
                   My cards are: [Qh] [5d] 7c Qd
It is 0 to you
deadhead checks
AIYAH❗ bets 2000
gerdog 🥃 calls
It is 2000 to you
deadhead folds
1     gerdog 🥃     7750 4400  [  ] [  ] 2c Kc Qs
2    [deadhead]    24350[2400] 
4   > AIYAH❗       48116 4400  [  ] [  ] 5c Kd 4d
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 9800[ 400] 
6    [tegwin]      8400[ 900] 
AIYAH❗ bets 4000
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 4000 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 12500

🐭GamboMouse: Now other table has 200 BB for Holdem!!
Dealing #143564: 2000 4000 (500) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 400
1     gerdog 🥃     7350 400  [  ] [  ] 4s
2     deadhead     23950 400  [  ] [  ] 8c
4 B > AIYAH❗       60216 400  [  ] [  ] Ts
5     🐭GamboMouse  9400 400  [  ] [  ] 6d
6     tegwin       8000 400  [  ] [  ] As
               My cards are: [Jh] [5s] 8c
AIYAH❗ brings-in for 500
🐭GamboMouse asked for and gets 60 more seconds
AIYAH❗: Document it and it's a feature
🐭GamboMouse: Now other table has 200 BB for H
gerdog 🥃: random blinds and anties
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 500 to you
deadhead completes the 500 bring-in to 2000
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 1500 returned to deadhead
deadhead  Does Not Show
deadhead wins 3000

Dealing #143565: 2000 4000 (500) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 400
1     gerdog 🥃     6950 400  [  ] [  ] Ah
2 B   deadhead     26050 400  [  ] [  ] 9s
4     AIYAH❗       59316 400  [  ] [  ] Tc
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  9000 400  [  ] [  ] Kd
6     tegwin       7600 400  [  ] [  ] Qc
               My cards are: [Jc] [Ad] 9s
🐭GamboMouse brings-in for 500
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 500 to you
deadhead completes the 500 bring-in to 2000
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    6950[ 400] 
2 B > deadhead     24050 2400  [  ] [  ] 9s 2c
4    [AIYAH❗]      59316[ 400] 
5     🐭GamboMouse  7000 2400  [  ] [  ] Kd Ac
6    [tegwin]      7600[ 400] 
                   My cards are: [Jc] [Ad] 9s 2c
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 2000
🐭GamboMouse calls
1    [gerdog 🥃]    6950[ 400] 
2 B   deadhead     22050 4400  [  ] [  ] 9s 2c 2s
4    [AIYAH❗]      59316[ 400] 
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  5000 4400  [  ] [  ] Kd Ac 8s
6    [tegwin]      7600[ 400] 
                   My cards are: [Jc] [Ad] 9s 2c 2s
🐭GamboMouse bets 4000
It is 4000 to you
deadhead folds
Uncalled 4000 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 10000

Dealing #143568: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 100
gerdog 🥃 blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     6750 200  [  ] [  ]
2   > deadhead     22050   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       59316   0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  15000   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       7500 100  [  ] [  ]
               My cards are: [Qd] [9h]
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
🐭GamboMouse: LOL
🐭GamboMouse: we were at 1500 BB
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
gerdog 🥃: i like this low BB
tegwin calls
gerdog 🥃 checks
1     gerdog 🥃     6750 200  [  ] [  ]
2    [deadhead]    22050[  0] 
4     AIYAH❗       59116 200  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  14800 200  [  ] [  ]
6   > tegwin       7400 200  [  ] [  ]
Board: 4c 3h As
tegwin checks
AIYAH❗: lets see if it goes up to correct value on the next level
gerdog 🥃 checks
AIYAH❗ checks
🐭GamboMouse bets 800
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
AIYAH❗ folds
Uncalled 800 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 800

Dealing #143569: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 100
gerdog 🥃 blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     6550 200  [  ] [  ]
2   > deadhead     22050   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       59116   0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  15600   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       7300 100  [  ] [  ]
               My cards are: [Jc] [6d]
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse raises 500 to 700
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃: i think it semi corrects at hand 4
gerdog 🥃 calls
1   > gerdog 🥃     6050 700  [  ] [  ]
2    [deadhead]    22050[  0] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      59116[  0] 
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  14900 700  [  ] [  ]
6    [tegwin]      7300[100] 
Board: 7s Ah Th
gerdog 🥃 checks
🐭GamboMouse bets 750
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 750 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 1500

Dealing #143571: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 100
gerdog 🥃 blinds 200
1     gerdog 🥃     5850 200  [  ] [  ]
2   > deadhead     22050   0  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       59116   0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   🐭GamboMouse  16400   0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       7200 100  [  ] [  ]
               My cards are: [8c] [6s]
It is 200 to you
deadhead folds
AIYAH❗: this won't be determinative since level goes up on hand 4
AIYAH❗ folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin raises 400 to 600
gerdog 🥃 raises 1200 to 1800
tegwin calls
1     gerdog 🥃     4250 1800  [  ] [  ]
2    [deadhead]    22050[   0] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      59116[   0] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[   0] 
6   > tegwin       5500 1800  [  ] [  ]
Board: Jc 7d 9h
tegwin bets 3600
gerdog 🥃 raises 650 to 4250 and is all-in
tegwin calls
1     gerdog 🥃     0 6050  Jh Jd
2    [deadhead]    22050[   0] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      59116[   0] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[   0] 
6     tegwin       1250 6050  4h 4d
Board: Jc 7d 9h
1     gerdog 🥃     0 6050  Jh Jd
2    [deadhead]    22050[   0] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      59116[   0] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[   0] 
6     tegwin       1250 6050  4h 4d
Board: Jc 7d 9h 6h
1     gerdog 🥃     0 6050  Jh Jd
2    [deadhead]    22050[   0] 
4    [AIYAH❗]      59116[   0] 
5 B  [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[   0] 
6     tegwin       1250 6050  4h 4d
Board: Jc 7d 9h 6h 7h
tegwin 4h 4d Two Pair (Sevens and Fours) 7d 7h 4h 4d Jc
gerdog 🥃 Jh Jd Full House (Jacks over Sevens) Jc Jd Jh 7h 7d
gerdog 🥃    wins 12100

