cubehouse / themeparks

Unofficial API for accessing ride wait times and schedules for Disneyland, Disney World, Universal Studios, and many more parks
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Fix "Cannot read property 'date' of null" errors w/ GetOpeningTimes #332

Closed oonqt closed 3 years ago

oonqt commented 3 years ago

When using the GetOpeningTimes method, there is a chance that the calendar endpoint will give us back a value of null for certain days, so during each iteration we check that the date actually exists, if not, we skip over it.

The pattern I am seeing that any dates before the current (todays) date are marked as null in the calendar endpoint, only future dates are displayed.

cubehouse commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your pull request.

I can't find any URLs with this behaviour, but I have made a safety fix in the backend anyway. Can you let me know if you see examples of this behaviour with the park/URL that is doing it? If you do see this, please reopen this pull request and have a look at fixing the merge errors.

Thanks :)

oonqt commented 3 years ago

I’m can’t remember for sure, but it was either DisneylandResortCaliforniaAdventure or DisneylandResortMagicKingdom that resulted in this error.