cubewise-code / tm1py

TM1py is a Python package that wraps the TM1 REST API in a simple to use library.
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TM1py Add attribute fail #244

Closed echangcl closed 4 years ago

echangcl commented 4 years ago

Describe what did you try to do with TM1py Describe the script you ran and what it is supposed to do. Hi, I try to create a new attribute with TM1py, but it didn't work my script and result as below:

==================== Script

import configparser from TM1py import TM1Service from TM1py.Objects import Cube, Dimension, Element, Hierarchy, Process, ElementAttribute

config = configparser.ConfigParser()'c:/Users/User/Desktop/TM1py/config.ini')

tm1_source = TM1Service(config['COVID-19']) tm1_target = TM1Service(config['Sync'])

dim = 'Country' source = tm1_source.dimensions.get(dim)

attr = ElementAttribute(name = 'test', attribute_type = 'STRING') print(dim, attr) tm1_target.dimensions.hierarchies.elements.create_element_attribute(dim, dim, attr)

==================== the print of dim & attr as below:

Country {"Name": "test", "Type": "STRING"}


Additional context If you encounter an error, please add the error message and the stack trace

==================== Error message (it happened when "create_element_attribute)

TM1pyException: Text: {"error":{"code":"278","message":"Invalid enum value encountered in payload."}} Status Code: 400 Reason: Bad Request Headers: {'Content-Length': '95', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'OData-Version': '4.0'}

MariusWirtz commented 4 years ago

Hi @echangcl,

currently, the attribute_type argument is case sensitive. It expects to be String, Numeric or Alias.

I will adjust the function to behave case and space insensitive, as you would expect for a TM1 library. Thanks for the catch!

echangcl commented 4 years ago

Hi, Marius Thx. In "ElementAttribute" objects, I found valid type as "STRING, NUMERIC, ALIAS", so I thought it should all be capital... It did work with String, Numeric or Alias now.
