cubieplayer / Cubian

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Cubian with Desktop. How to set Auto Logon? #323

Closed ETiV closed 10 years ago

ETiV commented 10 years ago

I've searched the web by LXDE auto logon. All of the results said "edit /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf", but there is no file, even directory there.

what can I do?

cubieplayer commented 10 years ago

We use slim as login manager. You can modify /etc/slim.conf, change default_user accordingly, then set auto_login to yes

ETiV commented 10 years ago

thanks for your replying :)

but ... after i set those options:

default_user        cubie
auto_login          yes

and a sudo reboot

the screen would not display any graphic, except a cursor showing "X".

command ps aux | grep slim shows:

root      2012  0.2  0.6  11908  5508 tty7     Ss+  10:45   0:00 /usr/bin/X11/X -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/slim.auth vt07

any further instructions?

thank you!


finally it works.

seems I need to login to the desktop first, then edit /etc/slim.conf