cubecart / v6

CubeCart Version 6
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Code Check: Log Retention #3463

Closed bhsmither closed 8 months ago

bhsmither commented 8 months ago

Looking at ACP->adminLog() specifically, $log_days, which could be anything. There is no enforcement when saving to Config the Store Settings.

Thus, should the value of r_admin_activity be something like "Foo", nothing happens.

This is the legend: "Log Retention (Leave empty to disable retention)".

Suggest that an integer value be enforced when processing the configuration settings in

Also suggest that there be a single test for retention, for whether to delete old records. Have DB->insert() placed just after $log_days = Config, so that it happens regardless.

The other admin logging code could be checked, as well.

abrookbanks commented 8 months ago

Thanks Brian. I think type="number" is enough.