Dealing #143573: 1500 3000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

deadhead blinds 1500
AIYAH❗ blinds 3000
1 B   gerdog 🥃     12100    0  [  ] [  ]
2     deadhead     20550 1500  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       56116 3000  [  ] [  ]
5   > 🐭GamboMouse  16400    0  [  ] [  ]
6     tegwin       1250    0  [  ] [  ]
                My cards are: [5h] [Ts]
🐭GamboMouse folds
tegwin folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
It is 1500 to you
deadhead calls
AIYAH❗ raises 3000 to 6000
It is 3000 to you
deadhead calls
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    12100[   0] 
2   > deadhead     16050 6000  [  ] [  ]
4     AIYAH❗       53116 6000  [  ] [  ]
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[   0] 
6    [tegwin]      1250[   0] 
Board: Js Td 2s
                   My cards are: [5h] [Ts]
It is 0 to you
deadhead bets 12000
AIYAH❗ raises 36000 to 48000
It is 36000 to you
🐭GamboMouse: talk about a jump in blinds
deadhead calls and is all-in
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    12100[    0] 
2     deadhead     0 22050  5h Ts
4     AIYAH❗       5116 54000  Jc Ad
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[    0] 
6    [tegwin]      1250[    0] 
Board: Js Td 2s
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    12100[    0] 
2     deadhead     0 22050  5h Ts
4     AIYAH❗       5116 54000  Jc Ad
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[    0] 
6    [tegwin]      1250[    0] 
Board: Js Td 2s 7h
1 B  [gerdog 🥃]    12100[    0] 
2     deadhead     0 22050  5h Ts
4     AIYAH❗       5116 54000  Jc Ad
5    [🐭GamboMouse] 16400[    0] 
6    [tegwin]      1250[    0] 
Board: Js Td 2s 7h 6h
deadhead: gg
Uncalled 31950 returned to AIYAH❗
deadhead    5h Ts     Pair of Tens  Td Ts Js 7h 6h
AIYAH❗      Jc Ad     Pair of Jacks Jc Js Ad Td 7h
AIYAH❗   wins 44100

deadhead was busted by AIYAH❗ in 10th place
AIYAH❗: gg
🐭GamboMouse: gg
gerdog 🥃: gg
Pausing to combine to final table...
JPMassar has come from Table 2199
fryday has come from Table 2199
smalltalkdan has come from Table 2199
tombayz⏺️ has come from Table 2199
Dealing #143576: 1500 3000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

fryday blinds 1500
tombayz⏺️ blinds 3000
1     fryday        2634 1500  [  ] [  ]
2     tombayz⏺️     52709 3000  [  ] [  ]
3   > gerdog 🥃      12100    0  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        1250    0  [  ] [  ]
5     AIYAH❗        81166    0  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  49341    0  [  ] [  ]
7     🐭GamboMouse   16400    0  [  ] [  ]
8 B   JPMassar      39900    0  [  ] [  ]
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗ raises 3750 to 6750
smalltalkdan folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
JPMassar folds
fryday folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
Uncalled 3750 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 7500

Dealing #143577: 1500 3000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

smalltalkdan blinds 1500
🐭GamboMouse blinds 3000
1     fryday        2634    0  [  ] [  ]
2     tombayz⏺️     52709    0  [  ] [  ]
3     gerdog 🥃      12100    0  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        1250    0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   AIYAH❗        85666    0  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  47841 1500  [  ] [  ]
7     🐭GamboMouse   13400 3000  [  ] [  ]
8   > JPMassar      39900    0  [  ] [  ]
JPMassar folds
fryday folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗: I want to see 100/200 when holdem returns
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan calls
tombayz⏺️: next level is 35/70
🐭GamboMouse raises 6000 to 9000
gerdog 🥃: heh
smalltalkdan folds
Uncalled 6000 returned to 🐭GamboMouse
🐭GamboMouse     Does Not Show
🐭GamboMouse    wins 6000

Dealing #143578: 1500 3000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

JPMassar blinds 1500
fryday blinds 2634 and is all-in
1     fryday        0 2634  [  ] [  ]
2   > tombayz⏺️     52709    0  [  ] [  ]
3     gerdog 🥃      12100    0  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        1250    0  [  ] [  ]
5     AIYAH❗        85666    0  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  46341    0  [  ] [  ]
7 B   🐭GamboMouse   19400    0  [  ] [  ]
8     JPMassar      38400 1500  [  ] [  ]
tombayz⏺️ raises 7500 to 10500
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
JPMassar folds
1     fryday        0  2634  Js 4c
2     tombayz⏺️     42209 10500  Jd Ad
3    [gerdog 🥃]     12100[    0] 
4    [tegwin]       1250[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85666[    0] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 46341[    0] 
7 B  [🐭GamboMouse]  19400[    0] 
8    [JPMassar]     38400[ 1500] 
1     fryday        0  2634  Js 4c
2     tombayz⏺️     42209 10500  Jd Ad
3    [gerdog 🥃]     12100[    0] 
4    [tegwin]       1250[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85666[    0] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 46341[    0] 
7 B  [🐭GamboMouse]  19400[    0] 
8    [JPMassar]     38400[ 1500] 
Board: 4d 2c 5c
🐭GamboMouse: 3
1     fryday        0  2634  Js 4c
2     tombayz⏺️     42209 10500  Jd Ad
3    [gerdog 🥃]     12100[    0] 
4    [tegwin]       1250[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85666[    0] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 46341[    0] 
7 B  [🐭GamboMouse]  19400[    0] 
8    [JPMassar]     38400[ 1500] 
Board: 4d 2c 5c 3d
🐭GamboMouse: yup
fryday: rigged
gerdog 🥃: lol
1     fryday        0  2634  Js 4c
2     tombayz⏺️     42209 10500  Jd Ad
3    [gerdog 🥃]     12100[    0] 
4    [tegwin]       1250[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85666[    0] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 46341[    0] 
7 B  [🐭GamboMouse]  19400[    0] 
8    [JPMassar]     38400[ 1500] 
Board: 4d 2c 5c 3d 3s
Uncalled 7866 returned to tombayz⏺️
fryday           Js 4c    Two Pair (Fours and Treys) 4c 4d 3d 3s Js
tombayz⏺️ Jd Ad Five High Straight Ad 5c 4d 3s 2c
tombayz⏺️     wins 6768

