cu-ecen-aeld / final-project-acpabst

final-project-acpabst created by GitHub Classroom
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Add Xbox Driver to Yocto Build #2

Closed acpabst closed 2 months ago

acpabst commented 4 months ago

Modify the Yocto image to include the XBOX 360 controller driver. This will be used by Memory Mania for gameplay!

There are potentially a couple of ways to do this. See the following


Blocker: #1 (closed)

Summary Each of the three parts of the DoD are complete. I will be using xpad to interface with the Xbox controller. This, as well as a testing program, has been added to my custom linux image via commit #3576cfe. When the image is built, I can run jstest /dev/input/js0, and I can see the button presses from the controller on the terminal. I have updated the project overview page accordingly.

acpabst commented 3 months ago

Started this today. First step was to get the xbox controller working on a raspian image so I can get an idea of how it works I am currently using xboxdrv and that is working great. I get event info sent to the terminal about button presses and joystick movements! Next I'll see if xpad also works and see what the differences between the two methods are. Once I pick a method, I will put it into my custom image

acpabst commented 2 months ago

Turns out that xpad is already included in the kernel! I don't have to add it to my custom image. Joystick, however, is not automatically included. It was a bit hard to track down, but adding it to my custom image was not hard at the end of the day. For Kirkstone, it is included in the linuxconsole, but it can be included in the conf file by adding is as an image install. Adding joystick to my custom image allowed me to test that the Xbox controller was connecting properly and giving useful in put to the Raspberry Pi!