cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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cubian-nandistall error mount: block device /dev/nanda is write-protected, mounting read-only NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/nanda': Invalid argument The device '/dev/nanda' doesn't seem to have a valid cubian x: #376

Open rodrigoslompo opened 9 years ago

rodrigoslompo commented 9 years ago

I had problems trying to run Cubian-nandinstall to transfer Cubian x for my cubieboard2 a20 it was before with Linaro. I got the following error message:

Mount NAND partitions mount: block device /dev/nanda is write-protected, mounting read-only NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/nanda': Invalid argument The device '/dev/nanda' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.

I found some references on the internet that said to install an old version of Linaro to rewrite the nand partitions, but the error message still persists as well.

Below follow all outgoing messages:

cubie@Cubian:~$ sudo cubian-nandinstall [sudo] password for cubie: Your data on /dev/nand will lost, Are you sure to continue?[y/n] y Re-partitioning NAND device check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 all partition tables are bad! check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000

ready to write new partition tables: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 2 partitions partition 1: class = DISK, name = bootloader, partition start = 128, partition size = 2048 user_type=0 partition 2: class = DISK, name = linux, partition start = 2176, partition size = 0 user_type=0

write new partition tables? (Y/N)

verifying new partition tables: check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 OK mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 2 partitions partition 1: class = DISK, name = bootloader, partition start = 128, partition size = 2048 user_type=0 partition 2: class = DISK, name = linux, partition start = 2176, partition size = 0 user_type=0 rereading partition table... returned 0 Check partition table Formating NAND devices mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012) Mount NAND partitions mount: block device /dev/nanda is write-protected, mounting read-only NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/nanda': Invalid argument The device '/dev/nanda' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS. Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around? cubie@Cubian:~$

petesan commented 9 years ago

I also faced the same problem.

cs42 commented 9 years ago

Same for me. I can flash lubuntu using LiveSuit and it does run, but I can not access the nand using cubian x (it did work with older cubian!) and thus I can not copy Cubian X to nand...

dmesg shows many errors like: PHY_PageRead : too much ecc err,bank 0 block 3ae,page 1 so I suspected that I somehow damaged the nand, but as everything seems alright in the lubuntu flashed using LiveSuit, I am not sure anymore...

fdx1601 commented 9 years ago

same problem ... I did step manually the the process cubian-nandinstall performs ... seems that the partitioning is not consistent.

Even showing that everything is supposed to be ok ...

verifying new partition tables: check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 OK check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 OK check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 OK check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 OK mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 2 partitions partition 1: class = DISK, name = bootloader, partition start = 128, partition size = 2048 user_type=0 partition 2: class = DISK, name = linux, partition start = 2176, partition size = 0 user_type=0 rereading partition table... returned 0

later on it says ...

mkfs.vfat 3.0.13 (30 Jun 2012) unable to get drive geometry, using default 255/63

later on it says ...

mount: block device /dev/nanda is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: you must specify the filesystem type

Tried several time rebooting device to start over but getting the same result every time. Awkward is that after a reboot the partitions "/dev/nanda" and "/dev/nandb" which have been created and verified during the cubian-nandinstall have vanished ... no signs of them anymore.

This makes me believe, that the partition table is not written to the NAND ... but why would nand-part be able to verify them???

Very awkward.

denghongcai commented 9 years ago

same problem

nahci13 commented 9 years ago

same problem!

salvadormarcos commented 9 years ago

I had same problem in Cubieboard2 A20

michalliu commented 9 years ago

Wired, I didn't change anything. Seems your nand partition is damaged, follow this article

You can try to flash a lubuntu into nand, then use nandinstall again

denghongcai commented 9 years ago

更奇怪的问题是,当我使用Cubian for A20的r4版本而不是Cubian X的时候,nandinstall是正常的

cs42 commented 9 years ago

@michalliu I did do that and lubuntu works fine! But using nand-install on Cubian X doesn't work. I have the impression, that nand access is somehow broken. Maybe a kernel option?

salvadormarcos commented 9 years ago

@michalliu My problem is same described by @cs42. Lubuntu works, but Cubian X didn't.

felcerreia commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem

paulalting commented 9 years ago

This NAND install is a total disaster and any instructions are getting people into all sorts of trouble. For me, having the OS in NAND is a real want, and I would really like to see the online documents cleaned up and clarified to correctly detail how to install to NAND for the various images released by Cubian.

