cuba-platform / cuba

CUBA Platform is a high level framework for enterprise applications development
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Impossible to edit FieldGroup fields bound to embeddable datasource #3152

Closed natfirst closed 3 years ago

natfirst commented 3 years ago


Description of the bug or enhancement

  1. Create Embeddable entity
  2. Create to Standard entities (FirstMain and SecondMain) and add the embedded attribute to them
  3. Create standard screens for them

For the First entity use main entity datasource in FieldGroup

<fieldGroup id="fieldGroup" datasource="firstMainDs">
   <column width="350px">
        <field property="embeddedEntity.firstAttr"/>
        <field property="embeddedEntity.secondAttr"/>

For the Second entity use embedded entity datasource in FieldGroup

<fieldGroup id="fieldGroup" datasource="embeddedEntityDs">
   <column width="350px">
        <field property="firstAttr" />
        <field property="secondAttr"/>
  1. Run the app and open editors

E.R. Embedded fields should be editable in both screens A.R. Fields in second entity editor screen will be read-only