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Questions about SemLink 2 #3

Open chaitanyamalaviya opened 3 years ago

chaitanyamalaviya commented 3 years ago


Thanks for releasing this resource! I had a few questions about the PropBank-VerbNet mappings:

1) What might be the reason that a PropBank role's mapping to a VerbNet role is missing? Is it because the corresponding role does not exist in VerbNet or because the annotation hasn't been done yet? 2) It appears that the ARGM-* roles are not mapped to any VerbNet roles. Is there a reason for this? 3) What is the difference between the VerbNet mappings in the frame files here and SemLink? 4) Is there a README describing the format of the latest release of SemLink?

kevincstowe commented 3 years ago
  1. Most likely because there isn't an annotation for it, and it can't be found automatically. In some cases there may not be a good fit, but we'd like to believe that if the classes are linked, their roles should also be similar.
  2. I believe because the ARGM's tend to be fairly optional, and not as core to the VN classes, so they're left off in VN.
  3. New SemLink uses the frame files to generate the mappings in many cases. It's also combined with an old mapping file, which I believe may contain some hand-crafted mappings. So the file in SemLink is a combination of the frame mappings and some manual mappings.
  4. As of yet, nothing more than is in the repository. We can try to clarify some things - is there anything in particular you'd like to see added?
chaitanyamalaviya commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your response!

For 4., I was just looking for a documentation of what each column in the PB-VN mappings in SemLink-2 means. For example, SemLink 1.1 has an associated README describing the columns in the files but I couldn't find a documentation for SemLink-2.