ctsit / redcapcustodian

Simplified, automated data management on REDCap systems
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Add create_test_table() #18

Closed pbchase closed 2 years ago

pbchase commented 2 years ago

Builds on PR #17. Addresses most of Issue #16

I assert this is useful enough to be merged without the unchecked items. They can be done under a new issue when the need arises. I made Issue #19 to document the need.

ChemiKyle commented 2 years ago

This seems fine, I'm going to wait a bit and hope that github realizes that many of these commits now exist on the master branch before merging.

Worth mentioning that I kept getting this error when trying to run in docker:

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "redcapcustodian/etl/test.R": permission denied: unknown.

Puzzlingly, it stopped happening after I added the print statement. It continued to not happen after I removed said print statement. I'm going to chalk it up to some odd caching issue in lieu of understanding.

Here is the contents of test.R


# magic print statement
print("hi kyle")

conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = ":memory:")
create_test_table(conn, "redcap_user_information")