cu-clear / verbnet

University of Colorado VerbNet
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Mapping propbank roles to verbnet 3.4 roles #37

Open aaronstevenwhite opened 3 years ago

aaronstevenwhite commented 3 years ago

I am attempting to map from propbank roles to verbnet 3.4 roles using the mappings in the propbank frame files. This almost works; but one obstacle I've run up against is that, the propbank frame files contain role mappings to what I believe is verbnet 3.2; and since some class IDs have changed slightly (e.g. help-72 to help-72.1) these mappings break in a nontrivial number of cases.

My question: is there a role mapping I can compose with the role mappings found in the propbank frame files that will allow me to map from propbank roles to verbnet 3.4? And if so, is there any additional mapping I would need to do to use GL semantics rather than the standard verbnet 3.4—e.g. do any of the thematic roles differ for the standard 3.4 semantics and the GL variant?

To be clear, I recognize that I can construct this mapping at the roleset level using the grouping information in verbnet. What I'm less sure about is the role-level mappings—specifically, whether there are cases where a thematic role may have changed names from 3.2 to 3.4 (and even if they haven't, whether there is actually a foolproof programmatic way of reconstructing mapping given the grouping information in verbnet).

I was hoping that this script might do this, but spot checking examples like the "help" case above, it does not appear to. I was also looking into using semlink2. But as far as I can tell, only the verbnet-framenet mappings are available there. In one of the tools,, there is mention of a vn2pb.json file, but that does not appear to be available in the repo.)