fryday was busted by tombayz⏺️ in 8th place
fryday: gl all
🐭GamboMouse: gg
AIYAH❗: gg
tombayz⏺️: 6 on river would have been good
deadhead: gg
smalltalkdan: gg
Dealing #143579: 1500 3000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 1500
tegwin blinds 1250 and is all-in
2 B   tombayz⏺️     56843    0  [  ] [  ]
3     gerdog 🥃      10600 1500  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        0 1250  [  ] [  ]
5   > AIYAH❗        85666    0  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  46341    0  [  ] [  ]
7     🐭GamboMouse   19400    0  [  ] [  ]
8     JPMassar      38400    0  [  ] [  ]
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
JPMassar folds
tombayz⏺️ calls
gerdog 🥃 calls
2 B   tombayz⏺️     53843 3000  [  ] [  ]
3   > gerdog 🥃      9100 3000  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        0 1250  [  ] [  ]
5    [AIYAH❗]       85666[   0] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 46341[   0] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19400[   0] 
8    [JPMassar]     38400[   0] 
Board: Ac Ks 6d
gerdog 🥃 checks
tombayz⏺️ checks
2 B   tombayz⏺️     53843 3000  [  ] [  ]
3   > gerdog 🥃      9100 3000  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        0 1250  [  ] [  ]
5    [AIYAH❗]       85666[   0] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 46341[   0] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19400[   0] 
8    [JPMassar]     38400[   0] 
Board: Ac Ks 6d Jh
gerdog 🥃 bets 3000
tombayz⏺️ calls
2 B   tombayz⏺️     50843 6000  [  ] [  ]
3   > gerdog 🥃      6100 6000  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        0 1250  [  ] [  ]
5    [AIYAH❗]       85666[   0] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 46341[   0] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19400[   0] 
8    [JPMassar]     38400[   0] 
Board: Ac Ks 6d Jh Th
gerdog 🥃 checks
tombayz⏺️ checks
gerdog 🥃 7h Jd Pair of Jacks Jd Jh Ac Ks Th
tombayz⏺️ 4h Js Pair of Jacks Jh Js Ac Ks Th
tegwin           Kc Jc    Two Pair (Kings and Jacks) Kc Ks Jh Jc Ac
1: gerdog 🥃      wins 4750
1: tombayz⏺️     wins 4750
M: tegwin        wins 3750

Dealing #143580: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
2     tombayz⏺️     55543 50  [  ] [  ] 7c
3     gerdog 🥃      10800 50  [  ] [  ] 7d
4 B   tegwin        3700 50  [  ] [  ] As
5   > AIYAH❗        85616 50  [  ] [  ] Tc
6     smalltalkdan  46291 50  [  ] [  ] 8d
7     🐭GamboMouse   19350 50  [  ] [  ] 5c
8     JPMassar      38350 50  [  ] [  ] 2s
🐭GamboMouse: LOL
AIYAH❗: 200/400
AIYAH❗ brings-in for 100
smalltalkdan calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
AIYAH❗: this should show level goes up or 4th hand changes it
JPMassar folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
2    [tombayz⏺️]    55543[ 50] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[ 50] 
4 B  [tegwin]       3700[ 50] 
5     AIYAH❗        85516 150  [  ] [  ] Tc 6s
6     smalltalkdan  46191 150  [  ] [  ] 8d 5s
7   > 🐭GamboMouse   19250 150  [  ] [  ] 5c 8c
8    [JPMassar]     38350[ 50] 
🐭GamboMouse bets 200
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    55543[ 50] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[ 50] 
4 B  [tegwin]       3700[ 50] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85516[150] 
6   > smalltalkdan  45991 350  [  ] [  ] 8d 5s Ts
7     🐭GamboMouse   19050 350  [  ] [  ] 5c 8c Js
8    [JPMassar]     38350[ 50] 
smalltalkdan checks
🐭GamboMouse checks
2    [tombayz⏺️]    55543[ 50] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[ 50] 
4 B  [tegwin]       3700[ 50] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85516[150] 
6     smalltalkdan  45991 350  [  ] [  ] 8d 5s Ts Kd
7   > 🐭GamboMouse   19050 350  [  ] [  ] 5c 8c Js 3s
8    [JPMassar]     38350[ 50] 
🐭GamboMouse bets 400
AIYAH❗: oh but break
JPMassar: Bugged
smalltalkdan calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    55543[ 50] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[ 50] 
4 B  [tegwin]       3700[ 50] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85516[150] 
6     smalltalkdan  45591 750  [  ] [  ] 8d 5s Ts Kd [  ]
7   > 🐭GamboMouse   18650 750  [  ] [  ] 5c 8c Js 3s [  ]
8    [JPMassar]     38350[ 50] 
🐭GamboMouse bets 400
smalltalkdan calls
🐭GamboMouse 2d Qd 9c Face Nine (9 8 5 3 2) Qd Js 9c 8c 5c 3s 2d
smalltalkdan    Mucks
🐭GamboMouse    wins 2650

2    [tombayz⏺️]    55543[0] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[0] 
4 B  [tegwin]       3700[0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85516[0] 
6     smalltalkdan  45191 0  
7     🐭GamboMouse   20900 0  
8    [JPMassar]     38350[0] 
gerdog 🥃: guess we haven't played this mix enough to find this bug
Dealing #143581: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
2     tombayz⏺️     55493 50  [  ] [  ] Tc
3     gerdog 🥃      10750 50  [  ] [  ] 7h
4   > tegwin        3650 50  [  ] [  ] Ks
5     AIYAH❗        85466 50  [  ] [  ] Ah
6     smalltalkdan  45141 50  [  ] [  ] 2d
7 B   🐭GamboMouse   20850 50  [  ] [  ] 3c
8     JPMassar      38300 50  [  ] [  ] Jd
tegwin brings-in for 100
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan calls
🐭GamboMouse folds
JPMassar calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    55493[ 50] 
3     gerdog 🥃      10650 150  [  ] [  ] 7h Kc
4     tegwin        3550 150  [  ] [  ] Ks Qh
5    [AIYAH❗]       85466[ 50] 
6   > smalltalkdan  45041 150  [  ] [  ] 2d 8c
7 B  [🐭GamboMouse]  20850[ 50] 
8     JPMassar      38200 150  [  ] [  ] Jd Jh
smalltalkdan bets 200
JPMassar folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
tegwin folds
2    [tombayz⏺️]    55493[ 50] 
3     gerdog 🥃      10450 350  [  ] [  ] 7h Kc Qs
4    [tegwin]       3550[150] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       85466[ 50] 
6   > smalltalkdan  44841 350  [  ] [  ] 2d 8c Th
7 B  [🐭GamboMouse]  20850[ 50] 
8    [JPMassar]     38200[150] 
smalltalkdan bets 400
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 400 returned to smalltalkdan
smalltalkdan  Does Not Show
smalltalkdan wins 1150

