ctsit / redcapcustodian

Simplified, automated data management on REDCap systems
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Add objects_to_include parameter to unnest_job_summary_data_json_object() #112

Closed pbchase closed 7 months ago

pbchase commented 1 year ago

Add objects_to_include parameter to unnest_job_summary_data_json_object() (See PR #111). Make sure to document the new parameter and update the test.

pbchase commented 8 months ago

Added docs and tests in commit 60771db

ChemiKyle commented 7 months ago


  --- re-building ‘job_logging.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
  Quitting from lines 18-22 (job_logging.Rmd) 
  Error: processing vignette 'job_logging.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
  dot-env file does not exist
  --- failed re-building ‘job_logging.Rmd’
N  checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes
   '::' or ':::' imports not declared from:
     ‘dotenv’ ‘here’
   'library' or 'require' calls not declared from:
     ‘kableExtra’ ‘tidyverse’
pbchase commented 7 months ago

Addressed by PR #115