ctmm-initiative / ctmmweb

Web app for analyzing animal tracking data, built upon ctmm R package
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Support for dt and weights #54

Closed kjklauder closed 6 years ago

kjklauder commented 6 years ago

It would be awesome to have support for the "dt=" and "weights=" arguments, as outlined in the vignettes.

xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

Thinking again, we need to present the kmeans result, which may be best represented in the original format. So maybe just using seconds will be simple and consistent. I'll implement the feature first to see how it works, and adjust the units later.

xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

If we label the kmeans center in the histogram, it should be easier to read. The kmeans result table is still needed as we need some way to adjust k for every individual.

I have to use a package ggrepel to avoid label overlap though. Considering we will have a table showing kmeans result, maybe we can also remove the label to reduce one package dependency.

screen shot 2018-08-28 at 5 33 43 pm
xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

I implemented the kmeans feature roughly. If user click a checkbox, the multiple schedule box will extend with more controls:

table and histogram

screen shot 2018-09-05 at 3 40 25 pm screen shot 2018-09-05 at 3 40 38 pm

change k

screen shot 2018-09-05 at 3 40 56 pm screen shot 2018-09-05 at 3 41 20 pm
xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

I used a slider to change k for selected individuals. However when user is dragging a slider, the intermediate values could be output as the computer will not know if that's some intermediate value in dragging or the value user want. This means if user is dragging slowly from 1 to 5, the value 2, 3, 4 could be output in the process.

Each new k value will trigger changes in the kmeans result table, which in turns reset the row selection, so the later values will not work when there is no row selected.

An alternative is to use numeric input, which can be used to input the value directly. If user do use the arrow in the input box, similar thing will happen if user increased from 1 to 5 step by step, but it's more understandable that each click count for one change.

I plan to change the slider to the numeric input.

screen shot 2018-09-06 at 3 12 04 pm
xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

The table and plot now have the values converted to better unit

screen shot 2018-09-07 at 4 44 28 pm
xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

@chfleming I experimented with kGmedian in package Gmedian, but cannot make it work with 1-dimensional data. I searched but cannot find any example discussing this.

>   x <- matrix(diff_t, ncol = 1)
>   cl <- Gmedian::kGmedian(x, ncenters = 2)
Error in stoKmed_rcpp(x0, X, centers, gamma = gamma, alpha = alpha) : 
  Not a matrix.
chfleming commented 6 years ago

It looks like the R package Ckmeans.1d.dp can do k-median clustering and select k via BIC given a range of k values to select from. k selection should help avoid the redundant cluster estimates.

xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

This function works but I'm not seeing the effect of ignoring outliers. With Pepper in buffalo, k = 2, this is result I got

cl <- try(Ckmeans.1d.dp::Ckmedian.1d.dp(na.omit(diff_t), k))

screen shot 2018-09-10 at 12 01 36 pm

It still put the outliers into a cluster of size 166, and the remaining points into one cluster of size 1588 with center 7200.

screen shot 2018-09-10 at 12 03 41 pm

I tried to give k = 3 and hope that outliers will take one cluster, and we get the other 2 real clusters at 3600, 7200. Still, outliers were split into 2 clusters, with most values still in one cluster.

screen shot 2018-09-10 at 12 07 38 pm screen shot 2018-09-10 at 12 07 18 pm
NoonanM commented 6 years ago

At some point can you add a feature to turn weights on in the home range estimation for all individuals at once?

xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

I added a checkbox to select all individuals. You still need to click apply button, but I think this is useful as you can select all then remove some of them.

screen shot 2018-09-13 at 10 15 31 am
NoonanM commented 6 years ago

The ggrepel package is not automatically downloaded with the package.

xhdong-umd commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I just added it and updated the package