cubieplayer / Cubian

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online video playback lagged on A20 #422

Open KangbingZhao opened 9 years ago

KangbingZhao commented 9 years ago

I install cubian X for cubieboard 2,and the smplayer is so cool! Most of my video files are perfect even for 1080P. But if I open an online video, the fps is very low which is unbearable. I install the system in a class 10 SD card, so I think disk speed is not the bootleneck. Although the smplayer is so great for downloaded files, is it possible to accelerate the online video as a plugin like "Gecko Media Player"? Its description is "Gecko Media Player is a browser plug-in that uses GNOME MPlayer and Mplayer to play media in a browser". Or could the codec lib for smplayer be used in XBMC? I try some versions XBMC but they cannot playback files as good as smplayer. I want to add online video acceleration but I have no idea to do it. Any one can help?

danfos commented 9 years ago

Would be good if you can get an idea on what is the bottleneck:

KangbingZhao commented 9 years ago

thte network bandwidth is enough,and the disk usage is low. But the processor is overloaded. So I think
the brower uses CPUs to decode video not the CedarX. Is it impossible to use CedarX to accelarate online video? Or use CedarX in XBMC?

danfos commented 9 years ago

Have a look at and

KangbingZhao commented 9 years ago

I know CedarX and XBMC on Cubieboard. But what I want to know is ,is it impossible that XBMC could work as good as when I playback local video file? I try several versions of XBMC,but they don't work properly, while the SMplayer in cubian X performs better.