I initially started with my Cubieboard II with image r4 headless and managed to install to NAND. I then upgraded to r5 and all is fine with my system. But I am now doing installs for for other people remotely and the new 'cubin-nandinstall' simply is not a workable solution.

Many of the problems people get with using cubian-nandinstal with the X1 image I also get, with the best so far being that the following snippet:

verifying new partition tables: check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 OK mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 2 partitions partition 1: class = DISK, name = bootloader, partition start = 128, partition size = 2048 user_type=0 partition 2: class = DISK, name = linux, partition start = 2176, partition size = 0 user_type=0 rereading partition table... returned 0 Check partition table Formating NAND devices mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012) Mount NAND partitions mount: block device /dev/nanda is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: you must specify the filesystem type $

It seems there is not one person who has said it has been successful.

And this procedure of installing another dist like lubutu to get NAND working is, I have to say, has got total warts on it. It's plain stupid.

I am about to put back an r4 image and then try to retrace my steps to get it installed to NAND and then see if I can upgrade.

I notice there is no longer any r5 image in the downloads section, why?

Yes, you might assume I am frustrated, and am so due to the lack of clarity in a number of areas especially to do with NAND install in what otherwise seems to be an ok distribution for Cubieboard.

solstag commented 9 years ago

I'm having this issue as well. Issue #427 seems very related to this.

solstag commented 9 years ago

I've now noticed that any access to the nand on my board running Cubian from the SSD brings up messages in dmesg starting with:

 wrong chip number ,rb_mode = 1, bank = 127, chip = 0, chip info = 1
PHY_PageRead : beyond chip count

Maybe this means something to somebody out there and can point to a fix : P

gghyoo commented 9 years ago

我这里给出一个变通的方法,即先用R4的版本刷入到卡里,然后在从R4升级到R5即(X1),使用cubian-update 升级到X1的系统,然后再使用cubian-nandinstall 来烧写NAND。


具体执行命令, sudo mount /dev/nandb /mnt/nandb vim /mnt/nandb/boot/uEnv.txt 將 root=/dev/nandc 改為 root=/dev/nandb

I give a alternative method.

First use R4 with sd-card, enter the cubian system, and use cubian-update to update system to X1, and then use cubian-nandinstall to install system to NAND,

after that, if you boot with nand, you will get "Rebooting in 10 seconds..", so , you should change the uEnv.txt, boot with sd-card. Use the following cmds:

sudo mount /dev/nandb /mnt/nandb vim /mnt/nandb/boot/uEnv.txt

change "root=/dev/nandc" to "root=/dev/nandb"

BTW, My network do that very slow, but I get success.

bergpb commented 7 years ago

this not working for me, every try i have the log:

cubie@Cubian:~$ sudo cubian-nandinstall

Your data on /dev/nand will lost, Are you sure to continue?[y/n] y Re-partitioning NAND device check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 all partition tables are bad! check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000

ready to write new partition tables: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 2 partitions partition 1: class = DISK, name = bootloader, partition start = 128, partition size = 2048 user_type=0 partition 2: class = DISK, name = linux, partition start = 2176, partition size = 0 user_type=0

write new partition tables? (Y/N)

verifying new partition tables: check partition table copy 0: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 1: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 2: mbr: version 0x30303030, magic 00000000 magic 00000000 is not softw411 check partition table copy 3: mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 OK mbr: version 0x00000200, magic softw411 2 partitions partition 1: class = DISK, name = bootloader, partition start = 128, partition size = 2048 user_type=0 partition 2: class = DISK, name = linux, partition start = 2176, partition size = 0 user_type=0 rereading partition table... returned 0 Check partition table Formating NAND devices mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012) Mount NAND partitions mount: block device /dev/nanda is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: you must specify the filesystem type