cuberite / android

Official Android app for Cuberite
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"Timed Out" error when trying to connect to Minecraft Server 1.12.2 on Android 5.1.1 Cuberite #71

Closed ElectronicallyE closed 4 months ago

ElectronicallyE commented 5 months ago


This is a follow on from #70.

I am attempting to connect to my Minecraft server using version 1.12.2 on the IP address

When I added the server to Minecraft the first time it appeared correctly with the description "Cuberite - in C++!". When I tried to connect, it reported that it was "Logging In" and then gave the messaged "Timed Out".

I've since deleted and readded the server, as well as tried to do a 'direct connect', both of which report as "Logging In" and then gave the message "Timed Out". I've also restarted the server, both on the app and in the admin console at, as well as closing and reopening the app. I now cannot get the description of the server to appear in the menu which reports that it is "Pinging...", even after clicking "Refresh" and waiting multiple times. Sometimes it gives the message "Can't connect to server".

Neither the app console or the web console report that my Minecraft account has connected to the server.

The phone which is hosting a server (Samsung Galaxy J1 Mini) and my laptop are connected to the personal hotspot of an iPhone Xs Max.

I should note that the time on the Samsung does not match the laptop or iPhone.

Here is a copy of the 'console' page on the phone:

Cuberite is starting...
linker: /data/data/ unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x1cf4
linker: /data/data/ unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x2830
linker: /data/data/ unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3

[23:24:20] --- Started Log ---

[23:24:20] Cuberite local build (id: Unknown)
[23:24:20] from commit approx: 20d5cf0bfcea65f2ff1faf86dba2069932cbfb3f built at: approx: 2023-11-20 18:12:52 +0800
[23:24:20] Creating new server instance...

[23:24:20] Reading server config...

[23:24:20] Starting server...

[23:24:20] Compatible clients: 1.8.x-1.14.4
[23:24:20] WebServer: The server will run in unsecured HTTP mode.
[23:24:20] Put a valid HTTPS certificate in file 'webadmin/httpscert.crt' and its corresponding private key to 'webadmin/httpskey.pem' (without any password) to enable HTTPS support
[23:24:20] Loaded 789 crafting recipes
[23:24:20] Cannot open file "Protocol/1.13/", no recipe book recipes will be available!
[23:24:20] Cannot open file "Protocol/1.14.4/", no recipe book recipes will be available!

[23:24:20] Loaded 1.12.2 380 recipe book
[23:24:20] Loaded 67 furnace recipes and 66 fuels
[23:24:20] Loaded 49 brewing recipes
[23:24:20] Invalid biome ("BambooJungle") specified in AllowedBiomes in cubeset file Prefabs/SinglePieceStructures/JungleTemple.cubeset. Skipping the biome.
[23:24:20] Invalid biome ("BambooJungleHills") specified in AllowedBiomes in cubeset file Prefabs/SinglePieceStructures/JungleTemple.cubeset. Skipping the biome.
[23:24:20] -- Loading Plugins --
[23:24:21] [Core] Initialised!
[23:24:21] [ChatLog] Initialized ChatLog v.3
[23:24:21] -- Loaded 2 Plugins --

[23:24:22] Preparing spawn (world_nether): 11.11% (9/81; 7.56 chunks / sec)
[23:24:22] World "world_the_end": Did not find an acceptable spawnpoint. Generated a random spawnpoint position at {0, 66, 0}
[23:24:22] WebAdmin is running on port(s) 8080
[23:24:22] Startup complete, took 2551ms!
mathiascode commented 5 months ago

I am attempting to connect to my Minecraft server using version 1.12.2 on the IP address

Are you connecting to port 8080 or 25565? 25565 (or just leaving the port blank) would be the correct one, 8080 is only for the WebAdmin.

ElectronicallyE commented 5 months ago

Appreciate the quick replies @mathiascode. Yep, I was entering

Worked straight away when I entered Entering just took a bit longer to connect.

I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering:

mathiascode commented 4 months ago
  • Is the port mentioned somewhere in the application or is it assumed knowledge? For newcomers like myself, it would be great if the IP address and port could be listed somewhere in the app like how the WebAdmin address is listed.

I suppose it would be possible to extract the port from the server config and show it next to the IP address in the notification.

  • Is there a reason why Minecraft takes a bit longer to connect if the port is not specified (does it have to try/test multiple ports)?

Not sure, but it should only connect to 25565.

  • Why does the server use the port 25565?

That's the default port Minecraft Java Edition servers use. Why it was chosen as the default port, you'd have to ask Mojang.

ElectronicallyE commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the quick replies. Awesome responding so quickly! 💯 I'll close this now. Looking forward to version 1.6.1. 👍