cubehouse / themeparks

Unofficial API for accessing ride wait times and schedules for Disneyland, Disney World, Universal Studios, and many more parks
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GetOpeningTimes not returning today's opening time #278

Open TheConsciousness opened 4 years ago

TheConsciousness commented 4 years ago

Park Which park/resort has this issue? WaltDisneyWorldMagicKingdom


Describe the bug Having an issue with getting today's opening time. Also receiving one extra day when using scheduleDaysToReturn.

const DisneyWorldMagicKingdom = new Themeparks.Parks.WaltDisneyWorldMagicKingdom({scheduleDaysToReturn:1}); DisneyWorldMagicKingdom.GetOpeningTimes().then((data) => { console.log(data); });

Output [ { date: '2020-02-08', openingTime: '2020-02-08T09:00:00-05:00', closingTime: '2020-02-08T22:00:00-05:00', type: 'Operating' }, { date: '2020-02-09', openingTime: '2020-02-09T09:00:00-05:00', closingTime: '2020-02-09T21:00:00-05:00', type: 'Operating' } ]

cmlara commented 4 years ago

Tested in themeaprks 5.1.34:

Doing some testing I believe the issue with not fetching today is in BuildOpeningTimesResponse() in /lib/park.js

// resolve with our new schedule data
return Promise.resolve(this.Schedule.GetDateRange({
  startDate: Moment(),
  endDate: Moment().add(this[sScheduleDaysToReturn], 'days'),

I believe this should be:

// resolve with our new schedule data
return Promise.resolve(this.Schedule.GetDateRange({
  startDate: Moment().tz(this.Timezone),
  endDate: Moment().add(this[sScheduleDaysToReturn], 'days'),

Specifically the startDate being sent to GetDateRange is being sent in the computer executing the scripts time but for parks when your system is set to a timezone east of the park (such as your system is running UTC time) the call to Moment() can be a "day ahead" of the park in question when the system running the script cross over the 00:00 mark before the park does.

cmlara commented 4 years ago

Did some additional debugging, While trying to find out why 2 days are returned I believe the endDate line should also be changed to:

Moment().add(this[sScheduleDaysToReturn]-1, 'days').tz(this.Timezone),

To handle both the timezone difference AND to correct what looks being interpreted as instead of "Today to Tomorrow Inclusive" instead of we need it to be "Today to Today inclusive"

BIGGER issue I'm hitting is an edgecase in lib/disney/disneyFacilityChannel.js inside CalendarDocDate()

The edge case is if the first time you pull the schedule for a day (such as if your cache database is just being created) AND your local timezone is a 'day ahead' compared to the Disney Park we end up moving today's schedule a year ahead in the cache database mapping. If we populate the cache database before we are a 'day ahead' (such as running a script for a few days, or pulling early in the day before a date rollover) there is information to pull from the database and everything works.

The key line is const today = Moment();

Same issue as in the notes before about startDate: Moment() that this is "tomorrow" as it relates to the park if you are in a Timezone ahead of the parks.

Unfortunately this.Timezone and this[sTimzone] are both out of scope inside of disneyFacilityChannel.js.

It seems to me that in order to fix this that a new option needs to be added to the FacilityChannel to pass the value of options.timezone into the Facility so it can store it as a local variable. However perhaps there is an easier method I'm missing in how to pass this through?