cualbondi / leaflet-editablecirclemarker

leaflet layer that contains a marker and a circle together
MIT License
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TypeError: (0 , o.default) is not a function #1

Open nosehair opened 4 years ago

nosehair commented 4 years ago

Hello, hoping you can help out here please. Getting there error above, not sure if its me doing something wrong.

Importing like so:

import { LMap, LTileLayer, LWMSTileLayer, LGeoJson } from 'vue2-leaflet' import VEditableCircleMarker from 'vue2-leaflet-editablecirclemarker'

Loading components:

components: {
    LMap, LTileLayer, LGeoJson,
    'l-wms-tile-layer': LWMSTileLayer,

Rendering component (inside l-map):

<v-editable-circle-marker v-for="(point, $index) in pointsWithRadius " :key="$index" :latLng="point.latLng" :rad="point.radius" :options="point.options" />`

and here is my pointsWithRadius:

    this.pointsWithRadius = [
            latLng: L.latLng(-26, 28),
            radius: 1000,
            options: {}
nosehair commented 4 years ago

Apologies, this is acually for the vue2 plugin vue2-leaflet-editablecirclemarker