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Mappings from WordNet to VerbNet #9

Open TaniaBladier opened 2 years ago

TaniaBladier commented 2 years ago

Dear Mrs. Kazeminejad, dear Mr. Stowe,

I am a PhD student in computational linguistics from Germany. I needed mappings from WordNet to VerbNet for my project, so I scraped them with a web crawler from this page: . The mappings can be found in my repository WordNet2VerbNet_Mappings .

I would be glad if you could find the mappings useful. If not, please feel free to delete my comment.

Sincerely yours, Tatiana Bladier

arademaker commented 2 years ago

@TaniaBladier this is a derived resource, see #5 . The information could have been obtained directly from the XML files in the VerbNet repository. See

Does it make sense? No need for the web crawler as far as I understood. Please correct me if I missed something.

TaniaBladier commented 2 years ago

Oh yes, you are right! There are indeed the WordNet senses stored in "Groupings" in the XML files. I apologize for the confusion!

I remember that I did the scraping because I missed mappings for some specific WordNet senses. For example the "butter-9.9" XML file in VerbNet repository ( does not contain the verb "paint", but according to ( the WordNet senses paint.v.02 and paint.v.04 can be mapped to the classes butter-9.9 and coloring-24 in VerbNet.