cubieplayer / Cubian

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youtube videos freezes (Cubietruck) #378

Open Daniel-Medeiros opened 9 years ago

Daniel-Medeiros commented 9 years ago

while i play a youtube video i cannot watch it just freezes and go lagging like slides is there anything i can do to solve it? i already tried other browsers and same issue. (obs: the problem happens even if it is in 240p, 360p and 480p and i cannot dream of playing a full hd video, please any help is appreciated)

nocolour commented 9 years ago

what board u are using? cubieboard1, cubieboard2 or cubietruck? A10 using Mali mp (single core), A20 using Mali MP2 (dual core). I tested with chronium-browser on cubietruck(A20) with 360p is ok. update your kernel and chronium-browser. You can try install youtube html5 extension plugin for browser.

Daniel-Medeiros commented 9 years ago

sorry i did not mention the board now i just edited it is cubietruck, does the power ampers matter when i play videos? it gets laggy i have only 1 amp charger would like to get a 2 or 3 amp but don't know where they're sold, i just flashed cubian on my board so it is new, i tried before and had the same problem, also wifi doesn't show me anything wrong for everyone else or just me? need some help please!

nocolour commented 9 years ago

Run cubietruck with 1Amp powerbank so far no problem. If power issue your board will keep reboot. Have you try update from apt-get. it get laggy maybe the bug issue. I try on chromuim browser with 360p video is acceptable. Flash video will cause high CPU usage.!!! Maybe software or driver bug. Play mpeg4 video on 720p 2GB file with SMplayer very smooth.

try do this: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade linux-image-3.4.79-sun7i sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

or reinstall chromium browser sudo apt-get remove chromium-browser sudo apt-get install chromium-browser sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra

Daniel-Medeiros commented 9 years ago

hmm i will try those but what about my sd card class 4 does it matter for playing videos? i am trying to copy to nand with cubian-nandinstall but i am facing other problems :(

michalliu commented 9 years ago

Flash videos is using CPU to decode video stream. SMPlayer is using a special driver supports hardware decoding.

fspegni commented 9 years ago

I have a 2amp charger, and a class 10 SD card, but still my flash player stutters and uses CPU at 100%, so I think they don't make any difference.

If the problem is that flash videos use CPU to decode video stream, would it change something if I recompile one of the free flash players in debian (see on the cubietruck?

Can I then tell chromium to use the compiled flash player instead of its own?

I'm asking in case someone already tried and can give me a piece of advice ...

michalliu commented 9 years ago

No, chrome's flashplayer is pepperflash, it's closed source

fspegni commented 9 years ago

So I tried to use gnash instead of pepperflash. I opened chromium-browser at this address: chrome://plugins/ and disabled Adobe Flash player. Then I apt-get installed browser-plugin-gnash and I opened again chrome://plugins. I checked that the Shockave flash plugin appeared, but now I cannot play any youtube video.

Just to summarize: I'm trying to use gnash (open source flash player) instead of closed source ones, hoping that someone knows how to tweak with it to make use of cubieboard 3d acceleration.