cubecart / v6

CubeCart Version 6
71 stars 59 forks source link

Image URLs Not Fetched for Option Sets #3530

Open bhsmither opened 3 months ago

bhsmither commented 3 months ago

In, near lines 791-840, an array of options for the product is assembled.

When the options come from 'individual' assignments, there will be $assign['image'].

But not from 'set' assignments.

(Not known how it happened, but managed to redesignate a bunch of individual assigned options to a set of identical options. Then the images didn't show.)

bhsmither commented 3 months ago

It is because these options, from a set, fetched as a whole set, ignorant of the product that will use it, are therefore not logged in CubeCart_option_assign.

Therefore, there is no way, currently, to associate discreet product images to elements of an option set.