Dealing #143582: 4000 8000 (1000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 1000
2     tombayz⏺️     54493 1000  [  ] [  ] 6h
3     gerdog 🥃      9450 1000  [  ] [  ] 6s
4     tegwin        2550 1000  [  ] [  ] Jd
5     AIYAH❗        84466 1000  [  ] [  ] 4c
6 B   smalltalkdan  44991 1000  [  ] [  ] 9h
7     🐭GamboMouse   19850 1000  [  ] [  ] 7c
8   > JPMassar      37200 1000  [  ] [  ] Qh
JPMassar brings-in for 1000
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 calls
tegwin completes the 1000 bring-in to 2550 and is all-in
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
JPMassar calls
gerdog 🥃 calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    54493[1000] 
3   > gerdog 🥃      6900 3550  [  ] [  ] 6s 3s
4     tegwin        0 3550  [  ] [  ] Jd Th
5    [AIYAH❗]       84466[1000] 
6 B  [smalltalkdan] 44991[1000] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19850[1000] 
8     JPMassar      34650 3550  [  ] [  ] Qh 4d
gerdog 🥃 bets 4000
JPMassar calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    54493[1000] 
3   > gerdog 🥃      2900 7550  [  ] [  ] 6s 3s 2h
4     tegwin        0 3550  [  ] [  ] Jd Th 7d
5    [AIYAH❗]       84466[1000] 
6 B  [smalltalkdan] 44991[1000] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19850[1000] 
8     JPMassar      30650 7550  [  ] [  ] Qh 4d 5h
gerdog 🥃 bets 2900 and is all-in
JPMassar calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    54493[ 1000] 
3     gerdog 🥃      0 10450  Ks 3h 6s 3s 2h
4     tegwin        0  3550  5d 3d Jd Th 7d
5    [AIYAH❗]       84466[ 1000] 
6 B  [smalltalkdan] 44991[ 1000] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19850[ 1000] 
8     JPMassar      27750 10450  As 2d Qh 4d 5h
2    [tombayz⏺️]    54493[ 1000] 
3     gerdog 🥃      0 10450  Ks 3h 6s 3s 2h Jh
4     tegwin        0  3550  5d 3d Jd Th 7d 5c
5    [AIYAH❗]       84466[ 1000] 
6 B  [smalltalkdan] 44991[ 1000] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19850[ 1000] 
8     JPMassar      27750 10450  As 2d Qh 4d 5h Kc
2    [tombayz⏺️]    54493[ 1000] 
3     gerdog 🥃      0 10450  Ks 3h 6s 3s 2h Jh 5s
4     tegwin        0  3550  5d 3d Jd Th 7d 5c Ac
5    [AIYAH❗]       84466[ 1000] 
6 B  [smalltalkdan] 44991[ 1000] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  19850[ 1000] 
8     JPMassar      27750 10450  As 2d Qh 4d 5h Kc 2s
gerdog 🥃 Ks 3h 5s Face Jack (J 6 5 3 2) Ks Jh 6s 5s 3h 3s 2h
JPMassar      As 2d 2s   Face Queen (Q 5 4 2 A) Kc Qh 5h 4d 2d 2s As
tegwin        5d 3d Ac   Face Ten (T 7 5 3 A)   Jd Th 7d 5c 5d 3d Ac
1: gerdog 🥃    wins 13800
M: tegwin      wins 14650

Dealing #143583: 4000 8000 (1000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 1000
2   > tombayz⏺️     53493 1000  [  ] [  ] Ks
3     gerdog 🥃      12800 1000  [  ] [  ] As
4 B   tegwin        13650 1000  [  ] [  ] 4h
5     AIYAH❗        83466 1000  [  ] [  ] Js
6     smalltalkdan  43991 1000  [  ] [  ] Tc
7     🐭GamboMouse   18850 1000  [  ] [  ] Kd
8     JPMassar      26750 1000  [  ] [  ] 4s
tombayz⏺️ brings-in for 1000
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin calls
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan folds
🐭GamboMouse folds
JPMassar folds
2     tombayz⏺️     52493 2000  [  ] [  ] Ks Td
3    [gerdog 🥃]     12800[1000] 
4 B > tegwin        12650 2000  [  ] [  ] 4h Kh
5    [AIYAH❗]       83466[1000] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 43991[1000] 
7    [🐭GamboMouse]  18850[1000] 
8    [JPMassar]     26750[1000] 
tegwin bets 4000
tombayz⏺️ folds
Uncalled 4000 returned to tegwin
tegwin  Does Not Show
tegwin wins 9000

Dealing #143584: 4000 8000 (1000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 1000
2     tombayz⏺️     51493 1000  [  ] [  ] Ah
3     gerdog 🥃      11800 1000  [  ] [  ] Th
4 B   tegwin        20650 1000  [  ] [  ] 2s
5   > AIYAH❗        82466 1000  [  ] [  ] Kh
6     smalltalkdan  42991 1000  [  ] [  ] Td
7     🐭GamboMouse   17850 1000  [  ] [  ] 5h
8     JPMassar      25750 1000  [  ] [  ] 9h
AIYAH❗ brings-in for 1000
smalltalkdan folds
🐭GamboMouse completes the 1000 bring-in to 4000
JPMassar folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin calls
AIYAH❗ calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    51493[1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     11800[1000] 
4 B > tegwin        16650 5000  [  ] [  ] 2s 5c
5     AIYAH❗        78466 5000  [  ] [  ] Kh 8s
6    [smalltalkdan] 42991[1000] 
7     🐭GamboMouse   13850 5000  [  ] [  ] 5h Tc
8    [JPMassar]     25750[1000] 
tegwin bets 4000
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    51493[1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     11800[1000] 
4 B > tegwin        12650 9000  [  ] [  ] 2s 5c 3h
5     AIYAH❗        74466 9000  [  ] [  ] Kh 8s 9c
6    [smalltalkdan] 42991[1000] 
7     🐭GamboMouse   9850 9000  [  ] [  ] 5h Tc 7d
8    [JPMassar]     25750[1000] 
tegwin bets 8000
AIYAH❗ calls
🐭GamboMouse calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    51493[ 1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     11800[ 1000] 
4 B   tegwin        4650 17000  [  ] [  ] 2s 5c 3h 3s
5     AIYAH❗        66466 17000  [  ] [  ] Kh 8s 9c Qc
6    [smalltalkdan] 42991[ 1000] 
7   > 🐭GamboMouse   1850 17000  [  ] [  ] 5h Tc 7d 4h
8    [JPMassar]     25750[ 1000] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
tegwin checks
AIYAH❗ checks
2    [tombayz⏺️]    51493[ 1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     11800[ 1000] 
4 B   tegwin        4650 17000  [  ] [  ] 2s 5c 3h 3s [  ]
5     AIYAH❗        66466 17000  [  ] [  ] Kh 8s 9c Qc [  ]
6    [smalltalkdan] 42991[ 1000] 
7   > 🐭GamboMouse   1850 17000  [  ] [  ] 5h Tc 7d 4h [  ]
8    [JPMassar]     25750[ 1000] 
🐭GamboMouse checks
tegwin checks
AIYAH❗ checks
🐭GamboMouse 4d 7h 6h Butt Ten (T 7 6 5 4) Tc 7d 7h 6h 5h 4d 4h
tegwin 7s 5d Jc Face Jack (J 7 5 3 2) Jc 7s 5c 5d 3h 3s 2s
AIYAH❗           Mucks
tegwin         wins 55000

