It would be convinient to be able to use the norm to repeat a TI if it failed, but only if it did not actually commit, rather then when it commited with minor errors. I would like to use this functionality, as my TIs randomly need to rerun, but due to the fact that I am using cellincrement I could potentially run into the issue where minor error (change of rule and now You have cell not updatable or something like this) would essentially double the values.
It would be convinient to be able to use the norm to repeat a TI if it failed, but only if it did not actually commit, rather then when it commited with minor errors. I would like to use this functionality, as my TIs randomly need to rerun, but due to the fact that I am using cellincrement I could potentially run into the issue where minor error (change of rule and now You have cell not updatable or something like this) would essentially double the values.