cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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please consolidate VGA issues ? #290

Open rewindustry opened 10 years ago

rewindustry commented 10 years ago

there seem to be quite a few of us having various problems getting VGA to work.

there also seem to be a number of (slightly different?) circuits involved.

i am using the stock expansion board i got from and co.

for my own part, on the late model A10 boards, i can boot as far as the built in android display, but this is dark green and looks as if it was intended for a monochrome display.

my cubian install is as updated as i can get it, my kernel is updated to 3.4.79-sun4i, and i have tried everything i can think of to compile a script.fex that would match either of my 1680x1050 or 1280x1024 otherwise perfectly standard flatscreen VGA monitors.

i have tried vga modes 0 and 3 and have tried changing framebuffers to 3, since this seems to be what uEnv.txt is calling for, and i have also tried fiddling with the EDID spec in there, but so far neither monitor will even wake up, let alone produce a display, no matter how dim or green..

on the other hand cubian continues to boot through to completion, and there are no obvious signs of errors in any of my logs - but please tell me where to look for clues, if you know, because i am out of my depth in this area.

michalliu commented 10 years ago

Maybe there isn't enough memory for display, details

rewindustry commented 10 years ago

@michalliu - thanks - i tried all the values suggested, and nothing changed, so i updated my kernel also, as suggested below that, and still nothing.