Dealing #143585: 6000 12000 (2000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 1000
2     tombayz⏺️     50493 1000  [  ] [  ] 8c
3     gerdog 🥃      10800 1000  [  ] [  ] Kd
4 B   tegwin        58650 1000  [  ] [  ] Kc
5     AIYAH❗        65466 1000  [  ] [  ] 9d
6   > smalltalkdan  41991 1000  [  ] [  ] Ks
7     🐭GamboMouse   850 1000  [  ] [  ] As
8     JPMassar      24750 1000  [  ] [  ] 7c
smalltalkdan brings-in for 2000
🐭GamboMouse calls and is all-in
JPMassar calls
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin calls
AIYAH❗ folds
2    [tombayz⏺️]    50493[1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[1000] 
4 B   tegwin        56650 3000  [  ] [  ] Kc Js
5    [AIYAH❗]       65466[1000] 
6     smalltalkdan  39991 3000  [  ] [  ] Ks Jd
7     🐭GamboMouse   0 1850  [  ] [  ] As 4s
8   > JPMassar      22750 3000  [  ] [  ] 7c Kh
JPMassar bets 6000
tegwin folds
smalltalkdan folds
2    [tombayz⏺️]    50493[1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[1000] 
4 B  [tegwin]       56650[3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       65466[1000] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 39991[3000] 
7     🐭GamboMouse   0 1850  3s 8s As 4s
8     JPMassar      16750 9000  6d 5d 7c Kh
AIYAH❗: glai
2    [tombayz⏺️]    50493[1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[1000] 
4 B  [tegwin]       56650[3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       65466[1000] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 39991[3000] 
7     🐭GamboMouse   0 1850  3s 8s As 4s 2s
8     JPMassar      16750 9000  6d 5d 7c Kh 9s
🐭GamboMouse: Js
2    [tombayz⏺️]    50493[1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[1000] 
4 B  [tegwin]       56650[3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       65466[1000] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 39991[3000] 
7     🐭GamboMouse   0 1850  3s 8s As 4s 2s 5h
8     JPMassar      16750 9000  6d 5d 7c Kh 9s Ah
🐭GamboMouse: Ks
2    [tombayz⏺️]    50493[1000] 
3    [gerdog 🥃]     10800[1000] 
4 B  [tegwin]       56650[3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       65466[1000] 
6    [smalltalkdan] 39991[3000] 
7     🐭GamboMouse   0 1850  3s 8s As 4s 2s 5h 8d
8     JPMassar      16750 9000  6d 5d 7c Kh 9s Ah Jc
gerdog 🥃: MOUSETRAP!!!!
Uncalled 6000 returned to JPMassar
JPMassar 6d 5d Jc Face Nine (9 7 6 5 A) Kh Jc 9s 7c 6d 5d Ah
🐭GamboMouse 3s 8s 8d Butt Five (5 4 3 2 A) 8d 8s 5h 4s 3s 2s As
1: JPMassar       wins 3450
M: JPMassar       wins 10400

🐭GamboMouse was busted by JPMassar in 7th place
🐭GamboMouse: Butt wheel
gerdog 🥃: gg
smalltalkdan: gg
deadhead: gg
🐭GamboMouse: gg
AIYAH❗: gg
Dealing #143586: 6000 12000 (2000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 1000
2     tombayz⏺️     49493 1000  [  ] [  ] Ad
3     gerdog 🥃      9800 1000  [  ] [  ] Ac
4   > tegwin        55650 1000  [  ] [  ] Kc
5     AIYAH❗        64466 1000  [  ] [  ] 4h
6     smalltalkdan  38991 1000  [  ] [  ] Jd
8 B   JPMassar      35600 1000  [  ] [  ] As
tegwin brings-in for 2000
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan: he had the butt nuts!
smalltalkdan calls
🐭GamboMouse: L
🐭GamboMouse: LOL
JPMassar calls
tombayz⏺️ calls
gerdog 🥃 calls
2     tombayz⏺️     47493 3000  [  ] [  ] Ad 8c
3     gerdog 🥃      7800 3000  [  ] [  ] Ac 3d
4     tegwin        53650 3000  [  ] [  ] Kc 5h
5    [AIYAH❗]       64466[1000] 
6     smalltalkdan  36991 3000  [  ] [  ] Jd 6s
8 B > JPMassar      33600 3000  [  ] [  ] As 2d
JPMassar bets 6000
tombayz⏺️ calls
gerdog 🥃 raises 1800 to 7800 and is all-in
tegwin folds
smalltalkdan calls
JPMassar calls
tombayz⏺️ calls
2     tombayz⏺️     39693 10800  [  ] [  ] Ad 8c Tc
3     gerdog 🥃      0 10800  [  ] [  ] Ac 3d 8d
4    [tegwin]       53650[ 3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       64466[ 1000] 
6   > smalltalkdan  29191 10800  [  ] [  ] Jd 6s 9s
8 B   JPMassar      25800 10800  [  ] [  ] As 2d Th
smalltalkdan checks
JPMassar bets 12000
tombayz⏺️ folds
smalltalkdan calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    39693[10800] 
3     gerdog 🥃      0 10800  [  ] [  ] Ac 3d 8d Jc
4    [tegwin]       53650[ 3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       64466[ 1000] 
6     smalltalkdan  17191 22800  [  ] [  ] Jd 6s 9s 7c
8 B > JPMassar      13800 22800  [  ] [  ] As 2d Th 8h
JPMassar checks
smalltalkdan bets 12000
JPMassar calls
2    [tombayz⏺️]    39693[10800] 
3     gerdog 🥃      0 10800  [  ] [  ] Ac 3d 8d Jc [  ]
4    [tegwin]       53650[ 3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       64466[ 1000] 
6     smalltalkdan  5191 34800  [  ] [  ] Jd 6s 9s 7c [  ]
8 B > JPMassar      1800 34800  [  ] [  ] As 2d Th 8h [  ]
JPMassar checks
smalltalkdan bets 5191 and is all-in
JPMassar calls and is all-in
2    [tombayz⏺️]    39693[10800] 
3     gerdog 🥃      0 10800  5s 7h Ac 3d 8d Jc Ks
4    [tegwin]       53650[ 3000] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       64466[ 1000] 
6     smalltalkdan  0 39991  3s 5d Jd 6s 9s 7c Qh
8 B   JPMassar      0 36600  Qs 4s As 2d Th 8h Kd
Uncalled 3391 returned to smalltalkdan
smalltalkdan   3s 5d Qh   Face Nine (9 7 6 5 3)  Qh Jd 9s 7c 6s 5d 3s
JPMassar       Qs 4s Kd   Face Ten (T 8 4 2 A)   Kd Qs Th 8h 4s 2d As
gerdog 🥃 5s 7h Ks Face Eight (8 7 5 3 A) Ks Jc 8d 7h 5s 3d Ac
1: smalltalkdan wins 51600
M: gerdog 🥃     wins 47200

