cubieplayer / Cubian

Debian for Cubieboard
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Dont use ext4 for /boot partition #446

Closed vovcacik closed 6 years ago

vovcacik commented 9 years ago

Hi, please dont use ext4 for the /boot partition. It's not reliable (1) and may lead to ext4fs_devread read outside partition and invalid extent block errors on boot (2). There seems to be patch however.

Existing /boot partitions can be fixed online with:

sudo mkdir /boot.bak
sudo cp -avr /boot/* /boot.bak
sudo rm -r /boot.bak/lost+found

sudo umount /boot
sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/mmcblk0p1
# update fs type in /etc/fstab
sudo mount /boot

sudo cp -avr /boot.bak/* /boot

Note that I use ext2, but FAT is recommended and used by other cubieboard (and raspberry pi) distros to my best knowledge.