ctn-waterloo / modelling_ideas

Ideas for models that could be made with Nengo if anyone has time
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Interfacing with the EPIC architecture via a Nengo node #94

Open Seanny123 opened 6 years ago

Seanny123 commented 6 years ago

The EPIC architecture acts as a kind of proxy for a lot of timing data for a human performing basic motor/perception tasks in front of a computer. It's already been integrated with ACT-R as a proxy for a full motor/sensory system. We could use it in Nengo as a proxy as well! However, I'm really unclear where the source code for this system is stored and how hard it would be to integrate into Nengo if it wasn't translatable into Python.

Apparently @tcstewar has been meaning to do this for almost 15 years, so maybe talk to him about it?