ctsit / redcap_oncore_client

REDCap OnCore Client external module provides integration with Forte Research's OnCore
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create initial working version of summary accrual #52

Closed ChemiKyle closed 4 years ago

ChemiKyle commented 4 years ago

Addresses issue #45

This is the initial, minimal working code fore integration of summary accruals. It is based on the assumption that the version of the API endpoint you are communicating with will accept coded variables.

The README needs some work to make a viable version 1.

To test:

  1. In the global configuration, you must be using the API Protocol lookup method. Your OCR API URL must be https://oncore-test.ahc.ufl.edu/ocr/api (note this has changed from what it may have been previously!)
  2. Create a project using the newly provided project XML
  3. Configure the project to use protocol: OCR23963
  4. Create one or more records, filling in field values as you wish
  5. Navigate to the "Upload Summary Accrual" link in the project sidebar
  6. Click the "Send Summary Accrual Data" button

Additionally, create another project to conduct routine testing procedures for "Pull OnCore Subjects" with an appropriate protocol to ensure that the change of OCR API URL has not altered any expected functionality.