ctn-waterloo / modelling_ideas

Ideas for models that could be made with Nengo if anyone has time
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Drosophila vision modelling #97

Open tcstewar opened 6 years ago

tcstewar commented 6 years ago

There's tons of great data on Drosophila vision and basic behaviours such as visual stablization and object tracking. Most of this involves very interesting neuron models that aren't what we typically use in Nengo, but should still be supported.

I very much like the work on this coming out of Andrew Straw's lab, and it'd be great to try to model it. For example, this paper https://strawlab.org/2014/11/13/figure-background-single-pathway also has some nice clear code associated with it modelling the process. I'd love to try to get that into Nengo, and then to investigate what happens as we add in more neural detail.....