ctrlpvim / ctrlp.vim

Active fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
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No result when g:ctrlp_user_command doesn't contain %s #401

Closed gogoprog closed 6 years ago

gogoprog commented 7 years ago


I have this in my vimrc:

let project_root = getcwd()
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'find ' . project_root
" Another attempt: let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'cd ' . project_root . ' && find .'

And I always have no result in CtrlP. I inspected the command using `:echo g:ctrlp_user_command' and it looks fine.

What is wrong in my setup?

gogoprog commented 7 years ago

Okay I found it, %s has to be present so here is my workaround:

let project_root = getcwd()
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'echo %s && cd ' . project_root . ' && find .'

I'll edit title

mattn commented 6 years ago

find with path return relative path from current directory. So if the project_root is not same as root-marker, the result is not expected.

gogoprog commented 6 years ago

Yes I slightly changed to

let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'echo %s && find -L ' . project_root

to have absolute paths and it works.

It doesn't change the fact I still have to put '%s' in the variable.

mattn commented 6 years ago

Yes, because printf("here", getcwd()) become error. How about this change?

diff --git a/autoload/ctrlp.vim b/autoload/ctrlp.vim
index 2a8ae88..f9f4676 100644
--- a/autoload/ctrlp.vim
+++ b/autoload/ctrlp.vim
@@ -439,6 +439,14 @@ fu! ctrlp#addfile(ch, file)
    cal s:BuildPrompt(1)

+fu! s:safe_printf(format, ...)
+   try
+       retu call('printf', [a:format] + a:000)
+   cat
+       retu a:format
+   endt
 fu! s:UserCmd(lscmd)
    let [path, lscmd] = [s:dyncwd, a:lscmd]
    let do_ign =
@@ -461,9 +469,9 @@ fu! s:UserCmd(lscmd)
        let g:ctrlp_allfiles = []
        let s:job = job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, printf(lscmd, path)], {'callback': 'ctrlp#addfile'})
    elsei has('patch-7.4-597') && !(has('win32') || has('win64'))
-       let g:ctrlp_allfiles = systemlist(printf(lscmd, path))
+       let g:ctrlp_allfiles = systemlist(s:safe_printf(lscmd, path))
-       let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(printf(lscmd, path)), "\n")
+       let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(s:safe_printf(lscmd, path)), "\n")
    if exists('+ssl') && exists('ssl')
        let &ssl = ssl
gogoprog commented 6 years ago

Yes this seems fine to fix the issue

kshenoy commented 6 years ago

@mattn I believe this is still broken. Here's an example of a broken g:ctrlp_user_command:

  \ 3: ['P4CONFIG', 'cd $STEM; cat ' .
         \ '<(p4 have ... | \grep -v "$STEM/\(emu\|_env\|env_squash\|fp\|tools\|powerPro\|sdpx\|ch/verif/dft\|' .
         \   'ch/verif/txn/old_yml_DO_NOT_USE\|ch/syn\)") ' .
         \ '<(p4 opened ... 2> /dev/null | \grep add | \sed "s/#.*//" | \xargs -I{} -n1 p4 where {}) ' .
         \ '<(cd $STEM/import/avf; p4 have ... | \grep -v "$STEM/import/avf/\(_env\)") ' .
         \ '| \awk "{print \$3}" | sed "s:$STEM/::"'
     \ ]

However, if I add a echo %s like @gogoprog did above, it works:

  \ 3: ['P4CONFIG', 'echo %s; cd $STEM; cat ' .
         \ '<(p4 have ... | \grep -v "$STEM/\(emu\|_env\|env_squash\|fp\|tools\|powerPro\|sdpx\|ch/verif/dft\|' .
         \   'ch/verif/txn/old_yml_DO_NOT_USE\|ch/syn\)") ' .
         \ '<(p4 opened ... 2> /dev/null | \grep add | \sed "s/#.*//" | \xargs -I{} -n1 p4 where {}) ' .
         \ '<(cd $STEM/import/avf; p4 have ... | \grep -v "$STEM/import/avf/\(_env\)") ' .
         \ '| \awk "{print \$3}" | sed "s:$STEM/::"'
     \ ]
mattn commented 6 years ago

Could you please show me more simple example to reproduce?