JPMassar was busted by smalltalkdan in 6th place
deadhead: gg
gerdog 🥃: gg
smalltalkdan: gg
Dealing #143587: 6000 12000 (2000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 1000
2     tombayz⏺️     38693 1000  [  ] [  ] 4d
3 B   gerdog 🥃      46200 1000  [  ] [  ] Js
4   > tegwin        52650 1000  [  ] [  ] Kd
5     AIYAH❗        63466 1000  [  ] [  ] 4h
6     smalltalkdan  53991 1000  [  ] [  ] Ad
tegwin brings-in for 2000
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
Uncalled 2000 returned to tegwin
tegwin  Does Not Show
tegwin wins 5000

gerdog 🥃 thought the dog catcher caught up to me
Dealing #143588: 100 200 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

AIYAH❗ blinds 100
smalltalkdan blinds 200
2   > tombayz⏺️     38693   0  [  ] [  ]
3     gerdog 🥃      46200   0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   tegwin        57650   0  [  ] [  ]
5     AIYAH❗        63366 100  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  53791 200  [  ] [  ]
AIYAH❗: there it is
tombayz⏺️ raises 500 to 700
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗ asked for and gets 60 more seconds
gerdog 🥃: yay random blind resets
AIYAH❗: raise pot button doesn't work
AIYAH❗ asked for and gets 60 more seconds
gerdog 🥃: jam
AIYAH❗ raises 6000 to 6700
smalltalkdan folds
AIYAH❗: slight overbet
tombayz⏺️ calls
2     tombayz⏺️     31993 6700  [  ] [  ]
3    [gerdog 🥃]     46200[   0] 
4 B  [tegwin]       57650[   0] 
5   > AIYAH❗        56766 6700  [  ] [  ]
6    [smalltalkdan] 53791[ 200] 
Board: Qs 2s 8d
gerdog 🥃: hand 143588
AIYAH❗ bets 13600
tombayz⏺️ folds
Uncalled 13600 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 13600

Dealing #143589: 4000 8000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

smalltalkdan blinds 4000
tombayz⏺️ blinds 8000
2     tombayz⏺️     23993 8000  [  ] [  ]
3   > gerdog 🥃      46200    0  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        57650    0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   AIYAH❗        70366    0  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  49791 4000  [  ] [  ]
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin raises 20000 to 28000
AIYAH❗: paste that in the lobby i pasted the text from the table
tombayz⏺️: oh sure now the blinds are right
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan folds
tombayz⏺️ folds
Uncalled 20000 returned to tegwin
tegwin  Does Not Show
tegwin wins 20000

Dealing #143590: 4000 8000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

AIYAH❗ blinds 4000
smalltalkdan blinds 8000
2   > tombayz⏺️     23993    0  [  ] [  ]
3     gerdog 🥃      46200    0  [  ] [  ]
4 B   tegwin        69650    0  [  ] [  ]
5     AIYAH❗        66366 4000  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  41791 8000  [  ] [  ]
tombayz⏺️ raises 15993 to 23993 and is all-in
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗ asked for and gets 60 more seconds
gerdog 🥃: done
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan calls
2     tombayz⏺️     0 23993  Qd Jc
3    [gerdog 🥃]     46200[    0] 
4 B  [tegwin]       69650[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       66366[ 4000] 
6     smalltalkdan  25798 23993  7h 9c
2     tombayz⏺️     0 23993  Qd Jc
3    [gerdog 🥃]     46200[    0] 
4 B  [tegwin]       69650[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       66366[ 4000] 
6     smalltalkdan  25798 23993  7h 9c
Board: 8s 5s 3c
tombayz⏺️: 6
2     tombayz⏺️     0 23993  Qd Jc
3    [gerdog 🥃]     46200[    0] 
4 B  [tegwin]       69650[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       66366[ 4000] 
6     smalltalkdan  25798 23993  7h 9c
Board: 8s 5s 3c Ad
tombayz⏺️: 6
2     tombayz⏺️     0 23993  Qd Jc
3    [gerdog 🥃]     46200[    0] 
4 B  [tegwin]       69650[    0] 
5    [AIYAH❗]       66366[ 4000] 
6     smalltalkdan  25798 23993  7h 9c
Board: 8s 5s 3c Ad 7c
smalltalkdan: that works.
tombayz⏺️: no i said 6
smalltalkdan     7h 9c     Pair of Sevens 7c 7h Ad 9c 8s
tombayz⏺️        Qd Jc     Ace High       Ad Qd Jc 8s 7c
smalltalkdan  wins 51986

tombayz⏺️ was busted by smalltalkdan in 5th place
smalltalkdan: gg
tombayz⏺️: i said 6 clif
AIYAH❗: gee gee
Dealing #143591: 4000 8000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 4000
tegwin blinds 8000
3     gerdog 🥃      42200 4000  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        61650 8000  [  ] [  ]
5   > AIYAH❗        66366    0  [  ] [  ]
6 B   smalltalkdan  77784    0  [  ] [  ]
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan raises 8000 to 16000
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     42200[ 4000] 
4   > tegwin        53650 16000  [  ] [  ]
5    [AIYAH❗]       66366[    0] 
6 B   smalltalkdan  61784 16000  [  ] [  ]
Board: 8h 9d 2d
tegwin checks
smalltalkdan bets 36000
tegwin folds
Uncalled 36000 returned to smalltalkdan
smalltalkdan  Does Not Show
smalltalkdan wins 36000

Dealing #143592: 4000 8000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 4000
tegwin blinds 8000
3     gerdog 🥃      38200 4000  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        45650 8000  [  ] [  ]
5   > AIYAH❗        66366    0  [  ] [  ]
6 B   smalltalkdan  97784    0  [  ] [  ]
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan raises 20000 to 28000
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
Uncalled 20000 returned to smalltalkdan
smalltalkdan  Does Not Show
smalltalkdan wins 20000

Dealing #143593: 4000 8000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

gerdog 🥃 blinds 4000
tegwin blinds 8000
3     gerdog 🥃      34200 4000  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        37650 8000  [  ] [  ]
5   > AIYAH❗        66366    0  [  ] [  ]
6 B   smalltalkdan  109784    0  [  ] [  ]
AIYAH❗ raises 10000 to 18000
smalltalkdan folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
Uncalled 10000 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 20000

