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Bluetooth setup on Cubietruck Cubian X1 desktop. Sharing! #374

Open nocolour opened 9 years ago

nocolour commented 9 years ago

Bellow step I try more than 3 time and confirm working for Cubian X1 Desktop. FOR CUBIETRUCK ONLY!

1.)Upgrade the kernel to latest version with hci_uart support.

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade linux-image-3.4.79-sun7i **Make sure is linux-image-3.4.79-sun7i 3.4.79-4cubian or above.

2.)Install requirement app.

sudo apt-get install libbluetooth3 libbluetooth-dev sudo apt-get install bluez blueman sudo apt-get install git-core

3.)Adding the related modules to /etc/modules.


rfcomm bnep hci_uart bluetooth hidp

4)Reboot with totally power off. let's the kernel and added modules working.

sudo shutdown -h now \ remove the power source for 10 second and reconnect power!

5.)Check your kernel & modules status

sudo uname -a

You should see this: Linux Cubian 3.4.79-sun7i #19 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 10 03:20:03 CST 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux

sudo lsmod

you must see this, to make sure the module are loaded:

Module Size Used by hidp 17640 0 hci_uart 24892 1 bnep 14422 2 rfcomm 58826 14 bluetooth 265030 25 bnep,hidp,hci_uart,rfcomm

6.)Download the bluetooth script (brcm_patchram_plus and brcm40183-patch).

cd /home/cubie git clone ./bt cp /home/cubie/bt/bluetooth/usr/local/bin/brcm_patchram_plus /usr/local/bin chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/brcm_patchram_plus cp /home/cubie/bt/bluetooth/etc/init.d/brcm40183-patch /etc/init.d chmod 755 /etc/init.d/brcm40183-patch cp /home/cubie/bt/bluetooth/etc/default/brcm40183 /etc/default chmod 755 /etc/default/brcm40183 update-rc.d -f brcm40183-patch defaults


8.)Verify your bluetooth status & troubleshooting!!

sudo hcitool dev

**make sure you see "hci0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" like bellow.

Devices: hci0 43:29:B1:55:01:01

DNS issue and kernel issue can cause the brcm_patchram_plus and brcm40183-patch not work!

9.) /etc/init.d/brcm40183-patch start

[ ok ] brcm40183 device allready initialized...done. Devices: hci0 43:29:B1:55:01:01

This two command will let's u know the bluetooth working or fail.

sudo hcitool dev /etc/init.d/brcm40183-patch start

Try your bluetooth Manager (blueman) Menu > system > preferences > Bluetooth Manager

**If your bluetooth working, you must able to click the search button!

Thanks! for : michalliu kdeenkhoorn

Chris0706 commented 9 years ago

Hey there, starting bluetooth is working fine and searching for devices, too.

But if I pair my Logitech Bluetooth Audio Adapter with the CT, the whole system freezes. What can I look for, to find the problem ?