cubehouse / themeparks

Unofficial API for accessing ride wait times and schedules for Disneyland, Disney World, Universal Studios, and many more parks
MIT License
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Node-Red support #311

Open mattfusf opened 3 years ago

mattfusf commented 3 years ago

Has anyone created a set of Node-Red nodes for accessing this API? Would make it a bit easier to access without code.

cubehouse commented 3 years ago

The current version of this library is built to be a fully fledged solution to enable you to build an application on top of it. I don't know enough about node red, do you have examples of what it could do with this library? Or any code samples you could supply that show how you think this would work?

I don't think that the current version of the library will really suit this though. 6.x may be a trivial integration once it's up and running.

ImAnAutie commented 3 years ago

Fundamentally it's just a wrapper around node js, so it could work? IL see if I can figure out a quick prototype in a bit :)

mattfusf commented 3 years ago

It has the ability to run arbitrary JavaScript, which I have sort of working with this library but the idea would be to build web applications or automations around the data within Node Red.