cuberite / plugin-repository

Repository for Cuberite plugins
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Error when signing in or adding plugin #46

Open mathiascode opened 4 years ago

mathiascode commented 4 years ago


<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Exception: For URL:<snip>&amp;client_secret=<snip>&lt;br&gt;Response: Array
    [message] =&gt; Not Found
    [documentation_url] =&gt;
&lt;br&gt;Curl error (0):  in D:\home\site\Composer\vendor\flexyproject\githubapi\lib\GitHub\AbstractApi.php:590
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: FlexyProject\GitHub\AbstractApi-&gt;FlexyProject\GitHub\{closure}()
#1 D:\home\site\Composer\vendor\flexyproject\curl\Client.php(203): call_user_func_array()
#2 D:\home\site\Composer\vendor\flexyproject\curl\Client.php(189): FlexyProject\Curl\Client-&gt;_call()
#3 D:\home\site\Composer\vendor\flexyproject\githubapi\lib\GitHub\AbstractApi.php(596): FlexyProject\Curl\Client-&gt;perform()
#4 D:\home\site\wwwroot\Environment Interfaces\GitHub API\Repositories.php(141): FlexyProject\GitHub\AbstractApi-&gt;request()
#5 D:\home\site\wwwroot\Add.php(36): GitHubAPI\Repositories::CreateUpdateH in <b>D:\home\site\Composer\vendor\flexyproject\githubapi\lib\GitHub\AbstractApi.php</b> on line <b>590</b><br />
tigerw commented 4 years ago

It seems like it falls over if a user adds a plugin without administrator rights to the repository, since adding the webhook fails.

tigerw commented 4 years ago

Additionally strict xhtml fails when it prints errors.

tigerw commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report! Would you have a snip of the error when logging in?

bearbin commented 4 years ago

It also generates a very similar error when trying to delete a plugin.

mathiascode commented 4 years ago

Doesn't seem like I can get the error to show up when signing in anymore.