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CUBA Platform Documentation
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Make "crosstab report" documentation more clear #699

Closed IskandarovRost closed 4 years ago

IskandarovRost commented 4 years ago


Description of the bug or enhancement

1) Please pay more attention to the report external parameters, as it is absolutely unclear that the following exception occurs due to (${selected_customers}) is missed


2) Also add a couple of words about X and Y of crosstab band("orders" dataset): It is not trivial to understand

The orders dataset will provide data for the matrix cells, which is the order amounts sum for the 
particular month and customer. It takes orders_master_data@customer_id (the customer id) as the 
Y-coordinate of the cell, and orders_dynamic_header@header_id (the month name) as the 
X-coordinate, and fills the matrix cell with the amount value.

3) also the SQL queries with month(o.date_) work in hsql (and do not work in Postgres - need to rewrite the query). Mention this fact, or use some another function.