cubieplayer / Cubian

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cubian-x1-a20-hdmi does not boot ! (solved) #415

Closed tofan8 closed 9 years ago

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

hi i get Cubian-desktop-x1-a20-hdmi.img and write that on sd card with "Win32DiskImager" when i press power button green led is Bright for about 7 second after that start blinking for ever time of blinking is Fixed and blue led is totally off img file md5 : D218301DA4DB2EB4CA9A6173BF0B67C5 i don't have cubieboard in dhcp table on router I've already older version of cubian on my sd card and work without problem but x1 version looks don't start thanks

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

i think i trap in first boot cubian-config i dont have hdmi diplayer i just connect a keyboard , What are the keys to skip cubian-config ? after skip cubian-config network started and i can connect with ssh .

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

ok i wait more times , near 5 minute and cubieboard start successfully

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

ok i press cntrl+alt+f2 and see in random boot freez in random steps . every 10 times try to boot cubian start !

kristjanvalur commented 9 years ago

Looks like the problem that I had. You need to see this: Basically, after extracting the image, you need to replace /boot/script.bin with one that is provided above. This sets the cpu frequency to a more conservative value during the boot process.

Then, take a look at this:

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

thanks very much kristjanvalur . that resolve my problem. after boot i run command "top" and see atd is in the top and use 45% of cpu ! what is it ? and when i use cpuburn-sunxi after 2 minute cubie poweroff !

kristjanvalur commented 9 years ago

Hi. This also happened to me, but only after I followed these steps:
apt-get update && apt-get install linux-image

(I actually had to select a kernel, and it was the 7i kernel)

Anyway. I tried again, installing the os to the flash card, then updating script.bin and it started up fine. I then did: cubian-update --verbose --update-board-cfg and apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

after rebooting, everything was fine. I don't know what was causing atd to take all the cpu, I think it had something to do with trying to upgrade the kernel.

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

thanks you uses cubieboard 2 ? can u put your script.bin ?

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

can you test your cpu stability with cpuburn-sunxi ?

kristjanvalur commented 9 years ago

I just used this one: I don't have this board anymore, so I cannot do the cpuburn-sunxi.

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

thanks kristjanvalur . Well my boot problem solved but cubie is not stable in 1000mhz feq . and "atd" run in start and most cpu usage !

tofan8 commented 9 years ago

ok i run this command : sudo service atd stop sudo find /var/spool/cron.d -type f -delete sudo service atd start and atd sleep :D