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CUBA Platform Documentation
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Mention ability to use JDBC_PING in jgroups.xml #597

Open alexbudarov opened 4 years ago

alexbudarov commented 4 years ago


Description of the bug or enhancement

Mention that you can use JDBC_PING in jgroups.xml instead of TCPPING, with example. It does not require to specify full list of members. It requires a relational DBMS but of course any CUBA app has it.

Example for PostgreSQL and default CUBA datasource JNDI name:

    <JDBC_PING async_discovery="true"
               initialize_sql="create table if not exists JGROUPSPING (
               own_addr varchar(200) not null,
               cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
               ping_data bytea,
               primary key (own_addr, cluster_name))"/>