ctrlplusb / react-async-bootstrapper

Execute a bootstrap method on your React/Preact components. Useful for data prefetching and other activities.
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Bootstrap not passing proper context on SSR #14

Open jcampalo opened 5 years ago

jcampalo commented 5 years ago

With the latest react version I'm unable to make this library work, for some reason react-tree-walker is not able to keep the context of the provider.

I was able to reproduce the error inside the asyncBootstrapper.test.js:

` import React, { Component } from 'react' import asyncBootstrapper from '../'

const ThemeContext = React.createContext('light')

describe('asyncBootstrapper()', () => { let values = [] let actualContext let contextValue

class DeprecatedAPI extends Component { asyncBootstrap() { values.push(this.props.id) return true }

render() {
  return <div>{this.props.children}</div>


class NewAPI extends Component { bootstrap() { values.push(this.props.id) actualContext = this.context return true }

render() {
  return <div>{this.props.children}</div>


const app = Foo => (


{value => { contextValue = value return value }}
) beforeEach(() => { values = [] }) it('deprecated API', () => asyncBootstrapper(app(DeprecatedAPI)).then(() => expect(values).toEqual([1, 2, 4, 3]), )) it('new API', () => asyncBootstrapper(app(NewAPI), null, { bespokeContext: true }).then(() => { expect(values).toEqual([1, 2, 4, 3]) expect(actualContext).toEqual({ bespokeContext: true, reactAsyncBootstrapperRunning: true, }) expect(contextValue).toEqual('dark') })) }) ` Updating the react version to 16.6.3 you should be able to reproduce the error.
NikitaRzm commented 5 years ago

Same bug, but encountered it with connected to redux component - it fails with error of missing store in context.

oyeanuj commented 5 years ago

Same here but with react-helmet-async.

@NikitaRzm @jcampalo Did you find any solutions or did you revert to an older version?

@ctrlplusb Any ideas on what might be going on here?

NikitaRzm commented 5 years ago

Well, i found, that issue possibly is https://github.com/ctrlplusb/react-tree-walker/issues/40 (in react-walk-tree), with context. People waits for new release, fixes already applied, but package does not published yet in new version.

Seems we need to wait or solve problems of bootstrapping in other way :)

jcampalo commented 5 years ago

@oyeanuj Yes, I'm still using 16.5.x version of React. As @NikitaRzm is related to the issue with react-tree-walker.

mschipperheyn commented 5 years ago

I created a temporary fork that will allow you to use the latest commit. I have very little time, so please don't expect any support, but it should get you past the hurdles, I think. Let me know if this works.

Install in your package.json dependencies as such: "react-async-bootstrapper": "git+https://github.com/mschipperheyn/react-async-bootstrapper.git#581e3fd",