cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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Request feature for Cubietruck #398

Open Daniel-Medeiros opened 9 years ago

Daniel-Medeiros commented 9 years ago

I ask if it is possible to have Support dual head monitor, VGA+HDMI, same content, 720p default this feature is on ubuntu-desktop

this way we won't need 2 images but just one for hdmi + vga

Thank you!

michalliu commented 9 years ago

Ok, I will create a wiki about this issue

michalliu commented 9 years ago

Change the fex file using this disp_init configuration Not tested, but should work, be sure backup your original configs

disp_init_enable = 1
disp_mode = 4
screen0_output_type = 4  //VGA output
screen0_output_mode = 4
screen1_output_type = 3 //HDMI output
screen1_output_mode = 4
fb0_width = 1024
fb0_height = 768
fb0_framebuffer_num = 2
fb0_format = 10
fb0_pixel_sequence = 0
fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 1
fb1_width = 1024
fb1_height = 768
fb1_framebuffer_num = 2
fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 0
Daniel-Medeiros commented 9 years ago

So does it mean next cubian will come with only one image for cubitruck? thank you!