cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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Cubian_JAVA_GPIO #313

Open jarain78 opened 10 years ago

jarain78 commented 10 years ago

Hi mi name is Jaime and I'm working with your cubian, and I create a program to controll the IO pins. This is my github:

I hope this code helps you.

cubieplayer commented 10 years ago

Thanks for share

jarain78 commented 10 years ago

hi, one question how can I deactivate the login and password on debian?.


michalliu commented 10 years ago

Hi, If you want delete a user on debian execute userdel USERNAME then rm /home/USERNAME -r

opless commented 10 years ago

If you don't want to delete the user, you can change the password to something invalid in /etc/shadow (locking the account from passworded logins) or change the login shell as described here

The commands are

passwd -l LOGINNAME

... This prevents LOGINNAME's account from logging in via a password prompt (ssh keys will still work)


chsh -s /bin/false LOGINNAME

... This sets LOGINNAME's account to /bin/false (which isn't - or shouldn't be - in /etc/shells) so the user will not be able to logon interactively.

If you just wish to delete a user, use



userdel -r LOGINNAME

if you wish to remove the mailspool and the home directories. You could use the -f option if the user is still logged in, but it's not recommended.

I hope that helps!

On 10 June 2014 09:07, michalliu wrote:

Hi, If you want delete a user on debian execute userdel USERNAME then rm /home/USERNAME -r

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