I was very surprised that the "System Administration" dropdown is differs whether a table is selected. "System" has a strong feeling towards "Global". Global choices do not change on local actions. This is really hard to understand for my rigid brain.
I would like to suggest considerable changes in the header:
create a top-bar (like github has) which preferably does not scroll.
(left) the name of the selected table, selectable for change
(right) fontawesome:user + user fullname/username
(right) fontawesome:logout + "Log out"
(middle) instance name
"Data" --> "Table", because you speak about the "Table" everywhere else
no table name, because that is in the top bar.
split "System Administration" into (1) "Table Maintenance" (2) "Global Settings"
remove "Personal settings", which moved to the top-bar
it was hard to find the logout
the dropdown behaved different from the other option groups.
with the search field
remove the table name from the text (can be too long)
change "Go" into fontawesome:search
the placeholder "User * for wildcard" is just to long for me: the 'd' is not shown
Thanks @markov2, this is very similar feedback that came out of the UI/UX review - good to know that users feel the same. I'll pass it on for incorporation into the review.
I was very surprised that the "System Administration" dropdown is differs whether a table is selected. "System" has a strong feeling towards "Global". Global choices do not change on local actions. This is really hard to understand for my rigid brain.
I would like to suggest considerable changes in the header: