cubecart / v6

CubeCart Version 6
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Code Review: Gravatar Queried Regardless #3527

Closed bhsmither closed 6 months ago

bhsmither commented 6 months ago

In element.product_reviews.php, near line 34, the <div> has the class attribute of "review_row" (which has no corresponding CSS rule), and a rel attribute - which is incomplete when Gravatar is disabled.

In 2.cubecart.js, near line 14, there is a function that is executed on each "review_row" which makes an ajax HEAD query to using that incomplete rel attribute.

This happens even though the store settings has set Product Reviews to "Enabled (Gravatar Disabled)".

Suggest in element.product_reviews.php:

<div class="row review_row" rel="{$}_{$review.gravatar}">

<div class="row{if $review.gravatar_exists} review_row{/if}" rel="{$}_{$review.gravatar}">

Or (if wanting to keep review_row undisturbed):
<div class="row review_row{if $review.gravatar_exists} gravatar_prep{/if}" rel="{$}_{$review.gravatar}">
and the relevant javascript, from:
$('#element-reviews .review_row').each(function() {
$('#element-reviews .gravatar_prep').each(function() {
abrookbanks commented 6 months ago

Thank you.