ctn-waterloo / modelling_ideas

Ideas for models that could be made with Nengo if anyone has time
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Temporal familiarity judgements #89

Open Seanny123 opened 6 years ago

Seanny123 commented 6 years ago

In "Single-exposure visual memory judgments are reflected in IT cortex" two monkeys were trained in a familiarity judgment task:

Delays between novel and familiar presentations (Fig 2b) were pseudorandomly selected from a uniform distribution, in powers of two (n-back = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 trials corresponding to mean delays of 4.5s, 9s, 18s, 36s, 1.2 min, 2.4 min, and 4.8 min, respectively).

In figure form:


This should be trivial to model. I think all you would need is a delay-network memory who's output you would compare to the current input. Given a similarity threshold, make a choice.

There's also a lot of neat reaction time data and neural recordings, so there's lots of things to match!