cube2222 / octosql

OctoSQL is a query tool that allows you to join, analyse and transform data from multiple databases and file formats using SQL.
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mysql query error #197

Closed will2love closed 2 years ago

will2love commented 4 years ago

CREATE TABLE test_config ( id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增id', test_config_id bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '', test_id varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '实验id ', test_name varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT ' ', flow_id bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT ' ', start_time datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '开始时间', end_time datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '结束时间', test_status bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ', creater varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT '创建人', group_info varchar(1024) NOT NULL COMMENT '', sys_ctime datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', sys_utime datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '修改时间', is_del tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '删除标志位 0:未删除 1:删除', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY uniq_config_id (test_config_id), UNIQUE KEY uniq_test_id (test_status,flow_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='实验配置表';

sql: select from mysql_test t where t.creater='will' sql2: select from mysql_test t where t.test_name='test'

when my query condition is a string , also get error: couldn't get record stream from execution plan: couldn't query statement: sql: converting argument $1 type: unsupported type octosql.String, a string

but sql: select from mysql_test t where select from mysql_test t where t.flow_id=1111

when my query condition is a int can show successful result : {"t.creater":"williehu","t.end_time":{},"t.flow_id":10003,"t.group_info":"test","":7,"t.is_del":0,"t.start_time":{},"t.sys_ctime":{},"t.sys_utime":{},"t.test_config_id":121321,"t.test_id":"mongo","t.test_name":"test","t.test_status":0}

Have any config must to set ?

cube2222 commented 4 years ago

Could you please try the current version from the master branch? I think this has already been fixed there:

GO111MODULE=on go get -u
will2love commented 4 years ago

now I use the branch v0.2.0 . and I don't know which branch is the latest and most stable

cube2222 commented 4 years ago

I've sent you the bash command to install the latest version (master branch). I just want to know if the problem is still there or not. If not, there should be a new release soon based on the current master branch.

will2love commented 4 years ago

Thanks The above problems have been solved,but I use mysql test sub query have some issues.

sql: select * from (select from mysql_test t where t.test_name = 'test') d

result is successful .

sql2: select from (select from mysql_test t where t.test_name = 'test') d result is null. why?

cube2222 commented 4 years ago

It's a bug, thanks!

I just tested it and the optimizer incorrectly changes the alias of the datasource without changing the variables beneath.

The first query puts a map above the datasource so the optimizer can't push the new alias down.


PS: You can get a graph such as the above on the master branch using:

octosql 'select * from (select * from mysql_test t where t.test_name = "test") d' --describe | dot -Tpng > test.png
will2love commented 4 years ago

ok, Is there any plan to fix this bug to master branch when next commit?

cube2222 commented 4 years ago

We'll try to fix it in time for the next release, as it's a pretty severe bug.

will2love commented 4 years ago

If this bug is fixed, please remind me and close this issue thank you!

will2love commented 4 years ago

when I query mysql datetime field ,but it return {} all datetime field return {}

sql : select t.start_time from mysql_test t where = 7

result: t.start_time":{}

this is a bug when query mysql datatime field?

JasiekChomiak commented 4 years ago

Hi - unfortunately I couldn't reproduce the problem you are having. Could you maybe create a small table, try to replicate the issue and then send the rows?

JasiekChomiak commented 4 years ago


2) Inserted values: INSERT INTO timers (id, str) VALUES (1, 'a') INSERT INTO timers (id, str) VALUES (2, 'b') INSERT INTO timers (id, str) VALUES (3, 'c')

3) Run SELECT t.t FROM timers t WHERE = 2 and got the expected result

JasiekChomiak commented 4 years ago

As to your select * from (select * from mysql_test t where t.test_name = 'test') d problem, the fix was pushed onto the master branch and this query should now be working fine :)