Dealing #143594: 5000 10000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

smalltalkdan blinds 5000
gerdog 🥃 blinds 10000
3     gerdog 🥃      24200 10000  [  ] [  ]
4   > tegwin        37650     0  [  ] [  ]
5 B   AIYAH❗        78366     0  [  ] [  ]
6     smalltalkdan  104784  5000  [  ] [  ]
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan folds
Uncalled 5000 returned to gerdog 🥃
gerdog 🥃     Does Not Show
gerdog 🥃    wins 10000

Dealing #143595: 5000 10000 Pot-Limit Texas Hold’em (High only) Win-the-Button

tegwin blinds 5000
AIYAH❗ blinds 10000
3 B   gerdog 🥃      39200     0  [  ] [  ]
4     tegwin        32650  5000  [  ] [  ]
5     AIYAH❗        68366 10000  [  ] [  ]
6   > smalltalkdan  104784     0  [  ] [  ]
smalltalkdan folds
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin raises 20000 to 30000
AIYAH❗ calls
3 B  [gerdog 🥃]     39200[    0] 
4   > tegwin        7650 30000  [  ] [  ]
5     AIYAH❗        48366 30000  [  ] [  ]
6    [smalltalkdan] 104784[    0] 
Board: Ad 2d Qd
tegwin bets 7650 and is all-in
AIYAH❗ calls
3 B  [gerdog 🥃]     39200[    0] 
4     tegwin        0 37650  9h 6h
5     AIYAH❗        40716 37650  6s 9d
6    [smalltalkdan] 104784[    0] 
Board: Ad 2d Qd
3 B  [gerdog 🥃]     39200[    0] 
4     tegwin        0 37650  9h 6h
5     AIYAH❗        40716 37650  6s 9d
6    [smalltalkdan] 104784[    0] 
Board: Ad 2d Qd 8s
3 B  [gerdog 🥃]     39200[    0] 
4     tegwin        0 37650  9h 6h
5     AIYAH❗        40716 37650  6s 9d
6    [smalltalkdan] 104784[    0] 
Board: Ad 2d Qd 8s 9c
tegwin      9h 6h     Pair of Nines 9c 9h Ad Qd 8s
AIYAH❗      6s 9d     Pair of Nines 9c 9d Ad Qd 8s
tegwin   wins 37650
AIYAH❗   wins 37650

Dealing #143596: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
3     gerdog 🥃      39150 50  [  ] [  ] 7h
4 B   tegwin        37600 50  [  ] [  ] 4s
5     AIYAH❗        78316 50  [  ] [  ] 2c
6   > smalltalkdan  104734 50  [  ] [  ] 9h
AIYAH❗: nh,m
smalltalkdan brings-in for 100
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin completes the 100 bring-in to 200
AIYAH❗ raises 200 to 400
smalltalkdan folds
tegwin calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39150[ 50] 
4 B   tegwin        37200 450  [  ] [  ] 4s Kh
5   > AIYAH❗        77916 450  [  ] [  ] 2c 6d
6    [smalltalkdan] 104634[150] 
AIYAH❗ bets 200
tegwin folds
Uncalled 200 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 1100

Dealing #143597: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
3     gerdog 🥃      39100 50  [  ] [  ] 5h
4     tegwin        37150 50  [  ] [  ] 9d
5 B > AIYAH❗        78966 50  [  ] [  ] Qh
6     smalltalkdan  104584 50  [  ] [  ] Js
AIYAH❗ completes the 100 bring-in to 200
smalltalkdan calls
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39100[ 50] 
4    [tegwin]       37150[ 50] 
5 B   AIYAH❗        78766 250  [  ] [  ] Qh 4d
6   > smalltalkdan  104384 250  [  ] [  ] Js 8d
smalltalkdan checks
AIYAH❗ bets 200
smalltalkdan calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39100[ 50] 
4    [tegwin]       37150[ 50] 
5 B   AIYAH❗        78566 450  [  ] [  ] Qh 4d 5s
6   > smalltalkdan  104184 450  [  ] [  ] Js 8d 4h
smalltalkdan checks
AIYAH❗ bets 400
smalltalkdan calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39100[ 50] 
4    [tegwin]       37150[ 50] 
5 B   AIYAH❗        78166 850  [  ] [  ] Qh 4d 5s Tc
6   > smalltalkdan  103784 850  [  ] [  ] Js 8d 4h 7d
smalltalkdan bets 400
AIYAH❗ calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39100[  50] 
4    [tegwin]       37150[  50] 
5 B   AIYAH❗        77766 1250  [  ] [  ] Qh 4d 5s Tc [  ]
6   > smalltalkdan  103384 1250  [  ] [  ] Js 8d 4h 7d [  ]
smalltalkdan bets 400
AIYAH❗ calls
smalltalkdan  3c Ad 2d   Face Seven (7 4 3 2 A) Js 8d 7d 4h 3c 2d Ad
AIYAH❗        Mucks
smalltalkdan wins 3400

Dealing #143598: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
3     gerdog 🥃      39050 50  [  ] [  ] 2d
4     tegwin        37100 50  [  ] [  ] 5d
5     AIYAH❗        77316 50  [  ] [  ] Td
6 B > smalltalkdan  106334 50  [  ] [  ] Jd
smalltalkdan brings-in for 100
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin completes the 100 bring-in to 200
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan: really interesting structure.
smalltalkdan calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39050[ 50] 
4   > tegwin        36900 250  [  ] [  ] 5d 6d
5    [AIYAH❗]       77316[ 50] 
6 B   smalltalkdan  106134 250  [  ] [  ] Jd 4c
tegwin bets 200
smalltalkdan calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39050[ 50] 
4     tegwin        36700 450  [  ] [  ] 5d 6d Jh
5    [AIYAH❗]       77316[ 50] 
6 B > smalltalkdan  105934 450  [  ] [  ] Jd 4c 6h
smalltalkdan bets 400
tegwin calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39050[ 50] 
4   > tegwin        36300 850  [  ] [  ] 5d 6d Jh 9s
5    [AIYAH❗]       77316[ 50] 
6 B   smalltalkdan  105534 850  [  ] [  ] Jd 4c 6h 6c
tegwin checks
smalltalkdan checks
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39050[ 50] 
4   > tegwin        36300 850  [  ] [  ] 5d 6d Jh 9s [  ]
5    [AIYAH❗]       77316[ 50] 
6 B   smalltalkdan  105534 850  [  ] [  ] Jd 4c 6h 6c [  ]
tegwin checks
smalltalkdan checks
tegwin        6s 7h As   Face Nine (9 7 6 5 A) Jh 9s 7h 6d 6s 5d As
smalltalkdan  Mucks
tegwin       wins 1800

