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CUBA Platform Documentation
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Replace the example of using the legacy screen API for sending emails #625

Closed GlebDurygin closed 4 years ago

GlebDurygin commented 4 years ago


Description of the bug or enhancement

The example uses legacy screen methods. They need to be replaced with new ones. An example of using the new screen API for platform version 7.1 -

An example of using the new screen API for platform version 7.2:

public class NewsItemEdit extends StandardEditor<NewsItem> {

    // Indicates that a new item was created in this editor
    private boolean justCreated;

    protected EmailService emailService;
    protected Dialogs dialogs;

    // This method is invoked when a new item is initialized
    public void onInitEntity(InitEntityEvent<NewsItem> event) {
        justCreated = true;

    @Subscribe(target = Target.DATA_CONTEXT)
    public void onPostCommit(DataContext.PostCommitEvent event) {
        if (justCreated) {
            // If a new entity was saved to the database, ask a user about sending an email
                    .withMessage("Send the news item by email?")
                            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.YES) {
                                public void actionPerform(Component component) {
                            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.NO)

    // Queues an email for sending asynchronously
    private void sendByEmail() {
        NewsItem newsItem = getEditedEntity();
        EmailInfo emailInfo = EmailInfoBuilder.create()
                .setAddresses(",") // recipients
                .setCaption(newsItem.getCaption()) // subject
                .setFrom(null) // the "from" address will be taken from the "" app property
                .setTemplatePath("com/company/demo/templates/news_item.txt") // body template
                .setTemplateParameters(Collections.singletonMap("newsItem", newsItem)) // template parameters