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Uniform spline sampling #38

Closed ctr26 closed 3 months ago

ctr26 commented 8 months ago


I've written a different spline sampling function that uses the derivative and the integral to resample the contour. I mostly forgot about this but chatting with callum reminded me to check.

Can you help me think of good tests for this function?

Specifically I want to test that it's actually doing what we claim. I was thinking of testing it on a triangle and a circle.,

afoix commented 8 months ago

Do you want to integrate this test in the CICD or you just want to use it stand alone? If it's standalone I can test it right now because I still have my project testing how we extract the contour so I can plug your code there and see. Otherwise, I can think of a functional test.

ctr26 commented 8 months ago

Ideally a unit tests but there's no rush it's not urgent it's just on my mind