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Initialize starting traits, levels, and skills #1

Open cubap opened 9 years ago

cubap commented 9 years ago

The idea that someone starts without anything is obviously false. Let's identify the basic traits we would track with a new character and what (likely invisible) skills would exist at first.

cubap commented 9 years ago


mutable characteristics relating to physical and mental state. Since it is not a visible value, perhaps a % is the most consistent way to think of these.

Reputation (related to #30 and #6 ) can be noticed by other characters and is calculated through actions only. May include alignment (light/dark style), generosity (based on charity/theft), aggression (fight/flight), membership (following orders, contributing to civics, social/hermit)

Perhaps a label so the character has a name others can see? Maybe this doesn't really matter.

Caliber08 commented 9 years ago

I would make a clear distinction between innate "characteristics" (strength, endurance, focus) and and "conditions" (hunger, thirst, health). These are of a different kind and likely will need to be treated differently so we should think of them differently from the start.


Other possible CONDITIONS:

cubap commented 9 years ago

Point taken, the distinction is valuable. I also like size as a trait that could be realized in the game UI as well. Sleepiness/exhaustion/fatigue is also an oversight - I can think of a lot of applications for that sort of condition.