ctrlplusb / react-async-bootstrapper

Execute a bootstrap method on your React/Preact components. Useful for data prefetching and other activities.
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When using this library, use axios to make requests in the bootstrap() method of the component. If the url is a full full path, you can request it. If you use node to forward, you can't ask. #13

Open chiuwingyan opened 5 years ago

chiuwingyan commented 5 years ago

This is my code: TopicDetail.jsx class TopicDetail extends React.Component{ constructor(){ super(); this.state={ newReply:'' } } componentDidMount(){ // const id = this._getId(); // this.props.topicStore.getTopicDetail(id); } bootstrap(){ const id = this._getId(); return this.props.topicStore.getTopicDetail(id).then(() => { return true }).catch(() => { return false }); }} The method of request, written in mobx: @action fetchTopics(tab){ //console.log('tab',tab) return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { // console.log('syncing', this.syncing) this.syncing = true this.topics= [] get('/api/topics',{ mdrender:false, tab:tab }).then(resp => { // console.log('resp',resp) if(resp.success){ resp.data.forEach(topic => { // console.log('topic',topic) this.addTopic(topic) }) resolve() }else{ reject() } }).catch(err => { reject(err) this.syncing = false }) }) }

the get method export const get = (url,param) => { //console.log('url',url) let params = param || {} return new Promise ((resolve,reject) => { console.log('axios') axios({ method:'get', url, params, }).then((resp) => { console.log('resp1', resp) const data = resp.data; if(data && data.success === true){ resolve(data) }else{ reject(data) } }).catch((err) => { if(err.response){ reject(err.response.data) }else{ reject({ sucess:false, err_msg:err.message }) } }) }) }

server.js app.use('/api/user', require('./util/handle-login')) app.use('/api', require('./util/proxy'))

I found that I did not intercept 'api' at all.

This problem has been solved for a long time and I hope to get your help. Thank you!