gerdog 🥃: roll a D20 for next anties/blinds
Dealing #143599: 200 400 (100) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 50
3     gerdog 🥃      39000 50  [  ] [  ] 4h
4 B   tegwin        38050 50  [  ] [  ] 9h
5     AIYAH❗        77266 50  [  ] [  ] 6c
6   > smalltalkdan  105484 50  [  ] [  ] Jh
smalltalkdan brings-in for 100
gerdog 🥃 asked for and gets 60 more seconds
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗ calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39000[ 50] 
4 B  [tegwin]       38050[ 50] 
5   > AIYAH❗        77166 150  [  ] [  ] 6c 3c
6     smalltalkdan  105384 150  [  ] [  ] Jh 6d
AIYAH❗ checks
smalltalkdan bets 200
AIYAH❗ raises 200 to 400
gerdog 🥃: maybe when limits go up limits change?
smalltalkdan calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39000[ 50] 
4 B  [tegwin]       38050[ 50] 
5   > AIYAH❗        76766 550  [  ] [  ] 6c 3c 4s
6     smalltalkdan  104984 550  [  ] [  ] Jh 6d 5h
AIYAH❗: that's my best guess so far
AIYAH❗ bets 400
smalltalkdan calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     39000[ 50] 
4 B  [tegwin]       38050[ 50] 
5   > AIYAH❗        76366 950  [  ] [  ] 6c 3c 4s 2d
6     smalltalkdan  104584 950  [  ] [  ] Jh 6d 5h 2c
AIYAH❗ bets 400
smalltalkdan folds
Uncalled 400 returned to AIYAH❗
AIYAH❗    Does Not Show
AIYAH❗   wins 2000

Dealing #143600: 12000 24000 (4000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 2500
3   > gerdog 🥃      36500 2500  [  ] [  ] Js
4     tegwin        35550 2500  [  ] [  ] 6c
5 B   AIYAH❗        75866 2500  [  ] [  ] Ts
6     smalltalkdan  102084 2500  [  ] [  ] Jh
gerdog 🥃: been commenting to cliff in lobby
gerdog 🥃: yup
AIYAH❗: yeah maybe  it just happened
gerdog 🥃 brings-in for 4000
tegwin calls
AIYAH❗ folds
smalltalkdan completes the 4000 bring-in to 12000
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     32500[ 6500] 
4     tegwin        23550 14500  [  ] [  ] 6c 6s
5 B  [AIYAH❗]       75866[ 2500] 
6   > smalltalkdan  90084 14500  [  ] [  ] Jh Tc
smalltalkdan bets 12000
tegwin calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     32500[ 6500] 
4     tegwin        11550 26500  [  ] [  ] 6c 6s 6d
5 B  [AIYAH❗]       75866[ 2500] 
6   > smalltalkdan  78084 26500  [  ] [  ] Jh Tc Kc
smalltalkdan: lol
smalltalkdan bets 24000
tegwin folds
Uncalled 24000 returned to smalltalkdan
smalltalkdan  Does Not Show
smalltalkdan wins 62000

Dealing #143601: 12000 24000 (4000) Action Razz Win-the-Button
Everyone antes 2500
3     gerdog 🥃      30000 2500  [  ] [  ] Qh
4   > tegwin        9050 2500  [  ] [  ] Kh
5     AIYAH❗        73366 2500  [  ] [  ] As
6 B   smalltalkdan  137584 2500  [  ] [  ] 3h
tegwin brings-in for 4000
AIYAH❗: perhaps goes to level 1 on game switch and goes to correct blinds on level switch
AIYAH❗ calls
smalltalkdan completes the 4000 bring-in to 12000
gerdog 🥃 folds
tegwin folds
AIYAH❗ calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     30000[ 2500] 
4    [tegwin]       5050[ 6500] 
5   > AIYAH❗        61366 14500  [  ] [  ] As 3c
6 B   smalltalkdan  125584 14500  [  ] [  ] 3h Ah
AIYAH❗ checks
smalltalkdan bets 12000
AIYAH❗ calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     30000[ 2500] 
4    [tegwin]       5050[ 6500] 
5   > AIYAH❗        49366 26500  [  ] [  ] As 3c Tc
6 B   smalltalkdan  113584 26500  [  ] [  ] 3h Ah 3d
AIYAH❗ bets 24000
smalltalkdan raises 24000 to 48000
AIYAH❗ raises 1366 to 49366 and is all-in
smalltalkdan calls
3    [gerdog 🥃]     30000[ 2500] 
4    [tegwin]       5050[ 6500] 
5     AIYAH❗        0 75866  3s 2d As 3c Tc
6 B   smalltalkdan  64218 75866  Js 4c 3h Ah 3d
3    [gerdog 🥃]     30000[ 2500] 
4    [tegwin]       5050[ 6500] 
5     AIYAH❗        0 75866  3s 2d As 3c Tc 5h
6 B   smalltalkdan  64218 75866  Js 4c 3h Ah 3d Jc
#   B   A   Nick    Chips   Action  Cards
3           gerdog 🥃    30,000  2,500
4           tegwin  5,050   6,500
5           AIYAH❗  0   75,866                      
6           smalltalkdan    64,218  75,866                      
ctm commented 3 years ago

AIYAH❗: what Gerry said. Game change goes to level 1 blinds; level change goes to correct blinds

ctm commented 3 years ago

I introduced this bug when I merged my ring-games-88 branch, which wasn't really ready to merge. I did the merge thinking that as long as I didn't expose the not-ready-yet ring game code, all would be OK. I didn't take into consideration the fact that I hadn't actually been testing this branch much, so I introduced this bug as well as an even worse bug (since fixed) that caused the Recent Tourrnaments menu item to crash the server (#497). There's a chance that the inability use the Pot Limit check-box (#495) is also due to this merge.

This will be annoying to track down, but not actually hard. It may or may not be time consuming, but I'll have it fixed and deployed in time for this evening's game.

ctm commented 3 years ago

The issue is that pre ring-game support, stakes were always done per-level and not per-game within the level. Ring games don't have levels (although perhaps they could and maybe even should) and I wanted the stakes to be per-game. I hadn't actually finished that work, but I did change GameKeeper to use a tuple that contains both the game and the stakes in it, but I don't do anything to make sure the stakes stays up to date with the level.

There are a ton of easy solutions here, but I should probably think just a little bit and implement the one that I'll want going forward with ring games.

ctm commented 3 years ago

Fixed. Deploying now.