cubicdaiya / ngx_small_light

Dynamic Image Transformation Module For nginx.
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after install libwebp #55

Closed luoyanjun0000 closed 8 years ago

luoyanjun0000 commented 8 years ago

sorry, My English is not very good,so that the question description is unclear.

,after install libwebp ,in linux conmand line run "convert a.jpg b.webp" is success, but usr small_light still failed. i'm try my localhost is ok ,but is failed, the erro "415 Unsupported Media Type" nginx error log "*30 couldn't read image ngx_http_small_light_imagemagick_process:114"

cubicdaiya commented 8 years ago


"convert a.jpg b.webp" is success

Provide the output of identify b.webp and identify -list format | grep -i webp, please.

luoyanjun0000 commented 8 years ago

ouput " WEBP* rw- WebP Image Format (libwebp 0.5.1 [0208])", install imagemagick need libwebp??

cubicdaiya commented 8 years ago

the erro "415 Unsupported Media Type" nginx error log "*30 couldn't read image ngx_http_small_light_imagemagick_process:114"

If ImageMagick embedded libwebp is installed and used, the error above is not occured at least.

cubicdaiya commented 8 years ago

install imagemagick need libwebp??


luoyanjun0000 commented 8 years ago

install imagemagick 7.0+,run small_light directory conmand "./setup" ,throw error "which: no Wand-config in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin) Wand-config is not found"

cubicdaiya commented 8 years ago

Is there MagickWand-config instead of Wand-config?

luoyanjun0000 commented 8 years ago

yes, /usr/local/bin/MagickWand-config is exist.

luoyanjun0000 commented 8 years ago

i "cp" another?

cubicdaiya commented 8 years ago

As ImageMagick-7.0+ is not supported yet, use ImageMgick-6.9.x or replace Wand-config to MagickWand-config.

luoyanjun0000 commented 8 years ago

after install ImageMagick-7.0+ ,i can't install libwebp, convert webp style is ok.

luoyanjun0000 commented 8 years ago

before can't convert webp,because of i install Imagemagick by "yum install Imagemagick" command,